Reviews from

in the past

This was my "proper" introduction to tactical RPGs. Hands down an impressive game from an indie studio. I have not played Final Fantasy Tactics (yet), but I've seen people say this game emulated it very well while still being distinctive on its own.

The class system is deep and the amount of builds each of your units could have is endless. The plot, though nothing groundbreaking, is quite unique and properly written. The interaction between the main characters add so much life into the game, too.

Le puedes llamar copia u homenaje, pero el parecido a Final Fantasy Tactics es evidente. El arte no es especialmente bonito y la historia está bien sin más pero compensa con unas batallas y sistema de clases notable.

I only got about 5 hours in to this and didn't feel like continuing. There are definitely times where I'm really in the mood for a Tactical RPG, and I think I just wasn't at the time. I also played it on PC which may have hindered my enjoyment. I think this might be a fun thing to play on a handheld like the Switch.

I play off and on, dont get very far.

Copia barata mala de cualquier final fantasy tactics

It very much wears its FFTA influence on its sleeve, and the story and setting are bland but serviceable. However, it's influenced by FFTA which is a good game so it ends up being a good game by association. You can cheese the sidequests by setting your system clock forward, which let you breeze through the game, which is nice

My favorite SRPG gameplay of any game to date. Story is solid as well. The art gets the job done haha.

I loved the gameplay so much I put a few hundred hours into modding it.

- Job system and combination.

- The art style is a little bland and unrefined.
- Battles are a bit slow and grindy.
- Story did not manage to keep me invested.

- Soundtrack is repetitive.
- Battle becomes boring after a few hours in.

Just about as close as a game has come to properly emulating what made Final Fantasy Tactics so special from a mechanics standpoint, and it's blatantly obvious that the entire thing is one big love letter to FFT, but it's not without its issues.

If you're an FFT fan, you should definitely check it out, but don't expect anything mind-blowing.

You play as an arbiter, and your job is to bring THE LAW at sword-point and pistol to all the anarchist savages who believe they know better than you how things should run around here. There's also magic to wield and demons who must die because they don't contribute with taxes to this great society.
I like the premise, besides that it's Final Fantasy Tactics with better balance, but worse art design. You can also recruit a bug. Very good.

Good Final Fantasy Tactics Advance clone, especially with the DLC.

Sadly the story isn't engaging at all, animations are TERRIBLE, but the combat system kinda makes up for it.

If you miss FFTA or FFT for its gameplay, just go and play. Otherwise your plot is in another castle.

Hm, tough one. I love tactics games and this one is very much based on Final Fantasy Tactics, which is pretty much the best tactics game out there. Nevertheless, I didn't like it that much, at least at first glance. The graphic style takes some getting used to and the story seemed so uninspired. Maybe I didn't really give it a chance and should give it another go at some point.

Very good Indie strategy RPG, clearly inspired by Final Fantasy Tactics

I've never played Final Fantasy Tactics despite being a fan of the SRPG genre. My experience was always more with Shining Force, Fire Emblem, Vandal Hearts and Arc the Lad. I heard from friends that Fell Seal: Arbiters Mark was a pretty good indie SRPG taking influence from Final Fantasy Tactics though so snatched it up quite a while ago. Having spent nigh 60 hours with the game and it's Missions and Monsters DLC I can say it certainly is a good little game if lacking a little bit in it's focus.

The story is based around Kyrie, she is an Arbiter, sort of a special soldier that can dispense justice as she sees fit for the Immortal Council. Kind of like a Judge from Judge Dredd in many ways, but less violent perhaps. It's not long before both she and her band get dragged into big events as one of the council is stepping down and something shady seems to be happening so Kyrie decides to investigate.

The game takes place on a world map where Kyrie and her band travel from map to map fighting battle with monsters, soldiers and bandits with the odd town scattered between. Battle maps are fairly small for the most part and you can take on average 6 party members into battle on most of them. Each battle is turn based on a grid system with each characters movement, attack and abilities based on equipment and their class. In camps and towns you can change classes and equipment for everyone as you see fit. As they gain AP though battles they can level up in the class they have equipped learning passive and active abilities. You can equip a sub class allowing for access to two at once. Each class can equip certain weapons and armors allowing by the end for a huge combination of classes, abilities and equipment.

This is both a blessing and a curse to be honest as I found the game was completely unbalanced. A few maps grinding out AP and you can create extremely powerful characters that duel wield weapons, heal whenever they walk, counter attack everything etc. I was stomping everything by the end of the game and the battles were starting to feel repetitive. That said, I was still enjoying crushing everything in my path, I would just prefer more focus on pre-designed characters with set unique classes and remove the open ended create your own characters with access to everything as I barely used them anyway. It would have given better balance to the gameplay and feel less bloated.

The DLC adds even more options with monsters, new classes, missions and upgrading territory but it all feels just like more micromanagement to 'win more' rather than depth. Not that it's bad it's just all unneeded.

The graphics and art are a bit of an odd mix. They both look pretty good in a vacuum but blended together it's like two different games. The character portraits are fantastic but they look like hand painted artwork compared with the extremely colorful 2D sprites in game and they just clash uncomfortably. Though I did get used to it they simply don't work together.

All in all this is a solid game if you're after a SRPG fix as there aren't exactly a huge amount of them like this around anymore. I would love a sequel with some of the fat trimmed off and a more cohesive style. I think the developers would have something truly great then rather than just good as it is now.

+ Interesting characters and story premise.
+ Some good artwork.
+ Plenty of options in how to build your party.

- It's attempt at doing everything makes the combat unbalanced and feels generic.
- Battles become repetitive about midway through the game.
- Portrait art and in game visuals clash hugely.

- A possibilidade de customizar a dificuldade do jogo a qualquer momento é uma otíma mecânica
Mediocre. Não é ruim, mas não inspira sensação de conquista.
Repetitivo, mas nada ruim.

If you're a fan of Final Fantasy Tactics you will enjoy Fell Seal. The game has great tactical gameplay and a good story as well. It's not perfect but it brings back the good vibes from FFT and makes for a great time. I definitely recommend it.

Yo llevaba años buscando un juego de turnos por casillas que me gustase tanto como en su día me encantó el Final Fantasy Tactics A2. Pues aquí está al fin.

La historia es relativamente predecible, pero te lleva por bastantes sitios y te enfrenta a un buen puñado de monstruos y clases. Además, de las veintimuchas clases que hay tu personaje puede aprenderlas todas, pero a combate llevarás dos con habilidades totalmente distintas entre sí. Aun así, si eso se te hace bola, al principio tienes un menú donde te deja personalizar la dificultad a tu gusto y 0 problemas. Personalmente no soy muy fan de las heridas de combate permanente y las eliminé.

Lo único que puedo sacarle es que el final quizás está demasiado enfocado a una segunda parte, y que el farmear experiencia se puede hacer un poco coñazo, aunque no sea necesario para la historia principal y para el final "malo". Por lo demás, 0 quejas, muy recomendado.

I enjoyed the tactical combat and the different ways you can build up your party with a variety of classes - especially the unlockable ones. The story seems interesting enough halfway through, with several fun characters. The artstyle is an acquired taste, but not offputting. Want to return to this game some time, but there are just so many other games out there I'm more excited about.

The plot didn't draw me in much, but the gameplay was pretty good.

Very enjoyable isometric JRPG. The pixel art characters and monsters and great but the 2D artwork lets it down somewhat. Bit of base building (selecting enhancements for districts on the map). Some treasure in awkward places to find but that adds a puzzle element I suppose.

Cool game, but it lacked some deepth in builds imo, still had fun and think it's worth playing

Truly unfortunate. The game has the makings of being one of the best SRPG's of all time, until about when you unlock assassin for multiple characters, and the entire balance goes completely out the door. Every skill, all class identity, it all goes out the window in favor of equipping 2 weapons and left clicking something into ashes. It's a shame, because the first 60% of the game is incredible, but it doesn't last.

Love its sense of wonder and creature designs but the game is completely bogged by its progression and its systems to the point where you can't enjoy the actual process of tactical play. Learning curves are inevitable, but the fact that party members require foresight planning due to later recruited members not having any AP levels (which governs the unlocking of new abilities) pre-allocated even though you can recruit them up to your current level is a huge mistake. And I can't say I have patience for a game that won't let me try to understand its nuances because it keeps pushing me away. Don't hate it, just detrimentally archaic.

This review contains spoilers

Not entirely my type of game. Really cool visuals and the combat is really interesting and the class system with all of the different specs and passives and shit, I can see how this game OPENS UP. Too much grind for me IMO. You want grinds to be easy and hit the same buttons because of how much time you’ll be spending, but a game like this does not have that sort of quick combat. Character customization was AMAZING. I bet NewGame+ is INSANE with this. Has a nice little memeteam.

Battles begin to drag and the plot isn't engaging enough to balance it.

There are few clever design choices. Like items restocking every battle, it completely overcomes the I Might Need It Later Syndrome and I wish more games will adopt similar solutions. Characters getting some class experience by teaming up with others who main said class is also clever way to mix up your builds.

In the other hand some basic features are missing I.e there's no way to visualise your opponents threat zone.
You can't rotate the pre rendered map, this would be a non issue if some treasure chests were 100% obscured by the scenery. You don't feel clever when you find them .

Art style is a hit and miss mostly because all the elements don't really compliment each other. Backgrounds being the strongest element - beautiful hand painted scenes that made every battle and city unique.
Portraits are nice but again they don't work too well with the backgrounds. I like that your faceless troops can have very unique portraits. They actually have more personality than most of the cast. That along with varied model costuming brings them to life. You also see them in cutscenes hanging out or guarding perimeters, nice touches. I liked building my characters around their visuals rather than minmax my way through.

The drawback is there are crowd funding "marks" - some of the portraits are based on patrons and they usually stick out, they are well rendered but lose some of the style in favor of details that are simply not present in the rest.

The name bank was also sponsor made I assume - they vary widely in style and complexity and also repeat far too often.

The unites themselves lack personality and all have generic anime face.

Animation is barely there, but considered how awefuly slow the game can get even on double speed this may be a blessing in disguise.

Despite some harsh words I do think fans of FFT and the genre in general should check it out, even if for a short while.

Based on Final Fantasy: Tactics, Fell Seal offers a tactical adventure lasting about thirty hours in total. The initial storyline is hardly exceptional, although it has its pleasant moments and interesting atmospheres – special mention to the staging of the different endings. If the title never reaches the narrative depth of its ancestors, it makes up for it with a solid and rich gameplay, which brings some archaic mechanics up to date. Thus, the management of consumables is simplified and completed by a fairly simple crafting system: you never feel the need to return to areas to look for components. However, the title allows itself some aberrant difficulty peaks and pushes to grind; this is amplified by the fact that some classes are severely outpaced in the mid-game. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the difficulty customisation is very complete and allows for an always adjusted experience. In the end, the game walks a tightrope: if it manages to provide an appreciable and diversified experience with an abundance of side content, imperfections dot the road (sometimes dissonant graphics, difficulty curves not very smooth, no map rotation, slowness in some gameplay loops).