Reviews from

in the past

One of the most beautiful games I’ve ever played.

Install the Moguri Mod first, it's almost essential for PC I'd say.

The game itself is a flawed gem, a whimsical meditation on the ephemeral nature of life, the inevitabilty of death and the necessity of finding meaning. Vivi, Dagger and Steiner have top tier arcs. The backgrounds are incredibly beautiful and the music is yet another Uematsu masterwork.

I recommend it knowing it is flawed (some of the characters are lightweights in terms of development; some of their designs are questionable, to say the least; the game's tone might not be what you expect/want after VII and VIII; the battles are slow as hell -which can be fixed in this remaster and even more with the Moguri Mod; how 'Trance' works is half-baked; Tetra Master isn't a very good minigame tbh), because I felt a lot of its better parts are very good indeed. I was able to look past these flaws to discover, and be amazed by, a beautiful labor of love.

Una versión super refinada de la versión original, que mejora considerablemente el apartado original mostrado en Playstation 1

My favorite Final Fantasy (excluding Bravely), Moguri Mod made this so much better.

Realistically my least liked FF. Vivi rules but the thrust of the game has no hook outside of Zidane's journey. Deeply uninteresting world and cast with a wretched world map.

if this is your favourite final fantasy game then you are a scholar who appreciates fine art.

Getting super tired of the FF formula by the time I played this, couldn't even finish it.

Subpar story. Zidane is almost as annoying as Tidus, which is a feat.

My favorite Final Fantasy out of the ones I've played. Loved the characters so much even if I do wish some of them got more time to develop.

I hate the dumb card game. Love the music. Love the ending it's one of the best endings in a game ever. Nice story and stuff, but gameplay sucks and SE putting speed up and level up cheats into their games shows how crappy the gameplay always was really.

esse não é o melhor final fantasy por causa da jogabilidade, ou por causa dos personagens ou história

é o melhor por causa da consistência. Nenhum jogo consegue acerta todas as tropes de um JRPG de forma tão magnífica e ainda sair como uma história tão original e cativante. Não tem um momento nesse jogo que eu não queira jogar, nada que eu pense sobre ele de forma negativa.

When I was a kid, i remember playing Final Fantasy 4 and Final Fantasy 6 without any knowledge on what to do or how the game was supposed to play (turn based RPGS). Neither my english was so good at the time but, kinda got the ropes of what was going on based on what events that went through the game. I didn't completed them and just, left that in the past.

Now at 25 years old, I was interested on Final Fantasy 9 just because of one track that I heard one time on a video that right now I can't remember and, I am really glad I picked up Final Fantasy 9.

Waiting for your bar to allow you to attack reminded me to the classic that it was Chronno Trigger and while in some instances it got me sighting because of my party members dying because I was not more stronger than the other enemy on some times, I have really been liking what the game has thrown to me.
Each of the characters starts believing or behaving in a certain manner and after events that the party members go through, the mentality and behaviour changes in a more reflective way in each of their cases(with Quina is debatable in some sort in my opinion), and I really enjoyed how each character surpassed the struggle that they personally had.

Music didn't had me angry nor bored at any time.

Gaining abilities through your weapons is a curious thing, I would expect to gain abilities by leveling up only and while that isn't an issue, nor gaining the abilities with the armors and weapons that you have. Granted, you have to grind monsters and the Ability points that you gain do not help when some characters need a huge amount of AP to gain abilities, but it isn't THAT grindy (or at least in comparison with how it feels in other games).

How you gonna have such beautiful background art and set pieces and clash them so wildly with those goofy chibi character designs man. Needs more 4KUHD orange Garnet butt!!

Okay more seriously, I didn't enjoy the ATB combat much and I didn't find the characters too likeable (Vivi was great but Quina, Eiko, and Amarant were so lame) which unfortunately caused the story to sorta just wash over me as standard JRPG flair. I really wanted to appreciate this classic more but alas. I even replayed FFX recently so I know my fondness for it isn't nostalgia biased

[used Moguri mod 8.3 // no cheats except for 3x speed battles & disabled random battles // toggled turn-based battle mode on about 1/3 through]

Not as big of a fan as everyone else, but it's still definitely a great game.

An emotional and epic contemporary fairy tale.

A temática da história sobre o sentido da vida e a certeza da morte me pegou bastante (provocando choros de minha pessoa no final). É um jogo incrível e muito bem feito do jeito que um bom Final Fantasy se propõe a ser — ainda que a jogabilidade eu prefira a do X em alguns aspectos, a história deste realmente me cativou. Amei =).

Undoubtedly the best Final Fantasy game I have played. Incredibly endearing characters who all revolve around the central them of finding personal meaning to make life worth living. Each characters motives and development are great. The addition of ATEs single-handedly makes the game better than it’s predecessors as we finally get more opportunities for character interactions regardless if they are in the party or not. The gameplay itself is pretty standard for FF turn based, but I found the gear/skill abilities to be a great system for each character. Everything about this game delivers and I can’t wait for a future replay.

I wish I could've liked this game more.

Simply the best game I've played in my entire life!

no se si este es mi fav o el X pero JUEGAZO

Garland vs Ramuh in a beard-off ft Zidane climbing trees like Sora in Tarzan’s Jungle

The devs should've made the same thing that the ones of the modern ports of FFVII and VIII did: being able to adjust the game speed on the go with a single button press. Instead, you have to pause and then adjust the speed. The difference is negligible but it adds up eventually.

On another note, the first half of IX is still my personal favorite: it's humorous, corny but beautiful, tragic and epic. The combat mechanics work perfectly and the fantasy world envisioned for this occasion is just so endearing. And then... it kinda drags out, but it's still good.

Vivi is best fictional character, tho. And the ending is still the sweetest thing I've ever seen in video games.

Legendary Final Fantasy.

Very great game, fantastic protagonist and characters. Had mixed feelings on the main antagonist but grown to appreciate him over time. A wonderful adventure about life and living.

Best characters and story of the PS1 FF games, ability system is not good lmao, but the game is fun enough and pretty sturdy mechanically

Loved it. It has aged a bit with the random battles and primitive graphics, but the in game modifiers help with some of that. The ATB battling can be quite fun, but the grinding out weapon abilities is a bit tedious.

The world itself is also fairly nicely drawn, despite its limitations. Having a proper world map, going back and forth between places gives everywhere a sense of place. I do find the endless toggling and switching of items and levelling gameplay a bit tedious at times, and often find myself going to a walkthrough to see what I need for the next battle. But it's no big hindrance, and there are some fun battles in there.

It's a fun fantasy story with a great cast of characters. It balances its sense of humour very well with the more serious elements, which generally work very well. I found myself caring for each of them, and also at how well each character managed to imprint their own personality and journey onto the overall narrative. Overall a very satisfying story.

Its amazing that this game originally came out on playstation 1 especially when comparing it to ff7. I don't necessarily think its a better game than 7 but it does a lot of fun and unique things while also returning to a more clasic final fantasy feeling game.
By the later stages of the game many of these novel mini games and side quests become tedious especially chocobo hot and cold. I think the story is a pretty standard fantasy with all the expected tropes. I don't think I was really surprised by anything in the story. The main villain and their motivations feel pretty weak. However I think the world building and set pieces in the world are amazing and really lead to a feeling of a lived in fantasy world.
The ability and synth system are really great and make you feel like you are getting meaningful upgrades for your characters however again like most things they became tedious for me in the last 20% of the game.
Overall I think FF9 is a great game and worth playing for anyone that's into classic feeling JRPG's

Este juego te hace ser mejor persona

Oh I have the pc version as well but my main playthrough in on ps3 so...

What to say about this video game.
It is the best JRPG ever created.
The story is deep and mature, the characters are amazing, everyone has a good background and an interesting objective that goes along with the story.
The music is beautiful and the world in which everything unfolds is wonderful. 10/10❤️
I recommed using the Alternate fantasy and Moguri mods for an even better experience.