Reviews from

in the past

See my Royal Edition review: but now on PC! Mods are fun.

I didn't play other FF yet, but XV I was enjoying just at the begin and, as the time and history roll on, I just wanna finish soon as possible. To understand all the content that game delivery you will need to watch the movie made explaining the history before the game tell his own history. The game show us a open world and many boring side quests to do, but when the game is in the middle It become extremely linear. The history and characters didn't get me and the RPG combat can be useless if you make side quests and buy good itens like armor and weapons.

It's one of the worst FF. Nice interactions. But the world is empty and all the narrative is a gigantic mess.

Worst experience of my fkn life

Jogo que nunca vai rodar no meu PC engaveTADO

El mejor Final Fantasy, hombre ya

it's not even half bad the chocobos are very cute too

Named my cat Luna after a character from this game.

Bello da vedere e godibile nelle sue meccaniche di base ma gestito malissimo nelle meccaniche avanzate e ripetitivo nelle missioni. La sceneggiatura fa acqua da tutte le parti; è piena di spunti interessanti ma... Scritta male, semplicemente.

The game play sucks. The worst of any FF game I have played. The graphics are awesome and the world looks really interesting, but if I dont like the combat then the game isnt really fun to play. I tried this twice. It is retired for good now.

Alguns anos depois eu voltei para o mundo de Eos, só que agora jogando no PC. E confesso que a experiência foi bem agradável. Ainda mais jogando as DLCs adicionais, que complementam alguns furos na narrativa do jogo principal. Em destaque especial para os episódios do Prompto e Ardyn, que são os maiores e mais interessantes, que me intrigaram do começo ao fim.

Tentei ir atrás de todos da platina, mas as conquistas do "Comrades" são ridículas, o que me fez desistir dessa maluquice vontade. Quem sabe um dia...

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Lo jugué en normal, no fue complicado ni nada, la historia no llama la atención y el final es aburrido

This is the most divided I've been on a game.
FFXV is a patchwork of half-cooked ideas from 10 messy years of development but underneath there's a gem with great immaculate vibes and amazing character dynamics sewn into the gameplay

Despite updatr, this game is still a lesser Final Fantasy. The combat is unengaging, and the side quests aren't that great.

An enjoyable game with lots of potential, that was too ambitious for its own good. Final Fantasy XV is a (mostly) open world ARPG that spread itself too thin by trying to do too many things, affecting every part of the game.

For an action RPG, the combat is pretty shallow, being mostly button-mashing circle to execute an attack and triangle to warp to the next enemy. There are various set pieces, especially near the latter half of the game. While they are mostly visually nice to see, they force you through some patronizing quick time events. At those points I'd rather just put the controller down and let the set pieces play out.

The worlds that the game crafts are stunning, though fairly barren as it has a handful of large maps, which are the main open world, several multi-floor dungeons, and the two cities that appear in the final chapters. And as vast as these worlds may be, they are equally overly restrictive. Some small ledges you can't hop over or drop down, forcing you to walk all the way around. In cities and some select segments, you are forced to move at a light jog, making it feel like it takes forever to get from one point to another.

As for traversing the open world, initially driving is very restrictive, being forced to stay on the main road, making you have to run (with limited running stamina) if its in the middle of a field. Thankfully, after some side quests, chocobos are unlocked to make that travel a bit easier, as well as an upgrade to the car that allows you to drive almost anywhere.

Button prompts throughout the game though are a nightmare. With jumping being tied to the same button as the action button, it is a terrible time trying to pick stuff up / activating some objects. Additionally, picking stuff up also takes way too long. You can only pick items up one at a time, and it has to play the entire animation with some additional load time right after before you can pick up the next thing.

The story crafted needs too much backstory for all of its characters, most of which are supplemented through DLCs or by other means such as movies and novels. As such, only playing the game will leave you with many questions like what are the motives, rules of the world, or why you're even doing what you're asked to.

The best parts of the game revolve around the open world, but once it gets to the latter 2/3rd of the game, it takes a big nose dive until the final chapter.

Chapters 10 through 13, a section which drags on for far too long, forces you to traverse Niflheim, with all of it being just narrow corridors into small rooms. Prior to this though, Noctis is separated from Gladiolus and Ignis, and without warning, the game forces you to decide between two paths. At least they added the option to play the alternate path in the main menu.

The game completely flips on its head by making this the most restrictive section of the game, and completely changing tone into a weak horror game. The corridors are littered with repetitive jump scares and loud music. It definitely overstayed its welcome.

The main team is what makes this game enjoyable, the rest is either decent or annoying. It sounds bad, but somehow all the systems built to create the feeling of being with best friends on a road trip is so good, it covers all the worse things for me.

Un juego entretenido y a la par, un Final Fantasy mediocre. ¿Por qué? Porque sin ser mal juego, la mayoría de los demás me parecen bastante mejores experiencias

you know how people act with dark souls? where they pour over every item description and environmental detail to figure out the story of the game? yeah that's me with final fantasy xv

My favourite Final Fantasy. I really enjoy the whole "Noctis and friends in a car" :D

also it gutted me xD

An imperfect game with a barren open world that happens to be one of my favorites, a messy Combat system that I can't get enough of, and a cast of characters that I can't help but think about all of the time.

Besides being boring the PC version is extra buggy. W10, 1080Ti, i9-9900K

se tivesse sido terminado era perfeito

This game gets half a pity star extra for me liking it til Chapter 9.

You all know what happens after Chapter 9.

To make it worse, the Windows port is a buggy mess that prevented me from even finishing the game.

Fuck FFXV.

While it is a more divisive entry in the franchise, I consider XV to be one of my favorite Final Fantasy games. The PC port is pretty rough and needs a fairly modern rig to run smoothly despite it's age.

Look, the game is cool, but why do I need to play 6 DLC, read a book, watch movies, read mangas, watch anime, etc. just to understand the entirety of the story?

It's not a bad game but it's not up to par.
The open world is beautiful and exploring it is very entertaining.
The soundtrack is CRAZY.
But the gameplay consists of button mashing and the story is incomplete without the dlcs.

fuckin rules, vibes like honestly no other game, this road trip americana fantasy mish mash of friendship and broin' out, like, it just can't be found anywhere else in games (if i'm wrong please point me to them because i am desperate for more)

i remember people hating the story and i find that fascinating because to me it's one of the most coherent and consistent and complete stories in the entire series (except what i'll talk about later), and it's just really solid from start to finish

structure is where it kinda falls apart, like the first half of the game being this big open world that turns into linear cutscene fest for the second half is... strange, and feels like two games mushed together, and i get why THAT is offputting to a lot of people, but i didn't mind it so much, but i GET it, but the story?! the story fuckin rules

gameplay mechanics, i.e. combat and such, are... fine, but also not why i'm here for final fantasy, so i just roll with it anyway

now that's my opinion of the main game, which i also played to completion at launch on ps4, and loved it then too, and basically my opinion has not changed at all... except for the additional dlc

EPISODE GLADIOLUS: fuckin baller, love me a WARRIOR'S TRIAL story and this was short and simple and exactly that, and the twist on the usual gameplay was just enough to be engaging, but also extremely exploitable, so not too tough

EPISODE PROMPTO: i played the rest of the game on gamepad, so i stuck with it for this, but i cannot stand shooters on gamepad, so that might have marred my impressions a bit here BUT... not so much a fan of this one, it felt entirely superfluous (much like gladio's) but not in a fun way, just in a "we feel obligated to fill in this space even tho we're providing nothing of real value" kind of way

EPISODE IGNIS: damn they really gettin more and more ambitious with these? it was... fine, but also felt unnecessary, expanding on ravus, a character who i guess was nothing and now is something but i never cared about him anyway, and also offering this bizarre alternate ending choice? which i kind of 1) hated and 2) do not understand the point of, until i learned that the next wave of dlc (which got cancelled) was supposed to also be an alternate ending, and ig uess this was the start of setting that up or something, well, that's my feeling anyway, it sucked

EPISODE ARDYN: now this was fun, i liked his combat style the most, although i was a bit meharhharh at the revelation that actually he was a betrayed king!! cause i felt it undermined his villainy, but then learning that he wasn't just betrayed by his brother, it was actually the gods' will that he be betrayed so that he could later help noctis banish the darkness forever, i dunno, it went full on ultra-betrayal in a way i kinda liked.........but also feel was as unnecessary as the rest of the episodes?

COMRADES: i could see this being fun actually in multiplayer but solo it was a boring fucking grind

so anyway i'm detracting a half star for all the post-game bullshit that mostly sucked

ff16 please come to pc soon so i can play that eh