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The sequel to the notoriously tricky and frustrating Siren manages to improve on many aspects, particularly smoother gameplay and better voice acting. The narrative spaghetti of the first game is taken on board with a more refined structure - it doesn't seem as concerned with alternate realities as the first game (or Siren: Blood Curse for that matter). The sightjacking gimmick is also more refined, easier to use and even gives the player chance to control enemies and detect past events.
So why is the first one better? It's hard to pin down but the atmosphere of this game is somewhat different, still well crafted but missing the bizarre elusiveness of the messy first game. I think the key to Siren, for me, is in its mess, the imperfections, the extremely illogical puzzles and overall difficulty - there's a real sense of accomplishment when you are able to piece together narrative strands of that first game. In this one, it's quite easy to take in. Maybe it's the fact that Forbidden Siren 2 is a better game that makes it a lesser Siren game?
That said, the yamibito are much scarier beings and some of the creatures in the third act are pure nightmare fuel!

it feels weird finally playing this after so long, years of being an elusive game only released on Europe is quite the tragic tale


Siren 2 is in general a great improvement on the original with better controls, movement and combat, Siren 1 was design on a very specific way where dealing with enemies were more of a puzzle that actual combat, which you needed to outsmart them to progress, Siren 2's improvements puts in equal grounds with the Shibitos which lets you deal with them as you see fit, combat being very viable as long as you play your cards right and armed enemies can be fought back against, of course with this, the shibitos needed a big mix up to keep things fresh, with more unique types and increased in numbers, turning into more of a game of ammo management and speed more that a slow paced puzzle that you needed to figure out like in the original, alongside on certain characters having unique gimmicks exclusive to them helps the game still feel puzzle-like, though, if i had a single criticism about it, its that made wish for more levels certain gimmicks they introduced

in terms of horror, Siren 2's follows up an approach that was just implied in the previous game, making you feel like you the game's reality is seeping into yours as it links many website that treats certain events and characters as real people that existed, along side with the back of your head remembering how it presented the idea of alternative universes, as it is part of its core gameplay of fulfilling tasks in the past to complete future missions

though sadly, these websites are now defunct, so it feels like some of its immersion is lost

the game in a nutshell is a huge escalation on what was introduced in the original, the only thing missing is the cryptic nature, which they over-corrected at certain points seeing how Normal Mode just spells out what to do instead of actually giving you decent hints, highly recommended to play on Hard if you want a more similar experience to Siren 1 without working on schizophrenic logic.

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This game is bloody amazing. Every pet peeve i had with Siren 1 have been addressed here, great atmosphere, stealth flows better, also managed to pull some good scares a bunch of times. Maybe some weaker aspects could be the cast (i quite enjoyed it so i'm not sure maybe i'd need to replay the first one), and the final boss having a weird final phase where i had to pray it got close so i could smack it around but yea not really dealbreakers.
Overall extremely happy i played this.

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girls LOVE showing boys their mom in more ways of interpreting the statement than one. but girls also HATE exposure to light and clingy deities with inferior simulacra

Potentially better than the first, and that's a major accomplishment. Slight improvements to gameplay and graphics, story is similarly hard to wrao your head around but so worth it. God tier just like the first one.

Eu joguei uns 30%...

O jogo é bom, eu sei reconhecer isso, mesmo não tendo me divertido muito.
A direção de arte é excelente, a mecânica do terceiro olho é criativa, e a ambientação é maravilhosa.

MAS, é um jogo que ainda usa o sistema de "tank control" como resident evil 1, mas SEM câmera fixa, ou seja, o analógico esquerdo controla o personagem E a CÂMERA ao mesmo tempo, o analógico direito mal é usado, num jogo com câmera acima do ombro. Isso deixou muito convoluto o simples ato de ANDAR. Sim, joguei por aproximadamente 5 horas, e não aprendi a ANDAR direito.
Meu cérebro de gamer moderno não se acostumou com isso, é tudo muito duro, e controlar aquele personagem cego é quase impossível pra mim, Me senti um idoso jogando.

Primeira vez em ANOS que abandonei um jogo por não conseguir ter maestria sobre as mecânicas e minha própria coordenação motora. Talvez dê outra chance no futuro, mas pro gamer moderno, sugiro zerar pelo youtube.

I love Siren, but I think anyone who shares that love and reveres it as a cult classic will admit that part of why it's so terrifying is often because of its clunkiness and cryptic mission requirements-- it's a game in which one wrong step WILL get your ass beat, and this can genuinely lead to you being paralyzed with fear. This is such a fascinating sequel to me, then, because it's so polished compared to the original Siren, to an extent where I earnestly feel as if it's one of the most well-made PS2-era survival horror games I've played. This does make it a bit less terrifying. First of all, playable characters in Siren 2 seem to have useful weapons more readily available, and from what I noticed, there's less shibitos where running into them is a death sentence (ie. pistol wielding ones), and therefore you can sightjack and stealth a bit less. On top of this, I do think that the Yamibito and Yamirei are less scary than the actual shibito, and they replace them entirely halfway through the game. Maybe this is unpopular, but the Yamibito especially lose their edge once you realize you can just run towards them with your flashlight on and lay into them. Compare this to late-stage shibitos from the first game, which are horrifying and disgusting... not quite the same. Though I do think the designs for the evolved Yamibito are incredibly uncanny. Having said all this... Siren 2 is still scary as shit, lol. These games are so good at just feeling evil, like something you shouldn't be witnessing.
Besides those minor complaints, though, I think this game is fantastic. It has an incredibly eerie and melancholic atmosphere (as to be expected of a Toyama game), and, similar to its predecessor, really neat folklore. Its plot is far more decipherable on a moment-to-moment basis than Siren, while still maintaining that mysterious Siren fever dream storytelling. The settings in the game are memorable as well, with the Bright Win ship, the apartment complex, and the amusement park sticking out as some pretty scary and unique areas. I don't know if it will haunt me as much as the first game (Tomoko Maeda and Miyako's respective fates and, what I consider to be the scariest survival horror moment for me, Harumi Yomoda's Day 2 missions, come to mind), though it DEFINITELY has its moments, but I enjoyed actually playing it more, fwiw. And you can tell they had so much fun making this! All in all, it's another incredible showing from the Siren team-- it's a shame they don't make these anymore!!
My favorites were Ichiko, Akiko, Ikuko, and Soji. I love Soji! I think I would behave the same way if I washed up on Yamijima (bumbling around and whining, confused).

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Yorito: Remember, no Yamibito.

é o siren 1 mas mais facil

Does a lot to improve upon the previous game, but the story doesn't hit as hard and honestly I kind of liked the first game's gameplay more. Still worth a play.

Sinceramente no tiene las 5 estrellas por 2 cosas en concreto al principio no es nada intuitivo y sin guía es muy facil perderte es un infierno pero sé que es la "esencia" del verdadero survival horror japones. Luego como detalle "Extra" hay que aclarar que los NPC son gilipollas. Pero la historia, la ambientación y en general lo que hay detras de esta obra. Se puede considerar un "arte" muy escondido. Os recomiendo Forbidden Siren 2 si quereis experimentar una sensación de estar pedido y de agonia y de frustración contante (Todo en buen sentido desde el punto de vista de los survival horror). <3 Seguidme en twitch y en youtube

better gameplay than the first
I think the first one had a better premise

one of my favourite survival horror games period

nowhere near as cruel as the original, but in a way I miss that cause it added some charm to it, and I found the plot better in the first game, but the monster designs are way stronger

A general improvement in nearly every area from the first.
I still liked the "vibe" of one more. Especially the music and some of the areas.

They should make more of these lol.

A game where the themes are darkness and the deep sea, to contrast the themes of hunger and heaven in the first game. Also contrasting the first game is that it now also simulates the fear of people trying to drag you into arguments you have nothing to do with.

The Japanese cover for this game is so extremely uncomfortable. It rules.