Reviews from

in the past

Top down isometric wasn't the most fun thing ever but it got the job done back inthe day.

very fun and simple. main objective is just collect money to advance to next level

Клёвая ламповая гэтэаха, в которую играл в детстве. Некоторые треки с радио до сих пор крутятся в голове )

has a soul at least but the review here is the same as og gta

Fucking iconic. Spent too many hours on this and honestly its still charming to this day. Saving system was a bitch though you need $50k to fucking SAVE the game lol

Es mejor que el primero en todos los aspectos (y más fácil de hacer funcionar en un ordenador moderno). Sin embargo, la principal sensación que he tenido jugando ha sido de frustración, no de diversión. Rara es la misión que no necesitas intentar veintipico veces para pasártela. Es cierto que en todos los GTA hay misiones inexplicablemente difíciles ("All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!"), pero aquí son un no parar, y las consecuencias de morir o ser trincado son mucho más agudas.

En este juego tienes un número limitado de vidas. Puedes conseguir vidas superando frenesís asesinos, sí, pero si los fallas no se pueden volver a repetir, lo que te obliga a volver a cargar la partida, como ocurre con las misiones. Además, cada vez que te trincan tu modificador de puntos disminuye en 4 (¡y solo aumenta completando misiones!), lo cual es catastrófico si no quieres estar ochocientas horas intentando pasarte cada ciudad. Son mecánicas arcade tomadas del juego anterior, y entiendo por qué están ahí, pero me alegro de que la franquicia las terminase abandonando.

Por cierto, este juego necesita URGENTEMENTE un mapa.

A bit of an improvement over the first, but still lackluster.

Un cambio PEQUEÑO pero esta mejor que el 1

It was a lot of fun when I was a child causing chaos in the streets while running with a tank, but after playing years later I found it a bit boring and souless. The game hasn't aged well. There are way better GTAs than this one. Progression in this game could be better but the gangs and respect system should come back, one of the nicest things about this game.

Soul making
Sound shaking
Earth quaking

Thank god for actual health and 10 armor.

Spaßig, brutal, aber auch komplett hirnlos. Nett als Stück der Videospielgeschichte, aber deutlich schwächer als die folgenden Teile.

I mean, it was alright. I played it when I was much younger, still remember the sounds and the weird sounds of the phone calls. A decent classic in the GTA series.

Küçükken ne olduğunu anlamamıştım. PS1'de oynardım BTW.

Looks awful and a bit shit to play, but fun for 30 minutes.

Never had the patience to get into the story but YO the soundtrack is tops.

Средняя и Бодрая ГТА.

theres a button to fart and burp shoutsouts to silvia

The camera is improved and the controls are slightly better than the first but it still controls like ass and I didn't really find myself motivated to continue with it but at least I got further in than GTA 1 but still not that far. On the bright side, the graphics are better and the radio still has that GTA charm to it.

Meu primeiro jogo e um absoluto banger. Nada me fazia mais feliz quando criança que sair atirando e fazer besteira, pular com carro sobre prédios e não fazer nenhuma missão porque eu simplesmente não entendia inglês.

i was too young to even understand what was happening on the screen, but little 4yo me got so obsessed over this game that i remember crying because i didn't have a ps1 to play it, so it must be good, right?