Reviews from

in the past

I'll log Face of the Killer on here once it's been added but considering it's only out today, it might take a few weeks.

Going to use this instead as a forum to collect my thoughts on the series as a whole. It's incredible that although my ratings for each of the games can vary wildly, the inventiveness of these games has only ever increased from entry to entry. The ways in which takes things to the maximalist endpoint in the final entry is something to behold and feels fitting for a series largely critiquing capitalism's approach to wringing every cent out of trends and movements. The series mirrors this by having callbacks to previous entries but in increasingly more horrific and irreverent circumstances until the series devours itself and presents a mish mash of what's come before...up to a point. Again, these games iterate on each other and every time you feel like they've explored every avenue of this concept, things are turned on their head. It's a testament to thecatamites' creativity that he managed to get nine games worth of story from BB the zine detective, and have each of them feel so fresh and without anything else like them in video games.

All that to say, I'm excited to play all of these again when Anthology of the Killer drops next month.

There’s just some moments that work so well in this one that I don’t want to spoil but wow. The art style works wonders here.

Another brilliant edition to the series. As these titles are released I find it very interesting how Garmendistirct has gotten more confident with making them as such has gotten more ambitious. The increased use of mixed media, the ever-charming dialogue, and the absurdity of the world are things I won't get tired of. The series as a whole seems like an outlet for the type of weird creativity that I adore.

I am starting to wonder if these games are leading up to something as they barely connected to each other. But if it is ultimately just a series of BB going to increasingly strange places where she always faces some bizarre new threat I would be completely fine with it. This is definitely a comfort series I wish the very best.

tbh more games should be directly inspired by giallo, it’s a cool aesthetic and I fuck w it. also idk huge fan of the idea of reoccurring characters that feel right in whatever situation u put them in. that’s why as a teen I so heavily connected to smth like the original clerks, those are characters that u can easily imagine in a whole bunch of different scenarios. the rules of the narrative and the worlds laws u don’t get bound to when u make such an instantly likeable character as the protag in this series. love the score for this one, very on brand giallo vibes w this screeching cheesy guitar solo that occasionally pops up. definitely smth here about gender and gender politics and the expectations placed on both women and men and maybe future games will delve into that further. also idk I have good memories of being a kid in a pre-iphone world and going to art museums and just being stunned by them, I haven’t been to an art museum in like six years now lmao. every museum in a major metropolitan city is seemingly catered to selfie instagram which sucks a bit but yeah it’s cool that this almost is an interactive art exhibit and I feel like every game in the series I’ve played so far directly comments on the way we consume media and art in the 2020’s and how we are becoming further and further removed from having any kind of positive relation or meditation w art.

No se que me gusta más, lo bien aprovechado de la idea del mundo de los sueños o el hecho que uno de los "intereses" de BB sea la mascota de un cafe

I was therefore eternally consumed in liminal spaces by the mercification of desires and human attraction - and by Greg

Led to a conversation with a friend about the Rainforest Cafe, with which I was totally unfamiliar, almost as alienating as the game itself. The hotel in this one's a very well-realized little nightmare: variations on a recurring setting are used to really good effect in it. No zine joke in this series will top the one about pronunciation, but the Kickstarter dig got me. This is the entry in which it came together for me what the series is doing with this broad satire of patterns in modern consumption, using it to achieve that sophomoric brush with politics that exploitation cinema really needed to function. Loved the hometown section.

First game to evoke the backrooms without being corny as hell good job game.

"People told me what they liked, and I believed them. So I kept doing it, but then people didn't want it anymore. And it turned out they didn't even know just what they wanted. The people I trusted to know, to tell me, so that I'd know what I wanted too. And so I became a consultant, to find out what people liked."

this series is my fav mites, excited for the finale