Reviews from

in the past

one of the most underrated games of all time. amazing ost, visuals and most importantly: gameplay. challenging and nonstop fun, i have so many good memories playing this game under my lamp while i damaged my neck irreparably. easily the best kirby spinoff and better than many of the mainline titles.

The tilt controls are a novel idea and its fun to move Kirby around. The recycled bosses are kind of annoying and some of the levels are clearly not designed well enough to accommodate the gyro control scheme.

Kirby really does fit in the momentum based puzzler pretty well, I would say this is more of a platformer than a puzzler but that's neither here or there, sadly this game never had a rerelease and it was released only on a console with screen without a backlight, really the only way to play this game in modern setting is to have an android phone

This game deserves credit for having a gyroscope built into the cartridge itself to be able to detect movement, but otherwise it's kinda basic for the genre. Generic isn't bad, but it does mean that I got bored after a bit.

Probably the worst Kirby game?
It controls really bad, I feel like the Wii would have had a great port of this game but Nintendo is stupid
I played the switch port and the original since it was my first Game Boy game but the gyro controls are leagues better than the GBC motion controls, only problem is making Kirby jump still feels weird and is very unpredictable
Honestly skip this one or play it for the Dedede and Kracko boss since it’s the best things in the game, also one of the best Dedede fights in the series its actually allot of fun

This is the first Kirby game I played on gba sp, besides side-scrolling game. and now I'm playing on Switch online it's a mediocre and pretty underrated Kirby game I play and this is not pictured since I played this game. On the bright side, this is a short game same to Super Mario Bros level schemes. And Mini-games are good with motion control. Never mind, the motion control sucks to control.

Quite a fun concept that compliments Kirby well but it doesn't half get tedious after a while

The OG forced motion controls. It doesn't feel good to play. The levels are uninteresting. The synthesized 8-bit voices are cursed.

The concept of this game is cute and gimmicky, but it leads to a game that is very difficult to play on both its original hardware and on the Switch.

For this game, you are required to tilt your console or controller around so that Kirby can move. So if you want him to go left, tilt to the left. On paper, this is a novel concept but in practice, it feels clumsy at best and uncomfortable at worst. If you wish to try the game out, there is fun to be had here, but it's a bit too gimmicky for me.

if i didn't have the switch's rewind function this game would've made me angrier

This game is probably decent, but when you play it as a coopposition game with one person tilting a gamecube and one person on the controller, it becomes legendary. The fun scales exponentially the more tired or more drunk you are.

As a kid I had Yoshi Topsy Turvy for the Gameboy Advance, which was a solidly mediocre game where the gyroscopic controls really felt like a gimmick. So I went into this with low expectations, but was pleasantly surprised to find a really solid game. It reminded me a lot of playing with those wooden marble labyrinths as a kid. The gameplay is simple but solid, with a handful of little optional challenging sections to get the collectables. This is probably way easier to play on the switch than it was on the Gameboy Color though, what with having to bend around to still be able to see the screen and all.

This is not really an usual Kirby Game. I never really knew it existed, as we in Europe never had the chance to get our hands on it.

After importing it, I was very pleased about the very cool looking cartridge. But after starting to play I got frustrated really quickly because I just wasn't able to deal with the game's mechanics. The thing about holding the gameboy flat is absolute bullshit. I don't know if it was a thing that I played it on my GBA Advance but I quit and didn't go back for a long time.

After picking it up again for finishing it, I slowley realized, how to trick the system and slowely I was able to come through. I was happy, the game was rather short as I really didn't like the gameplay.

This game is definetly innovative for it's time but I had rather a frustrating than a pleasing time with it. Still great feeling as always to come thorugh something I used to struggle with

Fun and wacky little game boy color romp. The quirk with this title is the fact that it has an accelerometer in the cartridge so you tilt the system around to roll kirby through the levels. It is cool, but the way the game is calibrated for the original game boy color means that it can really only be played on any system that points the cartridge up. This unfortunately means that you either get to play this with a screen you can barely see, controls that are completely backwards, or, how I played it, by tilting around an entire gamecube with the game boy player. This really isn't saying much considering the series, but this is probably the hardest game in the kirby series. The levels require some solid levels of precision, especially if you want to get all the collectables, and there are quite a lot of punishing choices in the level design. The game gets around it by completely showering you with extra lives so as not to constantly have players game overing, but it can definitely get frustrating at times, which isn't really common for the kirby series. Other than that, it's a solid little romp with a unique little gimmick to make it stand out from other games on the system. Give it a try if you can, but if you don't have the precise hardware to get it working, you aren't really missing out on anything groundbreaking.

Played on the NSO service. Thought it was alright, but I didn't like that you couldn't make Kirby move backwards at all, which made it a pain when you missed the Clouds you had to jump onto via shaking the Console in handheld mode since he barely goes back at all. Had to use save states more than I'd like to admit simply because of this. A novel idea and cool for its time, but that's about all I have to say on it. It's a shame, since I usually love Kirby's spin offs...

It's some short fun and very very impressive for it's time, but nothing spectacular. Super cool that they got it emulating on switch, but play it on TV mode if you play it there. Playing in handheld hurt my neck something fierce.

Levels were simple and fun enough to start, but the controls ultimately serve as a frustrating obstacle that quickly destroyed my desire to play the game

maybe it's great on gameboy, but it's ass on switch

El puto Kirby acelera y no frena, y si el juego está lleno de niveles con caídas al vacío, trampas y más mierdas... Pues me cago en el que diseño esto. Rey Dedede te quiero.

emulating it was a terrible experience.
it's completely unfunny, not deserve my time to be played. I don't know why the old kirby games are so random, boring and unpolished.

literally the most innovative but whit the unpolished port, one of the worsts, by far.

debated just not logging but I want a record that I played it. I wonder if the original hardware might have been better than the Switch because geeze this really wants more precision when jumping than I can manage. I love that it exists though. I love Kirby he's my fave little dude

it's so hard to play this the right way, even on an analogue pocket.

Aunque tuve que pasármelo con una versión modificada del juego (ya que no pude controlarlo bien en la versión de Switch, con el Mando Pro), he de decir que este juego, sin duda, fue innovador en su momento, ya que podías controlar casi todo del juego moviendo la consola, lo cuál daría más tarde paso a las tecnologías de control por movimiento que se usarían en dispositivos como controles, móviles y tablets.

The novelty of motion controls wears off VERY quickly. What soon starts off as a quirky ball rolling game becomes an incredibly frustrating mess. Levels seem to go on forever and after the first set of 4 you've seen most of what they have to offer.

Playing this on switch made it slightly more bearable, but not enough for me to sit through the entire thing. Play the first few levels to get the jist and move on.

neat idea for a game but the controls feel very, very sensitive. playing it with a Pro Controller was definitely not a good decision on my part.
If they made a new one with sensitivity settings it would be pretty fun.

This game utilizes physical tilt controls, and it can only really be played on Game Boy Color hardware. It's a terrific game that's fun, different, and challenging without being too frustrating. There's also a bunch of secret red stars to find in order to unlock everything. One of the finest gems on the GBC.