Reviews from

in the past

mejor que el juego base en todos los aspectos y porque la comunicación con tus compañeros es bastante más limitada pero es que me cuesta una barbaridad jugar a cosas desde el móvil así que pase de seguir jugandolo

É definitivamente mil vezes melhor que o league de PC (é muito raro encontrar um cara xingando sua mãe de 8204029 formas, muito raro msm, o máximo que pode ter é um cara mandando duas ou 4 mensagens no chat reclamando de sua perfomance na partida, oque na minha opinião é muito melhor que aturar alguém na versão de pc) porém ele é ainda league of legends, é uma droga, faz mal pra você mas vicia, não jogue pelo o amor de deus

This review is ONLY for ARAM as that is the only mode I really wanted to play hoping onto the mobile app for league. And with that being said the scratch will for sure get itched if you are looking for quick burst rounds of ARAM the mobile app is very fluid and just works well with league.

league with aimbot. still better than heroes of the storm

Good to play with friends or when you have nothing to do.

É horrível isso, horrível, horrível, horrível, horrível, horroroso, horrível, um espanto, me faz mal

I'm gonna complain about this for every mobile MOBA game but virtual joystick control are so bad. I didn't really find any characters that I wanted to play either. I think the League character designs are actually not great. They look like characters a 13-year-old would design in their sketchbook. Teemo is cute though.

melhor que o lol de Pc 🌹

xd ok pero no tan ok en verdad

jogar no celular não é uma experiência

um MOBA bom, q eu n gosto.

Yeah, that sure was a game that I played. Team Master Yi for life, even if I don't plan on returning to the world of LOL through this game anytime soon.

o resultado foi decidido quando eles trouxeram um exército e eu trouxe um demônio

Why tf they gotta make a game where respawn times get exponentially longer. The worst part of any online game.

After many years of mobile knock-off's dominating the market, Riot Games decided to provide a mobile experience for League of Legends that does not disappoint. Scaling well depending on your phone, on my iPhone 13 Pro I am able to run at 120fps with great graphical settings that allow unprecedented user customization for their preferred performance.

The game has continued to receive major updates and events, and soon Xbox Games Pass subscribers will have access to all champions. Highly recommended mobile game that has no ads and absolutely zero pay2win mechanics.

imagine league but a mobile game and it doesn’t get the main audience for mobile games, still better than playing League through Garena though

A great idea implemented with too many execution errors to forgive. MOBAs can and should be right at home on mobile. I spent some time as a Vainglory diehard, and Wild Rift is a natural successor to that legacy. The core concept is really great--take a compelling game, eliminate some of the bloated elements for a widely-used platform, and profit. I find Wild Rift to be more appealing to play than PC League for countless reasons. The shorter, 15-25 min games are the sweet spot and best feature of this version. Everything is pared down to accompany the shorter game time--fewer champs, less complexity to builds and runes, streamlined objectives, etc. Much of the metagame and mechanical adjustments are surprisingly good, too. I'd wager the controls are more intuitive than PC for new players, so the barrier to entry is pretty low. Games are fast-paced, exciting, and more fun to play than PC (though I find watching PC, and thus probably the game overall, is probably "better" fwiw). Plus, you can play in bed! What's not to love?

Uh... everything else. First and foremost, the game is slipping further and further into F2P mobile monetization hell, with more and more cosmetics hiding behind gacha bullshit and/or unreasonable pricing schemes. Riot's trademark selective hearing is in full force and getting worse for WR. Efforts to promote the game outside of China are tanking, with non-Asian pro leagues getting axed and special events focused entirely on China. I'm all for the effort put into China and east Asia, and only wish it would be extended to other regions. Riot is happy to copy and paste the Lunar New Year event into the US to profit from it, but can't be bothered to support content creators or pros in the region. American WR players feel like cash cow afterthoughts, rather than valued players.

That selective hearing extends to player QoL concerns. Inexplicable game changes are frequently paired with inexplicable balancing decisions. Why the devs thought removing all-chat was a pressing matter, but substantively nerfing Aatrox after release could wait, is beyond me. Champ balancing issues aside, much of the game's strategic vision seems to revolve around introducing as many PC features as possible, as fast as possible. (Of course, cutting all-chat speaks to the China-centric bend of this vision.) There's a big gap between that tone and the half-assed content releases on the aesthetic side. It's frustrating because this game doesn't need to be PC. It should be different, less complex, and less bloated. It wants to be something it shouldn't, and makes the Vainglory idealist in me sad.

Beyond that, the standard MOBA problems exist. It's naturally a competition trap, purposefully addictive to keep the micro transactions flowing and server numbers up. It provides zero enjoyment in wins and terrible emotional response to losses. The community is endearingly, grossly toxic. My mental health declined substantially while playing this game regularly. Massive investment of time is required to know the champs and keep up with the insane volume of items and variables present in every game. At a certain point, I realized my time was worth more than spending it on this game. I enjoy being knowledgeable enough to watch people with reliably available, often competent teammates play on occasion (pro play), but I don't need to play it myself any more. The game at the core of WR is good, but everything on top of it sucks.

Better game stuck on a shitty phone

F2T worth the space in your mobile device. Very welcoming: no matter the kind of player, Wild Rift introduces itself and its mechanics with guided tutorials. Addicting multiplayer gameplay that allows interactions between players during online matches. Good looking animations.
You need good internet connection and a good device. and you may encounter rude players.
It was recommended by a friend, who helped me getting started. Then I learned how complex and social this game can be, which is its most prominent strenght. We should play together!

sou melhor neste aqui, me estresso tanto quanto no pc mas no pc eu relevo por jogar muito mal! esse aqui eu curto até jogar sozinha. é divertido apesar de ficar braba com algumas situações.

Nem sei o dia exato que comecei a jogar essa podridão, mas é só rage, vontade de bater na mãe e quebrar as coisas em casa, só jogo pelo Gragas e pelo Kayn

Junkie simulator part 2

O jogo é mediano, a lore tbm!