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in the past

Leaves a lot to be desired. The small changes are appreciated such as the hotkey for the bike, descriptions on what status effects do, and the campfire scenes are cool and adds a lot to a cast of party members that desperately needed more interactions with Brad. With that said, this version of the game is far buggier, it crashed on me three times for reasons I cannot fathom, and I got softlocked in a fight at one point. Glitches and poor technical quality like that really make me hesitate playing this on Pain Mode, where I'd be in constant fear of losing a ton of progress not because of me playing poorly, but the game freezing up.

Also while I like the new boss from a conceptual standpoint, it was beyond overkill. In the advertising it was made out like there was going to be even more content and side areas, but this was the only thing added and it was padded out to an asinine degree in order to make the product look more worthwhile. The fight becomes incredibly tedious after a short while and in total took me 2 and a half hours to beat, roughly a quarter of my full playtime. From a story standpoint it doesn't even add much that longtime fans didn't already know and comes off as a tryhard weird mind fuck that you'd see in literally any other RPG Maker game that covers heavy subject matter. But hey, it boosted play time! That must mean it's worth doubling the price of the original game!

This isn't a terrible port or bad way to play the game by any means, but for all of the new stuff it does bring to the table, glitches and all, this is a pretty disappointing 'definitive edition' of one of my favorite games.

Work Harder died for this

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reviewing just the new aspects of this version will write review of original after

I noticed this game has some weird menu issues and glitched out on me a few times,

new content is ok, new superboss is hard but I really don't care what new content it added because I got the idea beforehand about marty.

new scenes with party members are actually really cute I didn't expect to like them as much as I did a lot of things in this game are more a sidegrade than a upgrade

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Poor guy

Strong RPG combat system
Decent traversal, but annoying sometimes
Amazing story and writing

did some interesting things for a 2010’s rpgmaker game. i like the dial-a-combo mechanica, and i appreciate an earthbound-inspired rpg that’s not about a little kid making friends or having depression. also the soundtrack absolutely rules

Apesar de algumas mudanças continua bom

This is a weird one, I'd recommend it to everyone for sure but most people probably wouldn't enjoy it. The game is quite ruthless, and the story is quite a depressing one with a not at all happy ending.

LISA has irreversibly changed my life & Definitive Edition was a mistake.

your choices mattering in a video game? that shit crazy

intrigante, explícito, arrasador. poucas experiências foram tão emocionalmente destrutivas para mim como esse jogo e me traz uma alegria descomunal ver ele ganhando cada vez mais tração e atenção. sistema de rpg arrasador e completamente integrado a atmosfera avassaladora do jogo, narrativa incrível e demonstração simples e efetiva não só dos ciclos de abuso (principalmente cometidas por homens), mas como ele afeta a percepção da vítima e o jeito que ela interage com as coisas ao seu redor. Brad talvez seja um dos melhores personagens de RPG que já vi. parabéns dingaling.

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It’s good

Playing on pain mode was torture.

Oscillates between an absurdist RPG parody and a heartbreaking (and fucked up) post-apocalypse story of a man clinging onto his humanity

I had heard this game was a pretty heavy game with a weird whimsy to how it handles things, and that's pretty close to the truth. LISA is like if Mad Max were a JRPG with an Earthbound-like whimsy to it. It's a really fun, albeit a little unconventional, JRPG that I enjoyed a lot ^w^. I beat it twice. Once on normal mode with the "Joyful" ending, and then again on Pain Mode. The first time through took me about 13 hours, and the 2nd took me about 7 hours.

Pain mode can be activated (a bit too easily, imo) by picking a choice at the beginning of the game, but it's not exactly hard mode. It just adds a couple extra (and not very hard) mini-bosses as well as making each save point only usable once. It adds an interesting level of planning to the game as well as challenge of just "don't die, lol", but it honestly doesn't change the overall game enough to realllly warrant it for most people, and the 1-use save points make it too hard to make it really recommendable to ever do on your first playthrough.

The story of LISA has you in the shoes of Brad, a man living in the post-apocalyptic land of Olathe after some catastrophe has led to the disappearance of all women and a society of only men dreading their eventual extinction. Fates change when Brad happens upon an infant lying in a field, and upon bringing it back to his camp of friends discovers that it is indeed a baby girl. Brad decides to raise the child as his own adopted daughter, as his friends help keep her a secret living in a cave below their tent. Years pass as she grows into adolescence in total secret. Then one day, Brad returns to see that his friends have been murdered and the girl has been stolen away, and Brad sets off on a mission of revenge to get her back. This is an extreme simplification of these events, but LISA's story takes a series of turns that get the story to a pretty dark place. I'm not quite sure I'd compare it to Undertale (not just because Undertale came out nearly a year later), as the path of the story is linear and doesn't have that level of choice-making, but by the end of the game you will certainly begin to question whether Brad is/has been doing the right thing. I'm leaving it really vague as to not to spoil, but I personally really enjoyed the story and how it deals with themes of 'what it really means to sacrifice for someone else' as well as 'when justice becomes injustice.' I do feel it's worth specifying very clearly, though, that LISA deals implicitly and/or explicitly with themes of violence, emotional/sexual abuse, and sexual violence, so if those aren't the kinds of things you can handle, playing through LISA is probably not a good choice for you.

The gameplay is fairly standard JRPG, but not that typical in some ways. The game has very few areas where you could actually grind for EXP. Most enemies you fight are single-battle enemies or mini-bosses who die when you beat them, so you can't re-fight them. There are some fields of snakes or trash men at certain points, as well as a wrestling ring you can get to later that you can use to grind for EXP, but they're the exception rather than the rule. Random battles are not something LISA has many of.

There are a TON, like 25, playable party members, all with fairly varying styles of how they play. Brad, for instance, is one of few characters who can use combos of the WASD keys to both do 5 regular attacks, or chain them together to activate one of his special moves (a very tiny bit like Sabin in FF6, but your D-pad inputs do damage as well in addition to the moves taking from a mana pool). There are a few more standard spell-users, a couple more combo-users, but you also have characters who need TP (which is basically a "rage" mechanic) where they get MP by both taking damage and dealing damage with their normal attacks. Out of the 25, there are some team compositions that are better than others, of course, but there are very few party members who are straight-up awful. Members who are very powerful often aren't very flexible, and vice-versa. And those who are fairly powerful and flexible strategically are often addicts and that's something else entirely.

Brad is a recovering drug addict from the drug Joy (and if you don't take any or give any to other party members, you get a secret ending on normal mode). Several party members come already addicted to Joy, and if they don't take it they go through withdrawal. Taking a Joy gets you the Joyful status effect which makes all your hits crits for like 1-5 turns (which can be very powerful on a character like Brad who effectively can get 4-5 standard attacks + a special move off all in one round). Being in withdrawal basically sets your attack power to 0 as well as tanking your speed, defense, and max HP, so it REALLY sucks. Your special attack doesn't decrease though, so you can still do special moves to hurt stuff, but it's nothing like not being in withdrawal. You can either get out of withdrawal by taking Joy, of which you cannot buy and have a very limited supply of the stuff you can find (there is a hard limit in the game of the stuff, so you NEED to conserve), or go through however many turns of combat (usually around 10, but it could be way less or even more than that) and it will eventually go away until it comes back again sometime while you're wandering the overworld. Addiction adds a whole new level to how you strategize the boss fights, but the game is very beatable without it if you find a team that works for you. (I personally really liked using Nern, Fly, and then either Jack or Carp).

One of the last things I'll mention is that there are SO many party members (all but 3 of which are optional and need to be hunted down, and most of them aren't too hard to find) is that there are some things that will permanently kill party members. Mostly it's story choices or optional bosses, but how because them permanantly dying IS a thing that can happen, that's why something like Pain Mode with limited saves would be so ill advised on your first runthrough. Because EXP grinding isn't easy to do to grind up a new character, losing a team-mate REALLY sucks if you aren't expecting it, so save-scumming is something that is basically mandatory to conserve your sanity XD

Verdict: Highly Recommended. LISA is a fantastic JRPG that is pretty far off the beaten path as far as a typical narrative or mechanics go. I even didn't mind immediately replaying through a fairly long game because the character variety is so great and the world is just so cool. This is a great game totally worth picking up if you want something to make you think a bit but not too far from the mechanics you're familiar with in a JRPG.

The gameplay and narrative combine to make a really memorable and soul crushing experience. And the extra content in the definitive edition is... passable.

Una deconstrucción de los RPG utilizando un estilo feísta y humor negro que consigue contar una historia interesante sobre el absurdismo del fin del mundo y la paternidad.

Yeah, I’m just not seeing it. I don’t find it as funny as others say it is, the music is more annoying than charming, and the gameplay really didn’t engage me. Also Nern is just unfunny and irritating. When he was about to continue his speech during the campfire scene, I was about to cry, unironically. The music is bland and forgettable to me, and the humor just wasn’t that funny to me. Sorry, but it’s just not my kind of game.

- Visuals: 8
- Audio: 8
- Gameplay: 9
- Story: 9
- Fun: 9

Really appreciate this game's boldness on all fronts, but unfortunately couldn't get behind a fair bit of it. This is definitely a game I'm gonna mentally stew on though.

shows it age. still great. the new superboss is great and brings some closure to brad's arc, as does the new interactions. but it's outclassed by joyful's changes.

A soundtrack that was unexpectedly amazing

Ruined my %&#!ing life. Came back and did it again.

Haven't actually played the Definitive Edition yet, but I've played the original.

LISA is beautiful, heartrending, and very very painful. The game is hard to get through. It's a bully. But it knows exactly what it's doing and it has insightful things to say.

I learned how to cry and kill people

this game sucks but i really like it. it's one of those things you can't recommend to other people because of its contents but it's. very good

this game makes you feel like such a piece of shit and its an amazing experience

life ruining gaming experience