Reviews from

in the past

Muito divertido, jogar com cards icônicos como a Black Lotus é sempre muito interessante

way too expensive but still fun
(consider doing "proxies")

Incredible game that suck me forever into this beautiful world.

Forget the regular mode, Shandalar was the brilliant part of this game. A singleplayer open-world deckbuilder game before it's time. It feels janky by modern standards, but there is a really fun formula here that no one has quite been able to replicate since (MTG PC games have gone the complete other direction into multiplayer-focused titles).

Shandalar wrapped the core fun of Magic (getting new cards!) into a singleplayer RPG of sorts, where you wander around and map, finding locations with cards, towns to buy cards in, monsters to win cards from, etc. You defeat the high wizards of each of the Magic colors and that's it. Almost a rougelike too in the sense that you can replay and have a totally different game. Again, far ahead of it's time.

I decided to get into MtG via this game but telling my friends who actually play it "so yeah, you're given a randomized deck that is about 50% your chosen color and 50% another color, it's all late 90s cards, and wait, you're telling me you're supposed to be able to redraw if you don't have any lands?" seems to make them immediately profess their sympathies to me instead of selling them on it. Greatest character creator of all time.

shandalar is good when you ain’t got a bitch in your ear telling you that it’s a primitive way to play the game

This is the only perfect Magic game. Sid Meier is a national hero

Very fun! Hard to get working on modern systems, however. If you want to play the card game in an RPG environment this is the absolute best you're going to get. Depending on your perspective the shallow, very early stages card pool either aged like milk or like wine.

Magic is an awesome game, and this was an awesome way to play it. It is worth going out of you way to make this run in a modern machine.
I wish there was a game mode like this on Arena.

the way that the game almost forces lifegain in dungeons is incredibly silly and makes entire deck types completely unviable. i wish that the entirety of the first few sets were included to create a full old school environment rather than the random assortment from expansions. a modern day take on this idea would surely be fantastic but unfortunately i dont think wizards will ever do such a thing. a shame.

This game introduced me to Magic and taught me how to play. You might think this was something I did as a kid in the 90s but nope, like 3 years ago lmao. Still ridiculously fun to replay, has such an addictive gameplay loop. Turn 1 Dark Ritual into Hypnotic Spectre is my jam.

By far the best digital MTG game. Offering a rare slice of MTG history, you can play with lots of old sets in a randomly generated world, acquiring new cards to keep evolving your deck as you do quests for villagers to get a chance at more cards! It's very addictive and highly replayable, and doesn't try to empty your wallet. The AI in this game can be a bit schizo sometimes and some of the old rules might throw some people off, like not being able to mulligan unless you meet certain requirements, mana burn, damage going on the stack, etc. Still absolutely hilarious that you can build actual stax decks and horrendously broken stuff in this though, even if it is not always advisable considering you probably don't wanna spend 30 minutes on every single encounter.

The only caveat is that it is kind of tricky to find a version of the game that runs well on modern PCs nowadays, I remember having quite a bit of trouble with it. I much prefer this over modern day MTG offerings and would like them to make more stuff like this that isn't a games-as-a-service money milking machine.

Where it Shines:
Dungeoncrawler x Deckbuilder - 10/10
Sound Design - 10/10
Tapping AI lands during their upkeep so they take manaburn - 10/10

The Good:
This game was my freakin childhood bro.
They don't make stuff like this anymore. The combination of isometric dungeoncrawler rpg with the battles all being magic is just so amazing. I would pay 100 bucks new for a game like this today. It will never happen though.

The Bad:
You can't really play it on modern computers anymore, it's old and it's very clunky and buggy.

You may not like it, but this is what peak MTG looks like.

Note on my ratings:

Treat my stars like Michelin Stars - just having one means the game is worth playing in some way.

1/2 ⭐: hot trash garbage, since you can't do zero stars here
⭐: below average, needs work
⭐⭐: average
⭐⭐⭐: pretty good
⭐⭐⭐⭐: excellent
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: all time favourite

been playing hella yugioh and moved back 2 my parents place which might indicate illness & questionable judgment 2 some (🧍‍♂️) but confident in saying this is juiced. played this with a 2016 mod or smthn similar that added in cards up until then & just went absolutely 2 town with some green/white creature spam. just gets that i like being teased a lil with some perfunctory side quests and random encounters until i can go in the shop & get that one absolutely busted card that'll take my deck from celtics shaq at the free throw line brick machine to the most consistent bomb after bomb pile u've seen since the obama administration. late 90s British pc gaming influence all over this tooooooo every piece of armor is grainy as fuck all the sorceresses & enchantress sprites are just recolored elviras every creature from beyond the grave has glowing red eyes. shit just closes itself automatically when u beat the game too no credits no nayfin this is just gaming at its finest man.