Reviews from

in the past

fun activity while listening to h3 podcast for the 5 bucks i spent on this i guess, enjoyed having 3 OP dudes instead of half a dozen balanced dudes lol

le metieron el mismo nivel de cariño y amor que al juego base, jamás esperé que fuese tan bueno y durara tanto este DLC

Really enjoyed the gameplay in this fun dlc! Challenging fights that kept me on my toes and having to think in order to beat. Didn’t get all the side things but did most of them and felt some side puzzles while challenging did seem a little bit repetitive (too many sliding block puzzles) but besides that I really enjoyed it and recommend if you played the base game

Took me a while to get back to this game for this DLC, but was a fun time.

Great challenges and solid gameplay. A very good DLC pack!

Seriously wtf why is this good?!?!

I didn't think they could make this combat so much more fun but they did! Very nice expansion with fun characters like Donkey Kong and really damn good maps and bosses! Like the base game, this is a very underrated strategy game.

Rare Ubisoft W (now with Donkey Kong)

Donkey Kong is an excellent character addition to the Mario + Rabbids engine and I wish he could be playable in the base game, and was great DLC expansion.

Mario and Rabbids for all you monkey enjoyers.
It's just more of the og game with ten times more ape gameplay.
Truely a gift.

Todo lo que una expansión debería ser. Nuevos personajes y habilidades para poner a prueba en combates con enemigos nunca antes vistos, pero que conservan la esencia y las mecánicas más primordiales del juego base, en un escenario muy diferente a los visitados durante la aventura principal.

Unreal. Maybe even better than the main game.

El DLC del Mario+Rabbids. No soy muy fan de los DLC, pero en este caso, hace cosa de unas dos semanas lo pusieron rebajado a 5€ y ya en su momento me llamo bastante y con los puntos se me quedo como a euro y medio y madremía siento que les he timado.

De por sí el juego base ya es bastante bueno con sus puzles, combates, progresión y desarrollo mediante árbol de habilidades (editable en cualquier momento) y un muy buen sentido del humor.

Pues este DLC expande más la experiencia con tres personajes que casan super bien y alargando la vida del título base bastante. Ya no solo por el tema de la historia en sí, que es quizá lo más flojito en cuanto a dificultad, sino con los desafíos posteriores. Al punto que ha habido más de uno que no he podido completar y que no descarto volver a él en cuanto me vuelva a dar el "mono" (xd).

Me parece un absoluto regalo si te mola el juego base e indispensable, como DLC, se corona con un 10 de manual.

All story chapters completed, all challenges completed (including 'ultimate' challenges), all collectibles obtained. This is a very full-featured expansion, being about half the length of the base game - while there's only one world, it's split into four parts, with a total of 18 battles (of which four are boss/mini-boss fights), a good number of puzzles (with an overall difficulty level a little higher than the base game), then 12 post-story challenges (and a few 'ultimate challenges' beyond that) and a full suite of collectibles. The new world has just as much non-core detail as those in the base game, if not more, with lots of those small 'scenes' of rabbids in humorous scenarios scattered throughout - and without the reliance on toilet humour that was quite prevalent in the base game. Everything ties together really nicely and feels highly polished - particular mention once again has to go to Grant Kirkhope's fantastic soundtrack, with just the right amount of nostalgia while still feeling fresh.

Just as enjoyable as the base game, but with some new mechanics to spice things up. Even the overworld puzzles are as fun as ever. Plus, all the references to the Donkey Kong games were a treat to see.

Cool DLC to brilliant game, Cranky Rabbid is the GOAT

Better than the base game.

luigi isn't in this, so you will have to actually strategize

Great DLC, more of the great game, plus it has Donkey Kong so it is automatically goated.

This DLC offered such a refined, condensed experience that I believe it actually is better than the main game, despite being significantly shorter. Again, not much to say, but the Donkey Kong references in the world and music were super fun.


The major expansion to one of my 2017 GOTY picks was an outstanding example of DLC done right. The adventure still had a quick and expertly paced difficulty curve, and the excellent jokes and humor made me remember how much I loved the core game. Strong bosses and some genuine challenge made this a can’t miss DLC experience.

Full Review:

they did not need to go so fucking hard with this dlc but thank god they did

After playing the main campaign and hearing this was a meaty DLC I took the plunge and gave it a go immediately after. I noticed when playing they have kept true with the charm and graphics of the main game despite the different environment which I loved.
You play as Donkey Kong and Rabbid Cranky which were very unique in play styles and added a tactical play which is familiar yet fresh. The level design and leveling up seem to be more diverse yet more focused then ever.
Downsides I would say is, you cannot choose which party members to bring to a battle. I did not expect a choice of 8, but having Diddy Kong or Rabbid Dixie would of been a perfect inclusion.
For the DLC you get about 50% more QUALITY content to the main campaign. Being about 1/3 of the price makes it a great deal, better still, try to get the Gold Edition if you can

i would not have recommended mario + rabbids to monkey lovers, but since the release of this monkey-addled monster dlc nothing has been the same. thank you nintendo and thank you donkey kong.