Reviews from

in the past

FUCK wasteland chase on hard mode

Metal Arms is the definition of a great B-title on its respective consoles. It was a loony-ass game with robots killing each other, which meant loads of creative weapons, a variety of robots to murder (WITH LIMB DAMAGE), and a wildly comedic story with a lot of twists and turns and setpieces to go through. It was a 2000s-ass game down to the swearing robots.

The only real critiques I have of the game is the modicum of rust on the game being somewhat janky and running like garbage on anything that isn't an Xbox. It's also a game with inconsistent difficulty; some of it is genuinely challenging and will put your skills to the test, other cases you're rolling the dice with how jank or poorly-designed some set-pieces are.

Metal Arms: Glitch in the System has a sort of cult status at this point, for good reason. It's just a well-made game that's also infamous for its cliffhanger ending and loads of unexplored lore before Swingin' Ape studios went on to make their last game checks notes oh god Starcraft Ghost

What a game, maybe a bit clunky in places but had some really cool weapons, a killer soundtrack and an awesome atmosphere. Shame it never got a sequel to lend the ideas a little more polish.

Surprisingly hardcore and challenging. I can see why this game has such a cult following. Certainly enjoyed a lot of this game but felt done with it around the halfway point due to repetition. Would love to give the multiplayer a try with a couple people after some drinks.

An odd cult classic, loved it at the time

This game is fantastic. As another review mentions
"Criminally unknown"
Multiplayer is fun too, I love breaking the arms and doing funny stuff
Tragic they didnt make the sequel

Game solely made to be played by Guatemalan children to occupy their attention away from their parents divorcing

A truly unique shooter that inteoduces the fascinating mechanic of controlling mechs, in addition to a wide range of vehicles and weapons. However, the controls are an absolute disaster and frame rate issues happen often. Desperately needs a sequel/remake to modernize these great ideas.

One of the most fun games I managed to play on the GameCube. Almost everything about it was perfection

Peak gaming when you hear the music from Shady and Mr Pocket's shop.

so underrated - a classic - you rarely see sierra games especially not on PC and they really tried hard. funny story - good voice acting from known actors - putting it on hard mode will kick your ass but you’ll be addicted, just great 3rd person action - fun weapons and grenades good level design just a really fun old school game that holds up so well

Enjoyed this as a childhood classic. Beat it finally in 2024

This took me sometime to beat. I started playing it in December, went on hiatus because of school, then came back to it sometime in April. I think it's pretty good, but I do have some mixed feelings about it. I really like the writing and voice acting. Satire is always inviting in video games. The settings are nice and I like the shooting and platforming mechanics. Some weapons get useless towards the end of the game, unless you run out of ammo then you use every you have. I really like taking control of the other robots. Towards the later half, when you get this ability, it kind of becomes a stealth game. The best looking stage is easily Morbot City. However, the driving stages are horrible and the levels can get monotonous. Even if it's not a driving stage, anytime a tank is use it's difficult to control. There's a "sameness" to some of the level designs that makes it easy to get lost. The difficulty level is inconsistent. In general, this is a hard game without even selecting some of the game's advanced difficulty modes, including nuts of steel. Some parts feel like a complete Battle Royale. The reviving aliens are whack and those flying assholes that fire green beams can go screw themselves. There's a mission that involves pretending to be an ally (I think) that's the most unique of all them. It's got a "last-man-standing" shooting part, a Simon Say's knockoff, and some great puzzle solving. It almost felt like a different team made that section of the game. It's worth playing, but prepared to get a bit frustrated.

Best Parts:
• Mission: Unhandled Exception
• Morbot City
• Watchtower shooting stages that are like Missile Command

Replay It? - Not sure

one of the first games i ever played, RIP any hopes for a sequel seeing as actiblizz now owns the IP

Metal Arms is one of the most unique hidden gems in the gaming industry! Considering this game was released all the way back in 2003, it was well before it's time. Unfortunately, due to a lack of marketing and proper funding, the game never received the appraisal it rightfully deserved.

In terms of shooters, Metal Arms had EVERYTHING you could hope for in this genre. Limb damage, extremely unique weapons/equipment/vehicles, varying types of enemies, a catchy soundtrack, parkour (kind of), boss fights, a comedic story, and to top it all off, mind controlled mechs! Just imagine a less serious Titanfall 2, but without the same degree of high level of movement. Even the multiplayer, though it was limited to local split screen, was amazing. In order to unlock some of the multiplayer maps, you had to find the data chips scattered throughout the story missions, which gave real meaning to the collectible experience.

I'm a bit biased due to my nostalgia for this title, but I have truly never found a shooter game as good as this (warranting a few outdated graphics, controls, and FPS issues due to it's age). This game is a true masterpiece! If you have somehow stumbled across this review and any of the above sounds even remotely interesting, I encourage you to give this game a shot. Download a Dolphin Gamecube Emulator, find a copy of the Metal Arms ROM file, and enjoy the next best shooter in your gaming library. It won't even cost you anything!

An excellent TPS with plenty of stuff to collect and areas to explore. Story is fun and comedic as well. Tons of enemy types to fight and all of them get dismembered uniquely if you shoot them in specific spots.

This games multiplayer was the sickest, I can't remember a single thing about the story except the level layouts though.

Criminally unknown, one of my favourite games ever

This is the best example I can think of for an actual hidden gem. This game has limb damage and mind control in it, and that might be all I need to say about it.

truly great game, just a masterclass in having a few good ideas for your game, sticking to them, and executing. fun single-player, great split-screen multi. a true forgotten gem.

Metal Arms: Glitch in the System is an unsung masterpiece!