Reviews from

in the past

was cool actually playing this with 4 players on an nes

ouvi dizer q cabe num nintendinho mas eu nem tenho então nem muda nada

I don't know. Take what I said about Wampus and remember it here-- I don't know if it's just because I'm not used to NES games, but this game feels unfair. I know a lot of NES games were brutally hard and unfair, but I don't know. How many of the brutally hard and unfair things we associate with the NES would've never been passable if the original hardware wasn't so limited?
At the same time, I played the PC version, which runs at 60fps and is butter smooth graphically. I just feel like there's too much going on. Like, a vertical action platformer. Cool. Why did every level need to ALSO be an autoscroller? Like I saw a few chests across the levels, but I never stopped to try and open them because the levels were scrolling too fast for me to feel like it was a good decision to waste time trying to figure out how to open them, especially when I died the first time not from an enemy, but from the autoscroll itself because I couldn't figure out what key was the attack key to break the first set of bricks on the first level. Why did it need to be a 1-hit health system with no way to upgrade it (from what I found)? Why was the player only granted 3 lives before having to start over? Everything was so slippery and slidey and fast with no hesitation, so I'd end up dying completely randomly because a bat happened to fly into the path of my fall. For a game with so much happening so quickly (trampolines, bats, exploding skeletons are all introduced in the first 3 short levels), it's a little shocking that the player is punished with having to start over (potentially with the entire game) if they don't immediately understand how things work. And also, to be honest, the gameplay wasn't that fun or compelling enough to warrant it being such a fickle life/death system. Like, when I died, I didn't think "oh boy! I could see how that was my fault. But that was really fun, so I can't wait to try again!" I thought "well that was dumb". And I'm saying this as someone who enjoyed both LOVE (which I just played/reviewed literally right before this) and Dadish, so it's not like I'm unfamiliar with or completely opposed to difficult/precise games. Like, even Wampus, another modern day NES game was able to feel more fun and fair than this.

Bonus points for cute character design and nice spritework. But I don't see myself coming back to this one any time soon.

A princesa foi raptada e você e seus amigos devem salvá-la do castelo maligno! A história é a mesma que qualquer jogo da época, mas o plot-twist é que este jogo foi feito agora recentemente, mas PC e um port perfeito para o NES!
Cada jogador controla um mago minúsculo na tela, com o objetivo de chegarem até o fim da fase enquanto talvez competem por pontos, usando sua magia para atirar em inimigos, caixas, encontrar passagens secretas para coletar jóias, power-ups e se se sentir aventureiro, pode quebrar com o check-point ao troco de pontos. Todas as fases são verticais, em que a tela lentamente se desloca para cima, sem chance de voltar atrás, obrigando todos a seguirem em frente escalando as paredes ao estilo de Mega Man X.
Eu infelizmente acabei jogando sozinho, mas ainda é um jogo muito bom, feito com muito carinho por pessoas que entendem do valor do NES e do que ele era capaz de fazer. Inclusive, mesmo aprecendo tão detalhado, o jogo é extremamente leve, usando o mínimo espaço possível para os sprites e os elementos das fases, os devs até fizeram um vídeo mostrando como conseguiram.

Ah, e no fim do jogo, os magos salvam a princesa e... bom, é algo inesperado que precisa jogar para ver, podendo causar uma boa risada

Wir haben es komplett durchgespielt und wussten bis zum Ende wirklich nicht, ob das Chaos Coop oder kompetitiv ist :D

how long has it been since i last felt this joy? the joy of finding a new nes game and legitimately enjoying it, even repeating the whole (very short) run of it to see it through to the end, even if the last two levels got too cute with the cheap deaths.

Holy shit, this game can be played on a NES

Really need to play this more with friends. Loved the devs video where they gave a technical breakdown of how they fit the game on an NES cart with no mapper chip. Really impressive, and they made a fun game!

NES ainda vive!
Jogasso feito pela MorphCat Games em 2019, super recomendo.

The best NES game. Should be played with friends.

An interesting early case in the recent wave of new games for old consoles. Its design is very modern in many ways, but I think its developers understand and love classic games enough to make this work. Definitely worth playing, even just to see a great example of how you might achieve a good modern-retro game.
I played it singleplayer, but it might be better multiplayer; if I ever play with friends, I'll come back and extend my review.
I played the NES version on an emulator on my PSP, and details were sometimes a little too small, so I'd recommend playing on a larger screen than that.

Very fun to play in co-op.