Reviews from

in the past

Played the open beta, and seems promising. I don't particularly like Dark Souls, nor any souls like game in general, but Sekiro is more bearable to me, and I'm having similar feelings with this one.

As Darks souls veteran you come across several clones of the Genre?!.
But mortal shell directly hit me, especially the greedy stone/harden sound of the character in the moment you press the button on your controller.
This feeling of nails on chalkboard or fingers in to a bowl of cornflakes. The twaddle of each NPC gives you the souls WTF moments but to be honest i was skipping the dialogs quite often since i was unable to follow any story here. But the true master piece in my mind is the Combat and Art style of the game. Combat feels heavy, like you lifting a real Zweihänder or swinging easily Hammer and chisel. With different attack moves and stamina management. The art style has the perfect touch of soulsesc gothic environments beginning in the swamp forest world hub to the different dungeons. The mechanic of the different shells has a pokeman like vibe, you want to catch them all. Different Skills give you a variety of play styles but not as deep as the inspiration.
The clue is the possibility to reenter battle after being defeated by jumping back into your shell while the enemies are stoned for a small amount of time.
Like other games with low budget and fewer developers Mortal shell lacks the depth of a full price title and comes with some glitches and bugs. Thus, the balancing feels a bit off since by mid of the game you really get overpowered with the weapon upgrades.
I would see it as a nice ride for approx. 15 -20 hours by jumping into a souls clone with a unique world and all the elements you feel familiar with.
Definitely worth a try out.

Good soulslike. Feels a bit short once you learn the map. Good and tactic gameplay, but not-so-good bosses and lore.

the 1 extra defensive option of hardening makes fighting so much more divergent and interesting, at least over the normal course of the game. Super fun, super cool, super weird. It's as if someone took Dark Souls and just cranked everything (except creature design) up. Weirder, Vaguer, Darker, more Intense. Super good, loved it.

Despite some flaws Mortal Shell is a great Souls-like with fantastic mechanics that finally seeks to be more than just an empty husk of the series it takes inspiration from. I'm only really disappointed by the fact that the devs clearly intended to take the quality over quantity approach and still ended up reusing enemies and (mini) bosses as well as some things not being as polished as they should have been. The final boss and one of the three temples were also a huge let down for me.

Combate legal, interessante, mas é puxado pela cast medíocre de chefes.

Para amantes de Souls like e principalmente do Primeiro dark souls esse jogo tem o feelling perfeito, chega ate a ser mais ''Dark souls'' doq o 2 e o 3,porem com uma mecanica mt intuitiva e original,Saber que é um indie feito por Pouquissimas pessoas o deixa ainda mais especial

I was hooked by the game's premise, having started it after watching the fantastic You Won't Be Alone: this idea of wearing corpses like an armour and learn through the memories of those fallen warriors. And the narrative behind each of the shells didn't disappoint: they all have unique personalities that give us glimpses (hah!) into this blighted world our Foundling finds itself in.

Both in terms of story, gameplay, and aesthetic, it drinks a lot from the Soulsborne fountain, which is a strong selling point for fans like me. But it's important to go into Mortal Shell with one understanding: this is a game made by an indie developer with a much more restraining budget than the likes of From Software.

The game is short and straightforward; easier than Dark Souls too. The gameplay can be a bit rusty sometimes, and the visuals, my biggest criticism, lack refinement. In this aspect, it's not a case of being ugly; no, Mortal Shell does have a pretty world. But its landscapes are lacklustre. In the HUB area, it's hard to even localise oneself because there's almost nothing standing out.

Despite those flaws and limitations, I had a great time with the game! It's an indie gem that deserves players' attention, and hopefully, developer Cold Symmetry will have the resources to expand on this premise in the future.

What a tedious clunky mess of a game. It's a shame because the world did seem pretty interesting. If you are looking for a decent souls-like go with Thymesia instead, much better game.

juego interesante con conceptos únicos pero ni así consigue que lo disfrute, por donde empiezo:

El mapa - intenta tanto copiar la estructura de mapa de Dark souls que lo que consigue es que el jugador se pierda por completo, y que se convierte en un laberinto por el que te pierdes, no encontré lo que se supone que es tu base hasta la hora y media de juego, me dan ganas de dejar de jugar, no de explorar el mapa.

-Los personajes- en hora y media ya desbloqué 3 de los 4 avatares disponibles, entiendo el concepto, pero lo veo sin acabar, así como las armas, que haya solo 4 armas.

-la jugabilidad, lo peor de todo es la jugabilidad, muy tosco, demasiado tosco, el movimiento es muy lento y los esquives van con delay, enemigos repetitivos.

Me aburría mucho apenas a las 2 horas de jugar, no me llamaba seguir explorando le juego, después de venir de los Souls, esto no es más que lo mismo pero un poco diferente y de menos calidad, no digo que sea un mal videojuego, además siendo un juego indie, se nota que quiere ser un souls pero diferenciarse y tener una identidad propia, con las mecánicas de parry y el endurecimiento, los avatares, y demás cosas que me habré perdido por no seguir, pero a mi no me ha llamado a seguir.

Good souls-like game. The bosses, level design and combat feel very similar to FromSoft games so if you're into those give this game a shot. It's perfect lengh at around 10-12 hours and it also tries to do it's own thing so it won't feel like playing just a worse Dark Souls game.

I was thoroughly enjoying my time with the game at the start but the longer it went on the less fun I was having. The core mechanics are decent, pretty good even and the visuals are great, but the level and boss design felt more and more lacking as the game dragged on.

Un souls like que sin usar ni un dialogo en el juego de personaje a personaje, sabes lo que tienes que hacer a pesar de que el mundo sea tan abierto

Really solid attempt at the souls formula that could have been amazing if it had more time/ manpower. Some annoying glitches and inconsistent quality in the level design are my two big gripes. The game's combat is fun though, and there are some genuinely stunning moments visually speaking. Looking forward to seeing what the devs do next.

A pretty cool unique take on the Soulslike formula. Biggest twist being the harden mechanic, which makes your body rock solid and can be used anytime to protect yourself, though it has a cooldown. This makes the gameplay feel generally much more aggressive than Souls usually does, plus there's a Sekiro-like last chance revival system. The visuals are fantastically well made and excellent on a technical level, but I find the art to not quite be there for the enviorements, particularly the Fallgrim area which looks kinda drab and washed out (the other areas are way better though).

The combat system feels fantastic thanks to having very satisfying feeling feedback when you hit your enemies, helped by perfect crunchy sounds. It might be the best feeling combat I've seen in a Soulslike (that is, not counting From's games). However, the level design can be kinda lame and overly confusing as areas can look really samey, I feel it would greatly help if there were more landmarks. I also thought enemy variety was somewhat lacking as basically every enemy is humanoid to some extent. These two things are the game's biggest flaws for me.

Story and lore wise, I have little to say. The game is extremely bizarre and feally out there with its story, so I frankly understood jack shit after my playthrough. But I can say that it is cool, as I love that weirdness the game has. Honestly, I found the first couple hours kept constantly surprising me with how bizarre it all was.

One last thing is that this game is extremely short, taking me only 10 hours to beat. I missed a good chunk of stuff thought, I'm sure, plus the multiple shells, weapon types and NG+ add good replay value.

Highly recommended for other Souls fans who want to check out a Soulslike that actually feels pretty unique instead of just trying to copy Dark Souls as much as possible. I really look forward to where the devs can take it to from here, too.

Bem bacana, mas falta variedade.

I don't know if it's just me, but combat feels weird and stiff. Also it feels as if the game wants to be the new Dark Souls with some interesting mechanics like shells and hardening (they were what made me interested in the game at first place) but they were not as interestng as I thought it would be imo. Also, there's nearly no customization.

la idea era increíble, la plataforma no lo favorecía, corría bastante mal y el juego necesita de mucha precisión

This and Nioh are the only "souls likes" I've ever managed to spend time with. This one is much more of a "souls lite". Far more forgiving but with a very interesting world and some genuinely fun mechanics that differentiate it

Experiência horrível. Jogo chato e genérico. E os chefes são uma piada.

Não joguei o suficiente pra poder opinar, mas a apresentação visual é bem surpreendente

Fui extremamente hypado para jogar e achei um saco :)

Nunca fiquei tão frustrado com os controles de um jogo como esse aqui pqp, a movimentação travada, todos os boss tem duas vidas, e o chefe final é terrível. Só tenho sentimentos de ódio e rancor por essa porcaria

I wanted to love this but unfortunately I just couldn't. As a lover of Soulsborne titles this thing just got the difficulty tuning entirely wrong.

Ideia interessante, mas acaba q fica só nisso, senti q o jogo era meio vazio e com inimigos jogados por aí.