Reviews from

in the past

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 6: Namco vol 2

The first level basically sells a big adventure but once thats done its down to earth with a real bump as you quickly go from fast and fun shooting to slow shooting in drab levels. Unlike a couple of people here, I actually found this game to be a little on the easy side and even then, the game never picked itself up to the point of that first level. Such a shame really.

A decent shm'up but certainly not the best on the Genesis. As others have pointed out, it's difficult, but that is mainly due to enemies being bullet sponges and having a rather large hitbox that is (somehwat) mitigated by the fact that you can take a few hits before dying and being yeeted back to a checkpoint.

Still, I had fun with this one thanks to its Greek Mythology theme as well as that satisfying bowling ball sound effect whenever you take out a row of enemies. The charging mechanic is also integral to success and it was a lot of fun learning how to time it in order to deal more damage to enemy waves and bosses.

Hated this at first but kind of eased into it a little, still pretty meh overall. Enemy health is a major issue, it feels like the vast majority take more hits than they should, especially in a shmup. Bosses can be pretty nasty too, although at least I enjoyed the last one a good deal more than his predecessors. Also in Greek mythology Apollo (your character) and Artemis (your "damsel in distress") are twins so the whole plot is like lol

Bondage, incest and winged men coming from behind - Everything I Want In A Shmup!