Reviews from

in the past

After 6 games in the series, this is still my all-time favorite of them. Its got the core favorite characters right in the forefront (Maya, Gumshoe, Edgeworth), only 1 wack filler case (which even has some worthwhile funny moments in it), a great villain in Von Karma, and the game just keeps on giving with its true final case, Rise from the Ashes.

I envy anyone playing this game, let alone the entire series, for the first time.

this is an awesome intro to an incredible trilogy of games.

edgeworth keeps updating my autopsy report whenever i present it as evidence its not fair

Наарал на восьми детку за то, что снимал всех подряд, росия, но в вертуале

One of the best DS games I ever played. A lot of text that you need to read through but it's an enjoyable game to play. I like how cases were related to each other.

Honestly very very fun, if you enjoy visual novels like myself. The characters are great and would definitely recommend playing it! Just about to start ‘Justice for all’!

I see it now…. My world has come into color..- Wrightworth,, where have you been all this time /hj

I don't know why, but for some reason this game bored me out of my fucking mind.

Entertaining story & characters, but really you can watch this on YouTube.

Lembro direitinho de estar no onibus indo para a escola jogando essa beleza junto com o meu irmão, me tirava do tedio na escola, amava demais, vontade de jogar dnv, amo muito

A fun visual novel? Impossible.

very surprisingly my first time playing ace attorney, its always caught my eye but ive never actually made the commitment to play it, this was great though, super goofy but still manages to deliver dramatic moments in a way that doesnt feel too comical or watered down. game more or less plays itself of course primarily being a visual novel but all of the cases and characters were so much fun i cant even complain. the extra episode is great but it does unfortunately overstay its welcome a little and feel super out of place. overall i feel like a fool for never picking up this series earlier.

I really enjoyed this game, still need to play the others though

One might assume that a franchise titled 'Ace Attorney' would appeal to players as some kind of legal drama, but for the 90% of people who are turned off by that, rest assured that the judicial hellscape of Japanifornia has little to do with a boring, functional, real-world legal system. 'Discovery periods' and 'pretrial hearings' and 'jury selection' have no place in the AA world, where trials are usually resolved three days after the crime was committed by tearing apart the testimony of a man who came to court in clown makeup or by calling a literal animal to the stand to testify.

Aside from soap opera shenanigans, Ace Attorney mostly works based on its strength as a playable mystery novel, where you need to solve the crime through a combination of crime scene investigation and destroying the Prosecution's witnesses with facts and logic. When it works, chasing down contradictions in testimony and sweeping away the lies in the official narrative to uncover the truth is exciting, heroic, and makes you feel like your brain has a big penis. When it doesn't work, you're mindlessly shuffling through the same three areas examining every object you can trying to figure out how the game expects you to find the next clue, or getting penalized in trial because you solved the mystery before the game expects you too and it actually wants you to chase down a red herring for another half hour.

The former far outweighs the latter, though, and the cast of characters are as warm and likeable as they are colorful and absurd. This a a good game to show to people who wonder what the appeal of a visual novel could possibly be.

A classic visual novel where a righteous defense lawyer defends hapless innocents from a wrongful conviction by an unfair court system.


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Short review of Ace Attorney because why not:

It was a breath of fresh air for one thing, after having Fire Emblem as pretty much the only story driven game I was playing for a while, It was so nice to see a story that was structured so differently. I found myself getting super engaged in both the characters and the narrative which is all I truly ask from a story.

That being said, I do think there is something to be said about the turnabout way it structures most of the cases, as from Steal Samurai on they basically create a situation where there's no way the defendant didn't do it but they managed to explain their way around it to the point where in the final case they literally have the defendant confess to the crime and you still have to convince the court they didn't.

On one hand it creates a fun slow burn victory from bottom to top as you uncover what really happened, but on the other, it honestly sometimes felt like the writers were making it up along the way. Sure there were some stuff like the two shots being fired on the lake and the cut on Lana's hand, but other than that it definitely felt like they were working backwards from the initial premise of "What if this innocent person had everything against them!"

But the writing is funny, so who cares.

the last case of this game is actually the greatest writing ever

For a first introduction to these characters, it is quite the introduction. My love for this franchise knows no bounds and the marvellous writing - not forgetting the exceptionnal localization job - plays a huge part in this.

A Thrilling, Funny, and Unique Puzzle Visual Novel experience that will have you falling in love with it's characters and plot devices before you even understand what's happening. A game about playing as a lawyer sounds like the most boring experience ever, but at the other end you'll be having fantasies of defending yourself in court like our own witty and lovable attorney.

The visual novel that is so good I forgot I was playing a visual novel. A gem, diamond in the rough. Mia Fey is hot as fuck.

Pretty fun, but I didn't like playing it alone

Got bored with the gameplay(uhmm turnabout samurai) watched a playthrough with full voice acting instead, best decision ever.