Reviews from

in the past

Rather underwhelming compared to later entries: out of 4 cases in base game first two are essentially tutorials; another one is mostly unrelated to the overarching story. Case 5 added in the DS remake is a decent enough filler, but filler none the less.
But even the weaker Ace Attorney games are pretty damn good and should be played by everyone interested in detective/murder mystery games.

Really good writing, but sometimes the trials make danganronpa almost make sense

Love this game my goodness. Series is awesome and this one started it on a pretty strong note. Only complaint is that the original only had the four cases, and cases one and two both reveal the killer instantly and case three is kinda just a case three. Case four is fucking nuts though and case five is good if you are willing to slog through how long it is.

Amazing writing, amazing music, a unique premise, this game is fucking excellent. This game could have been standalone and it would have been a masterpiece by itself. And to think, people say Trials and Tribulations is even better.

Awesome game. Since its the first the game feels a lot more "expository" compared to the other Ace Attorney games I've played. The 4th trial is exceptional, and the 5th trial is also very good (a bit too long for my taste!). Iconic music and spritework!

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Throughly impressed with how good the writing is. I gasped multiple times while playing the last two cases. Capcom's localization team for this one did a Good Job

I think the storytelling really makes up for the lack of interactivity at least for the first three cases or so there are some points where the case plays itself or it was unintuitive how to progress. I wish the interactive evidence stuff wasn't just confined to the last case. Also didn't really like the Mia ex Machinas.

But those last two cases? Incredible. Figuring out you have to use the metal detector? Divine. Giving Gant a taste of his own medicine at the VERY end with the evidence law? Wonderful. Perfect. Excellent. Every time you beat these smug motherfuckers at their own game is satisfying as shit. These guys know how to utilize Chekov's Gun brother

I get the hype about Edgeworth. I fucking hate that stupid pot

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carried by the music!

What a journey. If I knew back then how much of a hold this series'd have on me.

Classic crime-fighting game that makes up for its linear nature with anime humour and creativity.

cool story and great concept but many gameplay flaws impede the experience

The first ace attorney has a lot of cases that are weak by the series standards, but due to this game being the first it isn't as noticeable, especially since the bad cases are in the first half when you're still getting used to the format and the main cast. The last few cases are engaging with a lot of good comedy, Von Karma isn't exactly the most nuanced villain but he's hilarious, Edgeworth is obviously great, and I'm one of the few people who enjoyed rise from the ashes despite the investigation segments being a little drawn out.

Played the switch version, but i want to review this game separately from the rest

The writing for this game is probably Phoenix Wright at it's most core fundamentals. The series hasn't yet been overwhelmed with supernatural elements nor increasing bizarre murders to continue upping the ante. So in terms of just the murder mysteries themselves, this game has my favorite bunch. Particularly cases 4 and 5, are really creative and daunting cases which complicated murders but could still have happened within the realm of possibility in the real world. I particularly love Case 5 due to the fact that it feels like you're actually uncovering a giant conspiracy within the police department and the prosecutor's office. Von Karma and Damon Gant are the series best villains.

That being said, Case 2 while still compelling is too easy. To the point that it feel a little bit like an extension of the tutorial in case 1. And Case 3, while not the worst 3rd case in the series was just very boring to me.

Game play is usual Ace Attorney fair. Investigate murder scenes looking for evidence and talking to witnesses then in court, listen to testimony and find contradictions. This works well up until most the way through case 4. BUT some of these investigations particularly in case 5 are really long, and you perform specific sequence of events to get the next piece of dialogue in an investigation to trigger. So without a guide, you might be wandering from place to place for like 20 minutes re-investigating and talking to everyone just to figure out what you missed. Likewise in case 5, to up the challenge, a testimony might not have a contradiction readily apparent and you have to press the witness to amend their testimony! That's fine but in case 5 you might have to press the witness's statements in a specific order to trigger the change and testimony, and it's a little frustrating to be stuck because you accidentally pressed the statements in the wrong order. Things like this are just kinda immersion breaking which is really important in Visual Novel where you need to be immersed to have fun.

may as well log this again now i've finished rise from the ashes

and wow. what a case. obviously plenty of notoriously ass gameplay moments (that fucking blue badger song will haunt my nightmares forever) but when the story it tells is that impactful, i can't help but love it. an emotional and psychological marathon, in the best way possible.

it hurts so much to not give it an 8 but like I'm sorry it's been a year and a half and I still haven't recovered from Rise from the Ashes (derogatory)

Just finished playing this with my girlfriend on the collection. These games definitely are better experienced with friends on a larger screen

The first four episodes are so fun, the writing is hilarious, the pacing is great throughout, and each episode has great characters that are off the wall. I love the slow building of the reoccurring characters or the one offs (Missile the Dog, we love you.) I screenshotted so many of the dialogue boxes, so many hilarious in and out of context pieces of text. It’s a very simple loop of a game, but it’s always fun seeing where it will take you and if treated like “watching” tv for an hour or two at a time, it’s an absolute blast

My biggest gripe is the “5th” episode Rise from the Ashes. I know it wasn’t part of the GBA release, but I’m including it here. It’s definitely way too long. It runs almost the entire length of the first game (a great value at the time for DS to justify getting the game “again”) but the pacing is off (Day 1 of the episode is SLOW and I almost quit.) It builds momentum and becomes really great at the end, but it’s a tale of two halves. Also, you can see the writing is very different since it was written after the first 3 games.

My final thought - the music for the first game is INCREDIBLE. Capcom GBA compositions at their finest.

I was thinking about finally playing the second game but remembered that I never actually finished Rise from the Ashes back when I played this game a couple years ago, so I thought I would go back and play it first. I'm very glad I did, it was a ton of fun! The mystery always kept me engaged and I think all the new characters are very entertaining and memorable. Granted, I think a big part of my enjoyment was just that I forgot how FUN ace attorney was, like I never wanted to put the game down, its crazy. The elephant in the room with RftA is its length and, like, yeah, it probably should've been shorter. I don't really think it drags at any point, it was pretty fun and captivating the whole way through, but there was almost certainly a more concise way to tell this story and it leads to some parts, especially in retrospect, to kinda feel like a waste of time. It's been a good couple years since I last played the game, but I also felt some parts are maybe a bit derivative of turnabout goodbyes too? Which makes the difference in length even more noticeable, especially since I'd still say I prefer turnabout goodbyes. Still, I had a great time! Very excited to finally start Justice for All soon!

Loved the stories. Loved the characters. Loved the soundtrack. Overall just a good time. Honestly it became a bit of a slog at times but I think that’s just the nature of visual novel type games. At least for me. Some of the jokes were genuinely funny, and the characters don’t make me easily bored. Big recommend!

cases 4 and 5 are great.
the rest are bad.

Originally played this on emulator looking for another click-and-point adventure game - later bought it when I got the money - I love this franchise.

when i told the judge phoenix wright would be my lawyer they sent me into the psych ward

GooeyScale: 75/100

remembered that this site lets you mark the medium as watched which means yay, i can put the visual novels i watched as let's plays on here!!! the brainrot i had over this series when i was 11 - 12 was unmatched

Who knew being lawyered up would be dope.

Pretty good start for the series, but I'm not too big on the first two and a half cases. Straight up telling you the killer for the first two from the start removes a lot of tension, in my opinion, and the Steel Samurai case drags oooooon. The rest is peak.

“A justiça é a busca pela verdade, não a vitória a qualquer custo.” - Anônimo.
Se fosse resumir esse jogo ou o que vem pela frente diria que essa frase dita por alguém, diz muito sobre essa franquia fenomenal

Um tema muito diferente do comum que vemos atualmente, e diria que arriscado, devido ao fato se limitar a um determinado publico. E quando conheci esse jogo eu estava com receio de não gostar. Aliás, advogado não é minha praia e achava que a sensação de ser um advogado em um jogo não iria dá certo, mas por incrível que pareça eu estava enganado e que no final da contas iria ser uma das experiências mais diferenciadas e divertidas que eu tive nesse meus anos que tenho conhecimento sobre jogos.

Os primeiros casos são bem introdutórios, pouco tempo e pouca expploração na busca de provas e informações, sendo em todo a jogatina as partes de tribunais ou o clímax dos casos as minhas favoritas junto a Essa música que é a minha favorita desse jogo e quando ela toca, você já sabe que vem uma jogada de advogado de primeira, e a satifação de fazer uma objeção com provas que tem reviravoltas em um caso é muito satisfatório.

As mecânicas do jogo eram simples, coletar itens a fim de buscar provas e mais provas junto as respostas, até ai tudo bem. Mas do nada é que no FINAL DO JOGO no último caso eles implementaram mecânicas que mudariam a imersão do jogo. Inspecionar itens em 3d, usar objetos que tem que assoprar, sim, assoprar o DS para digitais e dentre outros. Parecia que era outro jogo e isso fez eu me admirar cada vez mais a essa obra

Esse jogo dispensa elogios, o que mais me deixou meio intrigado é como de uma história para a outra não evolui ou tem um desfecho interessante, temos 5 casos nesse jogo e só 2 deles que foram sensacionais (a do MIles e da Luana), não desmereço os outros mas acredito que foi mal construido todo o enrendo daqueles que não funcionaram apesar de serem legais (O caso do samurai é um exemplo disso). E outra coisa que fica muito confuso que algumas vezes queinfelizmente tive que correr a longplays ou detonados é em momentos de exploração por não saber o que fazer. Perdido e sem idéia de onde ir, não acho que isso seja uma crítica pode ser até burrice minha na hora de jogar, mas sabe quando algo não fica muito claro nos diálogos e muitas coisas são na "sorte" para descobrir esse jogo mostra bem isso, e para muitos pode ser até motivo de pessoas desisitirem de apreciar o jogo.

Sendo um jogo para mim uma porta de boas vindas a essa franquia, ela foi bem recebida. Pode ter seus erros mas não faz dele ruim, aliás seu futuro não mostoru isso a franquia faz sucesso até os dias de hoje, e é com todo mérito, para um jogo de DS e suas limitações na época faz esse jogo ter um carinho não só pela histórias em casos que realmente é bom. Mas sim como ele é desenvolvido.

Podem ir jogar tranquilo, que sem dúvidas vai ser uma das experiências mais interessantes e intrigantes que você terá!

This game was a delight. The writing was fantastic and the cast of characters was quite charming. The trials were so gripping I was on the edge of my seat for most of them. I also loved the art style, it adds to the game's charm. A major downside of the game though was the investigation. They weren't overly difficult, just repetitive. Traversing between areas was also rather repetitive. Still, it's a solid game nonetheless.

Played this on the trilogy rerelase on Steamdeck and made me realize I just do not have the patience for visual novels. 20+ hours for 5 cases and only two are good (the final one and the DLC), the redrawn sprites also look like ass.

Maya is very cute though.

The first Ace Attorney game does a lot right from the very beginning to get players interested and invested in its world, its characters, and its mode of puzzle-solving. There's a reason people who play this game remember it so fondly and vividly - it is funny and witty, over-the-top but still grounded enough to tell a serious story. It helps that Phoenix is a deceptively well-designed protagonist. He's not a simple self-insert, but rather a character with his own personality, history, and character relationships.

Having played some older murder mystery games, I think Ace Attorney's biggest improvement is giving the player more instances where they get to actually figure things out for themselves and show what they found. The nature of the alternating investigation and courtroom segments means that, rather than just look for clues over and over, you'll frequently be asked to press witnesses and call out problems in testimony. When combined with the campy presentation, it gives the player a very satisfying aha-moment and feeling that they are personally engaged in the process of solving the case. It doesn't always work totally perfectly, but it works very well most of the time.

I would give this game a perfect score, but there are a couple points of pacing problems in cases 3 and 5 that bring it down ever so slightly.