Reviews from

in the past

Mejor que su antecesor en todos los aspectos salvo en ambientación añadiendo una amplia variedad de enemigos y bosses.

My favorite game ever for a reason

This just has to be my favorite game of all time, every time I play it it still feels special to see what cave generation I will get next and fighting probably the most interesting enemies in any game. It made me adore the Pikmin series as a whole and made me the Nintendo fan and gamer I am today. This game will live on at the very center of my heart.

A great follow up to Pikmin 1.
A lot of great new ideas and new enemies, and fortunately a lot of the enemies and locations have been made more balanced.
Although I do miss the threat of a time limit. The ship sucks as both a character and tutorial

Much better then the 1st game but also way harder
This game gets really challenging once you get to the 3rd area and sometimes it just gets unfair (screw the egg enemies and the gattlin groinks) but I still have a great time with it, no the ideal start for beginners but a great game overall

Very good successor to the original game, it has bigger and better levels and treasures. The only thing holding this game back is the random elements of the caverns.

I don't really remember having that much fun with it, and thought Pikmin 3's gameplay was generally improved over it.

My all time favourite game that I truly recommend to others. The game introduces tons of new enemies and bosses. The treasure collecting is fun and something to do. While the new pikmin keep it fresh and interesting. With the Wii's motion controls this game felt even better than when I played it on gamecube.

Caves, while fun, are b pace breaker

Quero comprar uma wii para acabar isto.
pikmin chants

Sadly not as good as the first game, but this one is still great.

Taking away the timed day mechanic of Pikmin 1 really killed this for me.

Pikmin 2 is a brutal dungeon-crawler with minimal time-management elements. If you only like the standard Pikmin gameplay, you may find yourself disappointed. However, if you want an immersive and challenging experience that pushes the design of Pikmin in new ways, this will easily become your favorite in the series.

Dungeons kinda suck after awhile. Considering this game is at least 70% dungeon that's a problem.

To be honest, the first one is much better.
A good game either way. Pretty fun
btw probably the best use of the wiimote in any wii game.

one of the best games ever made, but good in different ways from 1

UPDATE, 8/15/23: I have played the game a second time and 100%-ed the campaign. Opinion remained the same: better Pikmin AI makes it better to play than 1, but the caves are still trash and the difficulty balancing is schizophrenic. Had to lean on the reset button when not ass blasting everything with purple Pikmin and purple spray.

Maaaaaaaaaaan. I really wanted to like Pikmin 2, at least more than this. But a man can only take so much abuse before he snaps.

On a technical level, Pikmin 2 blows 1 out of the fuckin' stratosphere. Way less glitches, way better AI, the Pikmin spawn faster, the stupid-ass bomb walls are gone, and the commanding of Pikmin is fast enough to make 1 feel obsolete by comparison. The lack of a time limit a la Pikmin 1's 30 days and 3's juice supply kills a lot of urgency, but hey, some people may like the lack of crunch.

But I can't do it, man. I have been broken. Pikmin 2 haters were right. Fuck the caves and fuck anyone who likes the caves.

I was actually on the caves' side at first. Sure, their lack of time limit, RNG, and dungeon-crawling aspect goes against most of the Pikmin design philosophy (especially in retrospect with Pikmin 3 being more like 1 than 2) but for the majority of my playthrough I was having fun in the caves. The core gameplay loop of Pikmin is so fun even the antithetical caves felt like just an excuse to play more Pikmin. Then the caves started getting a little cute with me.
They introduced floors with bottomless pits surrounding the entire map coupled with enemies that threw Pikmin off when they shake. Usually right off into the pits.
"Okay," I thought. "I just gotta be smarter with my Pikmin usage."
Then they started dropping enemies from the ceiling I had no way of preparing for.
"Okay, that's kinda annoying, but they don't drop tough enemies, so I guess I just gotta be vigilant on every floor."
Then they started dropping BOMBS and ROCKS from the ceiling, punishing me for trying to work as efficiently as possible, completely going against the core identity of Pikmin.
"Damn, that's super fucking unfair. I guess I just gotta deal with it and pray to RNGesus that I don't get fucked by the wheel of fate on this floor, and also be prepared for the possibility that every floor could drop bombs and rocks because there's no way of knowing until it happens."
Then the game put a 20 weight treasure inside a high-up pool of water on a floor that had no blue Pikmin flowers. And I had 17. And I quit.

Never before had I encountered this issue since every other time something like this happened, there were flowers to turn other types of Pikmin into the one needed for the task at hand. And this cave had warned me of all four hazards, so I took in 20 of each type, so don't tell me I was unprepared. I even gave the game the benefit of the doubt at thought RNG just bent me over the table that time. So I reset to my last save at the floor, and they did put a different treasure in that spot. ...Another 20 weight. That's when I turned the game off and shelved it. I really got punished not because I didn't heed the game's warning, but the RNG of the caves rolled the dice and decided for me to eat shit. If I'm gonna get fucked in the ass, I'd at least like to have the knowledge that I asked for it, not for a surprise pegging after a rimjob what IS this metaphor?

To the game's credit, this didn't happen until after I beat the main campaign. I was set on 100%-ing from the outset like Pikmins 1 and 3 but the idea of redoing that entire cave for one treasure felt about as worthwhile an investment as Blockbuster stock in the early 2010s. And with the one treasure now out of reach, the bottom dropped out and my drive to 100% the game was gone. I cleared all of the first two maps. Didn't even touch the fourth yet. Don't care to anymore.

And it's a shame, fellas. Because I still think Pikmin is worth a chance. It's way longer than the first game; the third game too, in fact. But without the fluent controls of 3 and it's quality of life of improvements, I think 3 is the only truly GOOD Pikmin game. After experiencing the lock-on controls of 3, there's just no going back to the first two, even with motion controls. While playing the first two games after 3 has soured my perspective on the franchise as it currently stands, I am still very excited for Pikmin 4 after the heat death of the universe. If Pikmin 4 is just a better Pikmin 3, then sign me up. Maybe one day I'll go back and 100% Pikmin 2 so I can say I 100%-ed the trilogy... eh probably not.

3 > 2 > 1 btw

improves on the first game in several ways. new pikmin are a tad overpowered though. new enemies are fun. oddly challenging but i liked it. although i miss the sense of urgency and danger from the first game, the overall atmosphere. this one feels much more of a sandbox

La secuela de la obra maestra el mejor juego de la historia una carta de amor a los videojuegos

i always played this game more than the first one because there was no 30 day time limit and i liked to fuck around a lot
though truthfully there were maybe 3 things i'd do in this game
1. explore the first 2 areas of the game
2. go into a cave and try and beat the empress bulblax
3. use my brother's savefile to pull out 20 of each pikmin and wait for them to sing the japanese commercial song i found out about from this video (i think this is actually a later reupload cus his account got terminated at some point, idrk i just remember watching this when i was waaay younger than the upload date would imply i would be)(also he hasn't posted on his YT channel in years, but i'm almost certain that he's this guy on twitter and artstation, considering the twitter has "mm127" in the username (the youtube account used to be called Mediamaster127) and the artstation says he's from panama, which is the same as the youtube channel, which is, yknow, neat!)
oh i'd also spam the switch captain button to hear the funny voice say "olimar-louie-olimar-louie" over and over again

i was like 5 years old this was peak comedy back then

Pikmin 2 is an absurd sequel. While the bones and skin remain the same, all the organs have been replaced which leaves it feeling less like a sequel and more like a completely new concept. It's strange and fascinating, yet difficult to recommend by those metrics.

i wish i grew up with this one as a kid, the levels are so fun to play through the new mechanics are awesome, the removal of the day system is great and makes the whole experience stress free. i love the cave system and the 2 captain gameplay style, also getting the best ending is definitely worth it. this is a must play on the GC.

the purple ones are my favorite. also citrus lump