Reviews from

in the past

I played this game back when I had a doodoo PC and I just remember it running like shit and that's it.

Played a ton around release and enjoyed the spectacle of battles with hundreds of players, but the MTX drove me away and kept me away

The gunfights are so cool to get into but i quickly felt like everything was kinda pointless and quit.

Never seen a shooter with this much scope, quite impressive and ran well on my decent-enough PC. Doesn't begin balanced whatsoever for new players, but can grind as a support for a while. Good shooter mechanics overall.

Joguei com um amigo, abandonei ele tbm.

you ran so fast in this game

buen concepto ojalá lo hubiese hecho un estudio competente porque seria la recaña

I enjoyed it for a bit after it was first released (back when it required a subscription). It couldn't hook me for that long though.

Three-way all-out warfare on massive maps sounds awesome in concept, but realistically it just boils down to 2 factions fighting over specific control points for hours. Still - it did the premise better than Battlefield 2042 did.

Good game, bad servers, bad people, bad company decisions

Planetside 2 has stumbled every step of its journey. The game is incredibly grindy, poorly balanced, and while it has a number of unique features it doesn't use them well.

Planetside 2 is fun to just mess around nd never play the objective at all. I've had more fun flying a helicopter into a mountain than actually killing my enemies in this game. It is fun, but not for the right reasons.

battlefield si los que lo jugaran fuera la poblacion de ciudad infestada de dark souls 1

Battlefield de Hacendado (cuando era barato (y tenía diseños corporativos sacados de un estudio de animación coreano) ).

When I was kid I wanted to play this game so bad and I tried with my potato pc just to get 20-30 fps at most and years later looking back at it, it's not that great of a game but nostalgia hits different.

Разрабы убили единственную в своем жанре игруху

This game was an alright shooter game. It's serviceable but it feels derivative with the only really special thing about it being the MASSIVE amount of players that can be fitted on a single server, and it's free the play.

The most fun I had with this game was with the streams that Ross Scott did back in 2016 where I played under the handle Hamburger FreedomMan where I played under the New Conglomerate and shouted at the other team - acting overly patriotic and shouting catchphrases uttered by Hulk Hogan.

That, and accidentally getting blown up by Ross Scott himself after I decided to ram my car into the other team - only to bounce off it like a pinball before being on the receiving end of a slightly off-target rocket.

Fun with friends but kind of a grind otherwise.

Honestly a really fun game if you have either the time or the PC to handle it.

rather p2w but the fights were fun

Pretty fun. The "big team" nature of it is fun until I was getting demolished by people who played this game for years. A little laggy but it is a pretty old game.

Era até que divertido, mas a jogatina não dura muito, mas tem a ideia interessante de ser um jogo ultra massivo.

An amazing experience at its best, but it's never at its best.

Never liked PlanetSide and never will. I like the concept so I gave it two chances and it failed twice.

Cool and unique idea. Horrible people behind it nowadays.
If someone else picked up a game like this and made it even better, this could possibly be a banger concept and would stick out of the mass of FPS full of just small lobbies.
Big scale shooters can be super fun when so many people randomly meet up and fight for giant bases.
Glad I was able to play it during its good phase and not the hot garbage it unfortunately has become.

Just felt janky for all the time I logged on PS4. I hear the game has been revived on PC, but I'm not interested.

It's surprising how this game released in 2012. Incredibly fun and actually makes you feel like you're in a massive international war. Some of the insane fights i've had in some of the main objectives were experiences unmatched by any fps, though the grindy nature of the unlocks is offputting to say the least.

Such a fun MMO every time I played it. Dead game by now prolly.

it would be more fun if there was separate servers for people who wanted to coordinate, but that's impossible to design.

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