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Ratchet & Clank with pirates. I enjoyed the game but I think it's too short.

I don't hate this game or anything but
why do you exist

Extremely short but its still pretty fun.

As a game, Quest for Booty fails to really be its own, and really just ends up feeling like a copied, short extension of Tools of Destruction. Its not exactly bad per se, but it fails to deliver anything different to Ratchet and Clank, nor provide the extend adventure its come to know for. Its just bare and minimum, and honestly makes no sense within the future series.

This shit is like 30 minutes long

Hard to score because of how short it is but this is fun enough although definitely much weaker than its predecessor

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Just an extended level set after ToD, you have all the weapons from it and it takes like 2 hours to beat...

Very short prelude to crack in time. Yarr mayteys

Extremely short, but still some classic Ratchet goodness

It's Tools of Destruction but short. However it has a much better Innuendo so really it's on par quality wise.

Seriously though its just a dlc that was released as a full game and doesn't have much impact beyond setting up the next game.

Obviously, on a much smaller scale than the previous games, I don't think this is bad. It's obviously on the weaker end for the series, but there are still some fun ideas here that make this a decent little breather between the other two Future games that were released before and after it.

Short and sweet. No filler, honestly not much killer either, but also nothing particularly bad to be seen here, and it's nice to play an R&C game with more focus on platforming and surprisingly clever level design than most games after Going Commando. There're no original weapons, which is understandable but kind of a bummer, but the selection is at least pretty good, and they feel a lot better to use here than in Tools of Destruction when almost every late game enemy had both way too much health and also didn't really react to taking damage, which isn't an issue here. Story is dumb, but it's not like these games were ever particularly well written.

It's one of the best although it's my least favourite from the trilogy they limit you a lot which makes it a different experience and can be very cool.

Quest for Booty is a short transition title between Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time that focuses mostly on the space pirate aspect of ToD and wraps up that story arc. It takes place on a single planet, but in-between islands in the aforementioned pirate-y manner. The first half is very platform-puzzle-centric, which is quite fun. The action ramps up in the second half when Ratchet and Talwyn begin facing off against the undead crew. I played this on hard mode because I knew it was a shorter game going in. This made it so the enemies are HUGE bullet-sponges and Ratchet can only take a couple hits before dying.
This uses the same engine as ToD and reuses a lot of animations and assets, so technically, it's still a bit buggy. The story is unremarkable. Main character needs to find friend, and to find said friend, he needs a specific artifact that is buried with a notorious space pirate. Que swashbuckling adventure where you use map to sail the seas to find said buried treasure and fight undead crew mates along the way due to an undead curse. (Curse of the Black Pearl, anyone?)
The final boss is long and tedious and features some really weird hitboxes, making it a giant difficulty spike (granted I was playing on hard, but it was still very sudden). The design itself is not bad, though.
Very linear, but it serves its purpose. I don't think I'd do another playthrough.

Extremely short, came from a time where downloadable games were super small scale and it really shows.

One of those games I never finsh but should maybe

remember this being my favourite ratchet game but i dont remember anything about it :(

Es muy díver y en la línea de lo visto en Armados Hasta los Dientes, lo cual es bueno, pero por degracia es extremadamente corto.

Nothing terribly wrong. The gameplay is great, and I like the puzzle-oriented nature. The one where you brew a drink is a highlight for me.

I don't mind it being short, but it's lacking in content. Even the other short titles afterwards have replay value, like Skill Points, collectibles, and side missions.

This game is literally 100% completable in like 2 hours lol. It's basically a demo and I'm glad I got it for free with a copy of one of the Ratchet games I bought. It's basically a tech demo for A Crack in Time.

Just barely better than tools of destruction. I think this mostly comes from the fact that I actually had fun killing the enemies in this game. The weapons didn't completely peter out by the end of the game like in ToD and that in and of itself solidifies it just above that game for me. However, the game feels incredibly uninspired. Nothing in this game really matters and it's a largely forgettable experience.

Would I recommend it? That's a tough call. The only people who should be playing this in the first place is people going through the future saga. I hesitate to call it a trilogy as some online do due to the fact that this game is incredibly short and overall unimportant to the story at hand. All it really exists to do meaningfully is do a teaser ending to get you excited for the next game. This is mostly DLC to ToD.

Still, it's somewhat enjoyable. If you played through Tools and think it's overall a good game, you'll probably have fun with this as well.

puedo entender a los que lo llaman el peor de la saga pues en lo que se refiere a puzzles esta al nivel del primer juego y no del buen sentido, tambien las armas estan muy limitadas siendo imposible darle mejoras como en el anterior, y todo eso me parece una putada pues elimina casi todo lo innovador que tenia Armados hasta los dientes, pero almenos ahora hacen que la omnillave sea mas util y no sea solo el golpe basico

"Was that it?"

I actually had a physical copy of this before I parted ways of it (before I started collecting).

Even though the game was cheap, I didn't read "mini-adventure" on the box and was expecting a full game. I was dissapointed when I beat it in an afternoon.

Gameplay is fine, although starting with a bunch of weapons I found a bit weird.

Really this game had no reason to exist and they should have just made it the Prologue to Crack in Time.

A small snack for fans of the series to enjoy between major releases. Quest for Booty tries some new ideas which are both hit and miss. I remember the ending cliffhanger being quite significant and it did build hype for A Crack in Time. Overall, decent 2-3 hour game.

It is so hard to talk about the bad Ratchet and Clank games for me, as I love the series even though I think I only like 3 games total in the series. I don't know, I just would not recommend this game in the series to be honest. I honestly just can't think of any reason to lay it when there are better games in the series.

Why? Were people really clambering for the next entry, to the point where you needed to fart out a 3 hour title?

Also these pun names are getting straight up lazy now.

This game is a booty (booty as in ass)