Reviews from

in the past

Totally fucking broke on my multiple times, giving the zombies invisible and therefore unshootable heads, which kinda sucked. But I guess it was fun when it worked.

Yeah, I get the whole genre autocritique angle, but this still screams of Rockstar getting lazy and cashing in on the zombie trend of the early 2010s.

A fun but unnecessary expansion, but it really doesn’t transcend its premise.

Great DLC.

A little too short for me.

seemed fun, but i tried to play several times and never could get past the town without it breaking

bourré de bug et répétitive a gogo
marrant au possible

Really fun expansion. I like how silly it is compared to the base game.

This DLC is cute! Rockstar has always had a ton of nods towards supernatural and horror elements in the Easter eggs in their games and it feels like a dream fulfilled in this. Short but sweet, it doesn't overstay it's welcome while providing some whimsy into the world of Red Dead. Would definitely recommend around Halloween time for optimal atmosphere!

i hope they try to do the same to rdr2
what a fun dlc

this one's good but not as much as the mainline games

Cool DLC expansion but brought down by some repetition

Cowboys + Zombies should equal a great time, and it is just that for the most part. However, the infamous headless zombie glitch and lack of clear objectives hamper this otherwise dope expansion pack.

Littered with tons of bugs and glitches, but overall a fun time. I enjoyed this a lot and nearly beat it in one sitting. I ended up beating it in two and got lost with time.

This was pretty fun and unique. Lots of funny moments and the horses are cool

secondo me un po' una stronzata il gameplay è comunque figo

Yup, its more Red Dead Redemption. The gameplay is the same, but more annoying because of the melee enemies who rush you down, along with the headshot kills you have to get on console gaming.

The main missions feature some shit i just don't wanna do (i.e. gathering flowers, capturing specific undead), and is otherwise fine besides that. Not exceptional, just fine.

The next paragraph is me coping.
This is also probably one of the BUGGIEST things I have ever played for a triple A video game (I know it probably didn't have the same budget and time as the main game but you know what I mean). You have like a timer until zombies just turn invisible (besides their clothes so you can still shoot them) and it just softlocks some missions because killing them doesn't count when they are like that. I had to do a town saving 3 times because the first time it was glitched, and the second time because I fell off the roof (putting people on high roofs with clunky ass movement/platforming, brilliant!).

Overall, yeah pretty cool expansion, if you liked Red Dead 1.

had a glitch in one of the graveyards where the zombies kept respawning. couldn't finish the game

Red dead redemption: i sleep
DLC de zumbi: A REAL SHIT

De los mejores dlc que he jugado, se nota el mimo que le han puesto

why did they not do this again?

el mejor dlc d la historia rockstar nunca te perdonare que no lo hagas para el 2

the best dlc for a game oat