Reviews from

in the past

great dlc but has one major glitch that happens frequently

This mode is wild and a lot of fun.
At first I found it difficult, but by the time I beat the main game, and came back to it, I was on a rampage.
And getting the legendary horses is a blast.

This is a pretty good DLC for its story. However, the glitches are ridiculous and terrible. It's also super tedious. It takes forever for the missions to show up and I hate that.

I really liked this DLC, it has a lot of charm. The supernatural aspects where really cool, especially the four horses, sasquatch and the Chupacabra they where all fun to find. I also really enjoyed a lot of the set pieces, the bad assery of saving Las Hermanos filled to the tip with zombie hoards, was perfection. A really solid DLC, it's a shame RDR2 never got something as wacky as this.
And the Kreeps made the best song for this dlc, Bad Voodoo is so good.

estou jogando, mas a história está sendo bem divertida até o ponto que parei

el mejor dlc d la historia rockstar nunca te perdonare que no lo hagas para el 2

the best dlc for a game oat

Que DLC boa, puta merda. Eu realmente achava que ia ser só um Red Dead só que com zumbi espalhado pelo mapa e uma historinha, mas a DLC vai além. Muda completamente o estilo de jogo: A munição é escassa, você tem que cuidar dos acampamentos que você conquista porque se uma horda acabar com eles e os sobreviventes de lá morrerem, eles morrem PERMANENTEMENTE. Isso sem falar a história super criativa, especialmente como eles introduzem toda a causa do apocalipse.
(PS: Amei as referências a filmes de terror antigos, especialmente na trilha sonora).

wish it wasn't so buggy with all the headless people

Expansive DLC that adds another layer of replayability and changes gameplay to a more fluid run ‘n’ gun style: Story is more absurd and funny,
Rockstar needs to bring back their DLC. They still thankfully put amazing effort into their base games, but something’s missing when you finish a beautiful title like RDR2 and then you can’t go back in and wind down by killing some zombies.

I understand why they don’t take focus away from their online cash cows, but it doesn’t make it less disappointing.

A pretty solid extra scenario! I enjoyed the way they repurposed the game's existing systems to support zombie survival mechanics.

a decent expansion to the main game but i'm not really seeing the hype that everyone else has for this.

The same character in the same setting, yet a completely different style of gameplay. This is what every dlc should strive to be, new content that changes the way the game handles. At least every dlc that brands itself as such. I love the zombie font, it helps create a different immersion as compared to the western. This isn't a western anymore, it's a zombie flick. Not just a horror game but one hell of a comedy. It is a shame that the character of Landon Ricketts got besmirched but I do appreciate how the story here ties into the story of the base game.

Tons of fun. Even if you're sick of zombies, I'd give this a shot. Gameplay-wise, I'd argue this is more enjoyable than the main game. I wish Rockstar would do more single-player expansions like this instead of just updating GTA Online.

It's fine. The actual gameplay is a mediocre change to a game that already has just, like, OK shooting; almost every enemy just rushes you down but dies to one head shot, so most of the shooting is just backing away while cycling through different guns so you don't run out of ammo. It's playable but the DLC is long enough that it starts to wear out its welcome.

However, it gets a lot of charm points by simple virtue of building off the main game, with missions that riff on main-game missions and giving the end of the world a certain texture by having it be an open world you already know from the main game. It's honestly pretty funny; the writers evidently identified that West Dickens is the only one of the New Austin goobers from the main game that's actually funny, and accordingly gave him a ton of well-deserved screen time. The soundtrack is also excellent.

não é rdr. n deveria ser rdr. mas a pior coisa de rdr é colocada como protagonista.

isso é left for dead só que terceira pessoa, e o john marston é um cuzão. achei divertido, mas parece mesmo só um jogo feito para acompanhar o hype de zombies. se vc gosta de rdr, vc talvez goste. eu n gosto da gameplay do jogo, e eu adoro a história e o mundo feito. mas apertar L2 e R2 respectivamente é chato. 3/5 pq é engraçado, e a mitologia é sensacional.

This DLC is cute! Rockstar has always had a ton of nods towards supernatural and horror elements in the Easter eggs in their games and it feels like a dream fulfilled in this. Short but sweet, it doesn't overstay it's welcome while providing some whimsy into the world of Red Dead. Would definitely recommend around Halloween time for optimal atmosphere!

i hope they try to do the same to rdr2
what a fun dlc

i wish this was available to play in current gen or pc

this one's good but not as much as the mainline games

“John… I’ve been turned into an unholy Zombie, John”

PEAKKKKKKKKKKK, One of the best DLCS ever made, I have so many memories of this game, I think about it once a year and try to play it again but every emulator is dog shit for this game. I still don't think a game today has captured the experience this game gives you out of the 1000s of other zombie games around. If you have a working PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 and you have this game, please for the love of god, play it in all its glory.

Probably the greatest dlc ever made. Taking the whole western setting and throwing zombies in was just a genius move. It’s a blast to play (even if it is a bit grindy at parts). It doesn’t overstay its welcome though and sells it with a tongue in cheek attitude. Just a shame rockstar will probably never make anything like this again