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this is what you get when you take xcom and take out all the good game design and compelling character design

I covered this game as part of my coverage of the Xbox Game Pass for May 2022

Third Person XCOM.

Research and Destroy is interesting, players will control three scientists who are fighting against a supernatural horde filled with Zombies, Ghosts, and Werewolves. Each of the scientists can move and shoot for 8 seconds per turn and will need to use this to position themselves, shoot enemies and activate objectives. It’s an interesting mechanic where a combination of skill and planning is used to execute solid game plans.

Outside of the combat, players will also have to play a strategy board game to build up their scientific outposts, find new targets, and defend from the invading horde. It all works well together, though at the core this is a more complicated tactical shooter with the player’s skill having a decent effect on the experience.

Pick this up if you like the look of this. It’s clever with some of the short introductions per monsters but for the most part is a turn-based third-person shooter, which is a fresh concept that I haven’t seen too often. It’s almost like a single-player Lemnis Gate without the time loop mechanic

If you want to see the video this was taken of, or more from me on the Xbox Game Pass, check out:

(2-hours review)
Nice concept, but a bit "unfinished" game. Here we have a turn-based shooter where you walked a little, aimed, shot, your character ran out of time, you switched to another, then to a third, then the enemy’s turn, and so on.
Despite the attractive "comics" style, the visual is weak, the maps are very simple and low-detailed, there is not enough variety, I didn’t understand the fun of the gameplay, like a turn-based system should give me the opportunity to somehow leisurely think before my actions, but I don’t find any strategic gameplay, I tried to send two characters to hack 2 different panels, and left one in the distance as a sniper in order to be able to cover both one and the other, as a result, mobs killed the first one, I went to resurrect him, and the rest characters was killed, so we get that the heroes are always forced stay close, as a result, the conditions for tactical maneuvers are reduced, but, in fact, we just have to kill the monsters and manage to hack all sorts of things at the same time, but here also our opponents move very quickly, and if you decide to move the character very far, then this will not save him, then what tactics should I use? Sometimes, wherever you stand, some kind of homing bomb-sphere flies at you, starting to damage you until you get out of it. Lore is incomprehensible here, there is no plot, how to defeat the bosses - guess for yourself.
I recommend the game only because of the idea, in principle, something fresh, and it's nice to play, you don't get tired. But game is something borderline, semi-amateur project, semi-full indie game. I don’t know how co-op is played, I couldn’t go through the 4-th mission (including training), but only after it - coop opens, so another note - if you plan to look at co-op and have time to make a refund, then it won’t work, in any case) The threshold for entering the game is very high, the cooperative is only for pro of the game)

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Неплохая концепция, но как-то сыровато. Тут у нас пошаговый шутер, где вы чуть-чуть прошлись, прицелились, стрельнули, у вашего перса закончилось время, переключились на другого, потом на третьего, потом ход противника, и так далее.
Несмотря на привлекающую "комиксность", визуальный стиль слабый, карты очень простые и малодетальные, не хватает разнообразия, прикола геймлея я так и не вкупил, типо пошаговая систем должна давать мне возможность как-то не торопясь продумать действия, но никакого стратегического геймплея мне это не дало, попробовал двух персонажей отправить взламывать 2 разные панели, а одного оставил вдалеке в качестве снайпера, чтобы иметь возможность прикрыть и одного, и другого, в итоге первого загрызли, я пошёл его воскрешать, и загрызли остальных, получаем, что персонажи вынуждены всегда держаться рядом, в итоге, условия для тактических манёвров снижаются, а по сути мы тут просто должны перебить монстров и успевать параллельно взламывать всякие штуки, но тут ещё и наши противники двигаются очнь быстро, и, если вы решите отойти персонажем очень далеко, то это вас не спасёт, тогда вообще в чём мне проявлять тактику? Иногда ещё, где бы ты не встал, на тебя прилетает какая-то самонаводящаяся бомба-сфера, начинающая тебя дамажить, пока ты из неё не выйдешь. Лор тут непонятный, сюжета нет, как побеждать боссов - догадывайтесь сами.
Я рекомендую игру только из-за идеи, впринципе, что-то свежее, и, играется приятно, не устаёшь. Но какая-то игра пограничная, полу-любительский проект, полу-полноценная инди-игра. Как играется в коопе - не знаю, я не смог пройти 4-ую миссию (включая обучение), а только после неё он открывается, так что ещё на заметку- если вы планируете глянуть кооп и успеть сделать рефанд, то не получится, в любом случае) Порог вхождения в игру очень высокий, кооператив только для заядлых фанатов игры)

First of all: We played it because the game was included in Xbox Game Pass.

And with that in mind, this game is a solid experience. We played it in Split-Screen coop mode and it's actually a lot of fun. (we are now around 6.5h into it and we'll keep playing)

What is this game?
A turn-based, tactical shooter with a nice science vs. zombies-/ghosts-/other horror creatures-setting. You run around and plan ahead, then you shoot down enemies or heal yourself and so on.
It's quite similar to Mario & Rabbids, although that one is cuter in my opinion.

Research and Destroy offers some nice battles and it's perfect for some calm hours of gameplay.
There are some downsides too it, but overall I'd say:
+ local coop
+ nice concept
+ lots of weapons and upgrades
+ fun to play once you get the rhythm and style of it
+ funny presentation

- meh graphics
- average strategy options
- lifeless levels and buildings

And if we keep in mind the first sentence of this review? That's right, we just had it in Game Pass and for that it's more than fine!
Just try it and if you like it (like us), the there are quite some hours you can put into it.

Plays like an unfinished tech-demo

Despite the fact there's a lot it could improve, I know I'm going to be thinking about this game for years to come. I played this whole thing through on co-op and was great fun. According to Xbox achievements only 0.5% of people got to the final boss?? Guess I'm one of the 1 in 200.

Every monster type feels unique and fun. While also clear how you beat them. The Sword of Damocles devil/demon is particularly a stand-out. All the weapons are so inventive as well. But you will lean on the less gimmicky ones.

Wishhhh it was a bit easier to practice things though. Rather than having a giant practice course, maybe have the course and also little training missions for each weapon and item so the player can learn them, maybe?

It's got a cool style and it controls well enough but the gameplay loop is just too tedious for me to stick with. Mixes a Risk-like tactical map with a Mario + Rabbids style game tactics and you get Research and Destroy.

In theory, it starts off well but as you play longer maps and as they introduce new enemies, it just becomes un-fun to play. The biggest issue is the enemy spawning.

Instead of bing laid out for you at the start, the enemies appear on their turn as you progress, meaning that wherever you move to, during the enemy's turn, the game will spawn enemies within camera view every single time. It basically gets to a point where you are having to rush to the objective because if you waste time or try to explore the map, the enemies never stop which means you are frequently taking damage or progressing slower since attacks take up your action bar, which then in turn means enemies are spawning more frequently since you're hindered.

It's an annoying cycle, especially as the enemy diversity starts to increase. Give the game a shot if tactical shooters are your thing, maybe your patience for the loop is greater than mine or you'll find it fun in general.