Reviews from

in the past

it is absolutely too early to give a review on this when it was just released, but my god it is so good. everything feels so polished, and it pays off greatly because the levels are so fun to play. they'll kick your ass, but the ranking system is very forgiving, so don't shy away if difficult rhythm games aren't your style.
there's also a huge amount of custom maps made for this game already. pick it up if the early access label is what's scaring you from getting it this early.

Amazing one button rhythm game. Good music, good visuals, good distraction mechanics, good story (of what's been added so far), good modding community. Looking forward to more.

Finished early access in about 2 hours.

Still have the night missions to do but this is a fun game and I'm looking forward to more

Has one of the coolest mechanics I've ever seen in a PC game

Do you like rhythm games? If yes, just download/wish-list/whatever Rhythm Doctor. You should play it.

It's a super solid, unique, and charming novel rhythm idea. There were moments in this game that I will simply have vivid memories of. The writing is funny yet empathetic. Most of the tracks slap.

I don't really play rhythm games, but a rhythm game that consistently asks you not to listen to the music doesn't sit right with me.

nothing could have prepared me for the things 2-X made me feel

Un juego bien bonito y desafiante la verdad, creo que si te encanta los juegos ritmos encontraras algo sumamente interesante para ti, la verdad me encanta la música de este juego pero el problema es que simplemente no tengo la habilidad para el, lo intente pero esto me confirma que los juegos de ritmo no son mi estilo

it probably isnt that revolutionary but this is the first game ive seen where they move with the physical game window and it is beautiful what you can do with it

there are parts of this that are absolutely incredible (super battleworn insomniac, user created levels, etc). on the whole, though, it's more often bland and slightly awkward than not. i think it would have benefited from some more time in the game-design-oven with regards to its interface. the concept is stellar, but the communication definitely needed a little bit more work.

Gameplay is intuitive, the story is alright, honestly I'm just in it for the songs though.

The editing software gives me a headache tho.

juego de ritmo que juega muy buen con el ritmo
hay varios niveles dan fuerte por ser temazos, pero también por hacer cierta cosa que no había visto hacer a ningún juego

played the first 10 or so levels and mostly loved it, i'll finish the game once it seems finished as well

"Sometimes I'm angry I'm not doing better than I thought I'd do at this point."

Rhythm Doctor is an incredibly polished rhythm game that boasts a well-crafted, surprisingly heartfelt story mode as well as an endless amount of user-created levels, thanks to its insanely in-depth editor. There's a load of cool things at play here to further expand upon what is initially a simple concept (including one REALLY sick boss level). It can be stupid hard at times, but like every rhythm game, it becomes really satisfying when you break through and get that S+ on the song that's giving you trouble. Please check this one out if you haven't yet.

Finished Early Access! MORE MORE MORE!

Genial, como um jogo de ritimo, as musicas são muito boas, e os mapas são muito diferentes, conforme você vai avançando, as fases vão mudando, mas nunca perdendo a essência do começo do game.

only way I can describe this is as if they took a single rhythm heaven minigame but made it the entire game

Waiting for more content, but what's here is damn good

all i really wish is that it had a little bit more content!

I completed the early access version 0.11.5 (r25)
Man, even in its current, unfinished state, this is the best rhythm game I've played in recent memory! And it only requires one button!
The theme is kinda weird: you are a remote-working doctor, on defibrillator duty, and all your patients have different conditions that cause their hearts to beat in a slightly different pattern. This ties in nicely with the gameplay: you have to consistently tap the spacebar on the seventh beat, so you have to keep up with the rhythm.
Every level corrisponds to a song and a patient (or combinations of patients) that you have to help out.
The hospital setting is just set dressing, but it gives way to heartwarming little stories between the patients, who you'll come to know and love both through their dialogue and the gameplay. This is because each one of them has a signature beat, and kind of a musical leitmotiv that you'll get familiar with throughout the experience.
The OST is full of amazing songs that really fit well with the different beats the game has you keep up with. It had me dancing in my chair with a dumb smile on my face multiple times.
Even better, the game constantly finds new, devious, groovy ways to throw you off, be they visual effects, coreography, weird beat combinations or more "metagame" distractions that I won't spoil here.
If I had to find a nitpicky complaint it's that some songs can get too chaotic to track. The visual representation of the beats can be a tad unclear and overwhelming (especially if you have to juggle 3 or more patients).
But that's a non-issue since on your second try on any given song, you'll have internalised all of the patterns, and you'll be able to go by heart, quite literally playing with your eyes closed.
I can't recommend this game enough, and I can't wait to see the final product.

pretty fun gimmick and enjoyable tracks, will return to it someday

Not too interesting gameplay wise, but the story here is fantastic!

This review contains spoilers

i shit my pants when the window started moving around my monitor in that one level

I have no sense of rhythm but the game is good. I love the effects and how they surprise you.

Pretty damn fun! I love the rhythm mechanic and it was simultaneously challenging and engaging. Despite struggling at first, I'd grow to get the hang of it. I'll definitely come back in the future and play more levels soon!

Really cute and creative, makes me want to get more into rhythm games. Absolutely onboard for the next update