Reviews from

in the past

Neat concept but doesn't have much long-term replayability after you've tried out all the levels

fun for two minutes and then i need to take a 6 month break

Fun little idea, only has roughly an hour worth of gameplay but it's a fun hour. Pick it up on sale and go nuts

Extraordinarily fun for like 5 hours then it gets kind of old, it’s still worth it though

Really really fun, i really enjoyed 100%ing it

Fun chillhop vibes for a fun chillhop time

an interesting mix between crazy taxi and snake, to say the least. its a fun little game I occasionally still go back to, especially on drugs.

got kind of obsessed with this one ngl, really fun and chill

Fun game, good timekiller and background for videos

Might be bias because how good I am at this game, but I really enjoy turning on some music or maybe a podcast and just going crazy with the maps. I logged a top ten on every map's leaderboards. outstanding vibe game

A funny and interesting idea executed at the absolute bare minimum.

Good concept, looks fantastic, controls nice outside of a few minor quirks, but obviously games like this are only fun for a short while

Funny, lost so many games becuase it's hard to control (on purpose but y'know)

Actually a pretty fun game for a short amount of time. Easy trophies too

Simple, but effective. I spent way too long on this one

It's sensible that Snakeybus pads its gameplay with grooving, subdued music, the kind that makes you recline, stare up at your ceiling and give off a smirk. It's sensible because of how absurdly amusing and chaotic the actual gameplay is, taking the old Snake game and making it a public transit spectacular.

It's simplicity reinforces the extent of which chaos can reign and the as you continue to pick up and drop off patrons, the immeasurable lengths your bus grows to become unfathomable, where only a laugh is your best response.

It becomes even more amusing when the chaos spreads around in a city like Miami or Seattle, one of three 'real' cities you get to invade. As a friend told me, "This game represents everything that is wrong with public transit." In a way, there is an underlying satirical jab at play, which underlines the giddiness. However, the game allows you to vibe even as it becomes hectic. A strong indie game only slightly marred by a lack of long-term retention.

infinitely better when you turn off the default music and throw on a eurobeat playlist

fucked up in the crib playing snakeybus

Shockingly chill time for combining two very frenetic ideas in crazy taxi and snake. controls well enough and has some great variety in for what you want out of a very simple and basic game. a good time.

fun, but made me really nauseous for some reason

mindless shallow fun and sometimes it’s all you need. Perfect podcast game

Despite its small amount of content, probably one of the most unique and interesting Unity games I've ever played. Cool gameplay that serves as a cross between Crazy Taxi and Snake, surprisingly great visuals, and a really awesome fast pace that is weirdly highlighted by a really chill soundtrack.

Really fun idea that for some reason burns through all its content asap, so you can see everything it has to offer in under an hour. If you had to unlock the next stage through a high score or challenge or SOMETHING there'd be something here. It might have been an update they did at some point to just auto unlock everything from the start but that just makes this game feel like one of those achievement farming shovelware games.

It's an inherently fun concept, and it plays well, but the game around it undermines itself. You truly gotta have no interest beyond arcade style leaderboards to get anything out of playing for more than an hour. And even then I seem to remember the leaderboards being busted.

First game on steam I ever refunded, which succs cuz it's not a bad game but they just go out of their way to spoil the whole thing.