Reviews from

in the past

Nunca achei graça em Sonic, tipo, personagem é legal, já os jogos....

melhor que o sonic 1 do mega drive falo mesmo

Los Sonic The Hedgehog de Master System son versiones muy curiosas, aún más difíciles y en ocasiones injustas en comparación a los originales. Pero la pasé muy bien jugandolos

Achei que era a versão principal, mas como joguei essa também, coloquei.

A versão de mega drive é muito superior, mas essa até que tem o seu charme.

me faz lembrar do meu master system embutido com 100 jogos porcos nele

Joguei no PC, puta nostalgia mano

quien fue el drogadicto que penso que era una buena idea eso de que en esta version no se puedan recuperar los anillos que te quitan al golpearte?!

Eh, simples, divertidinho, fofinho, modesto, os chefões não tem aneis tho, mas com uma leve pratica voce consegue passar com mais facilidade.

Dica: Na fase da Sky Base Zone Act 2 pule na plataforma voadora que ficará logo atrás de onde voce nasceu, não precisa me agradecer.

Boa gameplay ;)

Sonic 1 but without BLAST PROCESSING is just alright, run of the mill, really nothing special.

in some respects I think this may be a bit better than the 16 bit version I really like it :)

can't find the mobile version so whatever

I played the christian whitehead version

still didn't like it, awful special stages, 3 acts per zone sucks. I don't like it.

Sonic The Hedgehog is a weird case of cross-gen, as most of the levels are completely different from the main game. And for the most part, they're better actually. Bridge, Jungle, Scrap Brain, and Sky Base are all better than their Genesis equivalent, and more fun to play. It's more enjoyable to find the chaos emeralds in the stages than in Sonic 1's special stages, and the music sounds good for the master system. Overall an underlooked, but better version of the first game.

Simple and decently enjoyable. I found it to be a little frustrating at times with it not giving you rings on some levels, so you would just die in one hit. The game is very short and not incredibly difficult, so you shouldn't have much problem beating it. Its length also prevents it from getting boring before you finish it. I also found getting the chaos emeralds to be pretty fun, although I saw no benefit from getting them, just like the genesis version. The game also has a moderate amount of slowdown, but it's not game ruining. I liked the special levels, although them rewarding you with continues made no sense, because continues are no different from extra lives, so why didn't they just reward you with 3 extra lives instead? There were some new zones and they weren't super notable visually speaking, although they did mix up the gameplay fairly well. It's a decently enjoyable game overall, not very notable in my opinion though, I vastly prefer the genesis version of this game.

O clássico da infância, do meu primeiro vídeo-game. Puramente emocional, foram inúmeras horas de diversão. Mas o jogo em si é ótimo em todos os pontos; as fases, os chefes, a trilha sonora é maravilhosa, level design, tamanho... É tudo muito bem feito, e ainda mais divertido que o "original".

PRIMEIRO jogo do Sonic que eu joguei na minha vida e o PRIMEIRO jogo que eu joguei na minha vida.

Eu simplesmente amo isso aqui.

Versión ultra resumida del primer sonic, ta bien a secas

El juego no es muy entretenido, realmente lo único bueno es que las esmeraldas se encuetran por el mapa. Pero realmente es malo hasta en rendimiento
Extra: La versión que jugué es la de Sonic Origins Plus. La cual está en HD.
Juego al 100%.

Tenho um carinho imenso por esse jogo porquê foi ele que me apresentou essa franquia que tanto amo.

No es la versión de MegaDrive pero está bastante dikvertido pa echar una tarde

creo que no se puede decir absolutamente nada de este juego mas allá de que es un juego que existe

Um jogo simples e divertido do sonic.

tenho um xodó pelas fases mas queria saber pq a bridge zone existe. amo ela mas esse autoscroll matou mto

solid game, but a bit too easy at times, and a couple of crap levels
getting the chaos emeralds, while relatively easy, also isnt really too worth it, considering not much changes
its just an okay game and probably the best you could hope for an 8-bit sonic at the time, even the physics are pretty solid, which is more that i can say for something like forces

Honestly a game on par with its 16-bit sibling. The music is done by yuzo koshiro, which owns, the original levels are unique and interesting, and the game is just a very different take on sonic for hardware less powerful. More of a traditional platformer than something physics based like the 16-bit version. Well worth a play if you like 8-bit platformers and/or sonic, as this is quite pleasant.

Pretty decent soundtrack! The rendition of Green Hill in this is pretty good, and bridge hill is also a certified bop. The rest of the soundtrack is pretty fun too, and honestly is something I like more overall than the 16 bit version.