Reviews from

in the past

I nearly broke this game out of frustration

As mecânicas de gameplay são ótimas
A única boss battle totalmente memorável foi o Lagarto, inclusive aquele nível todo é bem divertido.
A história é uma merda tho.

Spider-Man 3 is a broken mess of a game with hideous visuals, awful combat, and a bloated nonsense storyline.

Why'd you go and do my boy dirty like this. Terrible film, terrible game

This was a fun game. Good visuals and story was, taking liberties from the movie, but welcome liberties.

é... podia ser melhor, eu acho...

оказывается, в 2007-ом году вы могли устроить мизогинию эмо-девочкам, отпиздить скинхедов и панков, управляя дружелюбным соседом и его кринжёвым Тайлером Дёрденом

"Olacak gibiymiş, ama olamamış."

Oyunun şehir dizaynının farklı bir tasarımı var, tercih diyelim. Ağ atmak deli dehşet kötü değil, şehir bomboş ama, suçlular yüzünden kimse dışarı çıkmıyor diyelim.

Hızlı tuşa basma olayları var, basamazsanız komik olaylar gerçekleşiyor, baş düşman dövüşlerinin tasarımı da berbat, örümcek adam olma hissi de ucundan var, daha iyisi olabilirmiş, ama çok kötü değil. Ben oyunu baş düşmanlardan zevk almadığım için bıraktım, o da yan görevdi yani ana göreve merakım kalmamıştı...

you get 1 star for being a "functioning" game and for the gift of Spider-Man 3 QTE's. Don't play this.

Um dos piores jogos do homem aranha.
Homem aranha tem uma carga emocional muito forte em mim, é o meu herói preferido desde que eu me conheço como gente, joguei quase todos os jogos e, consequentemente, joguei esse aqui. A primeira vez que eu joguei isso foi quando eu era uma criança, e eu gostava muito desse jogo, sinceramente. Mas zerando ele hoje, percebo que é um jogo EXTREMAMENTE inchado e descompromissado com a história, a gameplay é bugada, o balançar de teias é lamentavelmente chato e lento e os gráficos... Jesus, os gráficos. Não vale a pena comentar.
Enfim, um jogo, particularmente, nostálgico mas um desastre de jogo.

(PS: a versão de PS2 é um pouco melhorzinha).

It is a crime for a company that made one of the best Spider-Man games to fall absolutely flat in this installment of the game, Spider-Man 3 is bound by shackles and weights because of the addition of being a movie tie in game but the game is overly ambitious by forcing you to go through 10 storylines, and none of them remotely connect to each other or pay off in a satisfying way.

The city looks gorgeous, and you can tell they tried a lot here but I can't take this god damn game seriously due to it's graphics and absolutely dull voice acting from everybody in the cast, there aren't many things I like about this game since everything that they did right with Ultimate Spider-Man, and Spider-Man 2 was thrown out the Window but you can tell they really tried, but sometimes it isn't enough, especially in situations like this.

In what was a shining game franchise with an overall good reputation from Gamers, and critics a like, begins to decay here with lackluster gameplay, and story, and unneeded difficulty, this movie takes the shining reputation of Spider-Man, and begins to dig it's grave, for worse.

You'd have a better time watching the semi-equivalent movie than this. It'll definitely save you some hours.

I have owned this game pretty much since it released, and 13 years later I have yet to even come close to finishing it. Fundamentally flawed in so many aspects, and takes so many backward steps from both of its predecessors, I've abandoned this game on at least 5 separate attempts to play through it; it just has nothing of substance to offer, absolutely joyless to play.

It's game, but i dont like it much

This was awful but I remember it being so fun

Joguei e zerei no gba do amigo, até hj lembro do cheiro dos cartuchos.

Virar o Homem-Aranha em paris é MT épico

It's an ok game that was made to meet a release window. the QTEs are funny as fuck though

Pues es un juego algo monotono y aburrido en esta version, no se compara a su anterior entrega para la misma consola

Боёвка норм просто бьешь ебла челам на похуй. Лицевые анимации, сами лица персонажей и графика это пиздец. Сюжет, как и в фильме кал говна. Но стоит похвалить открытый мир где тебе дают огромный по масштабам Нью-Йорк, по которому кайфово летать и доп квесты которые не сделаны по шаблону прошлых и следующих игр про чп по типу пойди набей ебало бандитам, здесь это полноценные миссии со своими катсценами, сюжетом, локациями и боссами, но есть одно, но есть клевые миссии по типу скорпиона, а есть такая хуйня как миссии по обезвреживанию бомб.

Excellent dans mes souvenirs, un balancement plus réaliste que spiderman 2018

Sadece nostaljik olarak güzel, qte sevdiğim için ordan da ek puan alır ama çoğu konuda vasat

Lo jugué de niño y lo único que me importaba era balancearme por toda la ciudad. De ahí en fuera la historia es malísima, las animaciones aún más, hasta la fecha sigo viendo memes.