Reviews from

in the past

how tf do people get good at these game... I just wanna be cool.

fucking based, but if you REALLY want a good time (especially if you've already played through the game) you absolutely should do yourself the favor of playing with the "One Vision" mod. the balancing is greatly improved and it provides more viable options for building characters.

Final Fantasy Tactics? I don't know her

No fitting room. Hell, there's nothing even to stop you from buying a weapon that you already have plenty of. Does the game expect me to write down everything I have and who can equip what?

This review contains spoilers

So we're all agreed that the bit where Lanselot goes all O'Brien on Hamilton is the best part?

First hour initial thoughts: Pixel art is so overbaked, but the effects and the character portraits are so beautiful. Also the story is satisfying my need for Lord-of-the-RIngs-level world building.

One of the rare Jrpgs where i felt the battle system had promising depth, sadly the story goes nowhere and none of the choices matter, its super shallow in that regard, and the combat while having a decent amount of depth into it, still feels monotone and shallow, it discourage creativity and tactics and instead encourages streamlined mechanics and stat checks, eventually i finished it and had a good time, but looking back at this, its absolutely not a good game, middle of the road.

Characters are a hollow husk, they have the personality of a rock, this i guess was one of my reasons for me not caring about them, and game has way too much reptition, not only the combat system is slow and lacks creativity it also forced me to fight the same trash mobs until i get to the bosses, instead of artificially bloating the game with trash poorly designed boring encounters they could've at least cut that and put more time into polishing the gameplay.

Remade to perfection, they jam-packed this game with lots of features and fun gameplay to keep it interesting. Along with it's captivating story it is one of the games that set the standard and stage for what tactics games should strive for. Truly a classic that no gamers should pass.

Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together é um dos melhores remakes que eu já vi na vida, e talvez o jogo tático com o melhor sistema de exploração de rotas, múltiplos finais e maior justiça com arqueiros.

Acho que foi nesse jogo que eu senti que a classe de arqueiro não é nerfada de alguma maneira a compensar o alcance. O dano é bom e não há delay de turno por conta de ataques especiais, como há, por exemplo, em Final Fantasy Tactics.

Soma-se isso a uma história bastante madura em ambiente de guerra, com pé no chão e bastante intriga política.

This game probably ruined my life!

this review is for the one vision patch.
the original game has a very tabletop-ish balance to it. a lot of stuff are there for the role playing aspect and the fluff of it. the balance felt like an afterthought. running around naked was a viable strategy and archers and ninjas dominated everything. also crossbows could blow shit up lmao. having a single level of difference with an enemy would get you fucked over be cause of the stat differences
one vision takes all the good stuff and pretty much destroys everything bad about this remake. everything is so well balanced and every class is viable and has its role. you can think of a build, get the right equipment and skills for it. and use it in the battle. having a monk with bash and counterattack and a poison claw and a decent enough shield, parry and counterattack every hit and push back every enemy that comes for it, possibly poisoning 6 people while standing there, or having a chicken man with a lance fly behind the enemy lines and use a silencing attack on the mages and clerics and harass the archers is fun as fuck.
the story and the writing are also great and the law route is actually very good and nice. 100% best route.

TL;DR : a pretty good tactical game but rarely any ogres around unfortunately. a solid 5.5./10

I think this is it. The PSP swan song. The absolute pinnacle of storytelling through gameplay. The infinite replayability is only a spectacle of the entire show, for this game is absolutely full of little things to do and stories to experience. Mind you, there are some issues with balance (some classes are much MUCH better than others), the RNG-fest that is Crafting and the amount of micromanaging in options and skills can be overwhelming, but I absolutely adore this game.

Remember that knight guy at the tutorial saying 'even your newest recruit can step into battle and hold his own'?

Well, that's a fucking lie.

Hope you like grinding an unit with new class by babysitting them in backline or grinding their level in the free battles for hours. The unit grinding is so atrocious I didn't even want to touch the postgame content. I did finished all three main routes though, so should that be considered Complete or Shelved? I'm not sure myself...

Played on the Vita. Love the world, aesthetic, characters, and tactical combat. Wish the balancing was a bit better.

O jogo tem uma história e personagens interessantes. A intriga política é ótima e o combate é satisfatório, porém o sistema de classes e aspectos do combate mataram o jogo pra mim.

As missões obrigatórias todas tem como objetivo matar um personagem só, o que torna a melhor estratégia ignorar todo mundo e atacar ele, especialmente se ele for um mago ou archeiro, que no caso você pode matar em um golpe especial só. Já as random battles são extremamente longas, algumas chegando a 1h de duração. O design de algumas lutas em que vc pode ter até 12 personagens, enquanto em outras apenas 5 ou 6, torna dificil upar num jogo que já não respeita o tempo. Além disso, o jogo não tem muitas classes e é complicado misturá-las.

Apesar disso, o combate é satisfatório, e a história e os personagens torna tudo mais interessante.

Parei de jogar perto do final, quando uma luta de 1h de duração ia ser perdida e eu percebi que teria que upar antes de adiantar, perdendo ainda mais horas.

It's unbelievable how Matsuno took his masterpiece and made it even better. He truly is the GOAT.

You're playing this for the story, because I don't think the gameplay is that good.


Nota: 8,0/10,0

Mais um joguinho tático de cria, e da mesma equipe de final fantasy tactcs, e como garantido, tive uma ótima jornada no quesito gameplay, envelheceu como vinho, envelheceu bem até mais que Final Fantasy tactics, tanto na dinâmica e farme bem mais suave que RPG lançados até então, acho que é uma ótima porta de entrada para subgênero de RPG tático, ótima trilha sonora, arte design é maravilhosa, linda e ótima píxel arte, além das ótimas escolhas de câmeras, mas à sua escrita...... Complicado.

Narrativa e núcleos políticos e lore do mundo fantasioso do jogo são bons, saindo disso ele sofre nas histórias do personagem principais, principalmente Denam, é sofrido até ele melhorar, mesmo tendo melhorado, não chegar aos pés do Ranza(protagonista de ff tactics), além das motivações dos personagens em sua maioria são ridículas ou só fracas, mas muita conclusão de personagens acabam suprindo esta falha em pequena parte dos personagens isso é por conta do sistema de escolhas que muda ruma da história, este sistema tem parte da culpa disso, em muito pontos específicos da história quando tomar uma decisão, como essas, por exemplo: "Posicionar seu exército em uma parte do mapa, a quem tu recrutar, a quem tu sé alia, ou escolher uma fala bem difíceis de saber onde ira em sua maioria, indo contra decisão ou comportamentos do personagem, claro que algumas bem claras só para saber sé tu quer fazer o zaralho ou não." Todas influenciam demais, além que dependendo da sua escolha tu libera mais capítulos que além de uma melhora na escrita dos personagens gameplay tem uma melhora absurda em progressão e bem divertida.

Apesar de ter este lado negativo por parte das histórias de alguns personagens, é muito divertido tu ter possibilidade de causar um zaralho sendo boa parte do jogo um filha da puta, eu ser um homem de bem encurralado por escolhas vindos de uns arrobados ao seu redor em parte do jogo, ou aliados complicados de sé ter em equipe, aliás tu tem uma liberdade maravilhosa em fundar de criar o seu próprio exército criando um seu próprio personagens em party, aproveitei e coloquei parte de pessoas que conheço ou tenho apreço para acompanhar nesta jornada, único mal que maioria foi arrasta pé nas batalhas finais do jogo, BOSS FILHA PUTA... Bom uma jornada valida e agradável tendo gameplay como maior mérito por isto, e com uma narrativa que tem seus momentos de brilhos muito, muito bons, carregaram demais este jogo.

Oynadığım en iyi strateji oyunu falan.

For me, it's not as good as Final Fantasy Tactics (but what game is? ^^) but still a fantastic tactical RPG. The story starts out very interesting and has more of a political focus. There are character-based stories and twists, but these tend to happen in the background. Towards the end I found the story rather confusing and the actions of individual characters rather questionable (especially those of the main character's sister) but it was motivating throughout. I thought the job system with the cards was great, changing classes felt really important. The music was rather inconspicuous but not bad either, but still a bit disappointing considering that Sakimoto was the composer here.

I find the gameplay boring. Too many button presses required to get anything done. I don't like any of the characters. They just say a few catchphrases and leave. A cheesy anime TRPG/SRPG with a dating system would unironically have better character writing than this game because the characters would actually do things onscreen. In this game, I see some main characters... throwing rocks at each other during battle because they don't like each other.
Not going to rate it since there's not that many ratings and I might skew the score too much since I've only played 1 hour. I'll watch some videos in the future...
But so far, I can only rate it a 2/5. It looks like the scale is big, but that's all I can give it for now.

I understand that some people can enjoy the gameplay but for me it seems torturous. Watched some of the future bits of the game. The dialogue/story is soulless and also essentially nonexistent. It's equivalent to an isekai light novel in terms of depth. "Crystonia is at war with Behstyoldyn and you can choose to murder Dyslotiva to save Canaotlia or save the innocents, etc etc." The characters just state things matter of factly, like "Now we must go to Ludenova to destroy King Cylatia or the Blevano Lands will be taken over by Duke Tienmy" like who gives a crap?

Obtuse and overwhelming tutorialization coupled with clunky battles and menus has made me lose interes, at least for now. I can see the greatness of the game and recognize why it's loved but it just didn't click with me enough to commit another 45+ hours.

This game was awesome! After playing Triangle Strategy I wanted to know what the direct inspiration was like. Gameplay wise I still prefer TS by a wide margin, mainly because you don't have to endlessly grind in order to use a new class, but I have to admit the story from TO was better (or at least the family themes made it hit harder for me).

A very good game, I will play the coda someday. Ogre Battle too, as I liked Canopus and Lanselot.

Seemed really hard for me to grasp at first but then I realized all you really need are ninjas, archers, and crafted equipment, and then it was a cakewalk.

tl;dr: I like this game! I think the story cutscene to fight ratio isn't balanced enough, and there's characters with wasted potential, but it's still really cool!

The story is interesting! There's warring nations and political power struggles flying around with Denam (the main character) caught in the middle of everything and trying to figure out how what exactly he wants his role to be in all this. There are two main routes you can go, chaos or law, and I picked chaos. Honestly, there were so many names for me to keep track of and a lot of characters that didn't leave much of an impression that parts of it kind of blurred together? It didn't really help that there were a lot, and I mean like a lot of fights. I feel like for every fight there was 1 short to medium length cutscene until the very end, where you have to do at least 10 fights in a row with maybe 1 story cutscene thrown in there. This wouldn't seem so bad at first until you realize a fight can take between 5-10 minutes if it's short, and can go on longer if it's particularly difficult.

Luckily, there's an in game encyclopedia called the Warren Report that contains character profiles for every named boss and npc mentioned, and also the ability to rewatch cutscenes, so I was able to keep up enough with what was going on. You can read things like in universe news reports that sometimes unlocks side dungeons and content, which I think is cute. I appreciate how all the character profiles change depending on what happens in the story, so it's constantly updating Denam and other story relevant characters' summaries.

The characters are, like I said, a little on the weak side save for a few people but they serve their purpose for the story. There are characters that seem interesting at first that don't really do or say much story wise after they join your team, and I feel like it's a wasted opportunity. It would have been cool to see some characters interacting with Denam and building up relationships with him, or weighing in their opinions in general with whatever situation was going on. That being said, I do like the conflicts Denam faces as he goes on through the story and has to come face to face and deal with dirty political deals and people he morally cannot abide by while trying to stay true to himself. His relationship with both Lanselots, Vyce, and Catiua are all things I liked, though I wish I could have seen some more sides of Catiua that got hinted at near the beginning in the route I played.

I don't really have much to say about the gameplay honestly? It's a fun tactics strategy game similar to final fantasy tactics and fire emblem. It can be hard early game to get through fights before you can get better skills and equipment and units, but that might have just been me not knowing what I was doing and then actually figuring out how things work.

There's some extra story content that got added after the main story in this remake which I have not gotten to yet due to being a bit underleveled, but I would like to eventually. There's also some other extra content the game doesn't outright tell you about, which I think is really cool.

It's not a game I'm crazy about but it was, at the very least, great at scratching the tactical strategy rpg itch I had. I like it and think it's a good game, and I can see why it's a cult classic.

I couldn't believe that exists a TRPG almost as good as FFT. LUCT is amazing, the always great text, a holy combination of Matsuno and O. Smith, another masterpiece of OST by the best duo and one of the best visuals of a Square game. The characters maybe rank above FFT also. The only problems are gameplay ones. Quite big, in fact, the game is really unbalanced, skill ranks evolves way too slowly and the crafting system is boring, still it's a joy to play being more chaotic than FFT. I loved it