Reviews from

in the past

said this on steam, i'll say the same thing here
it's doom for horny people

too much gore 2D anime girl gore for me.

Cute art and some fun design, but the level design is really really really really cheap in a lot of places, and this holds the game back

Love the atmosphere and the style of the game. The gunplay is quite fun as well though your mostly gonna be using the shotgun(s) and assault rifle. Music is quite nice and fits the tone and atmosphere of the game as well. Story is quite interesting for an doom-like FPS as well. Definitely recommend.

I was talking about how cool an anime first person shooter would be and I was recommended this one. This game is not very good!

has good weapons and variety of weapon choices with lackluster level designs accompanying unimpressive boss fights. would be better if there wasnt any boss fights actually, worst parts of the game. mech gameplay and artists art style is cool too (not the gore part, the design and vibe of it)

Gameplay is well done, if a little jank and frustrating at times. But the combat loop is very satisfying and stays in line with the story the creator was trying to tell. Gore is obviously insane in this game, which initially feels like some sort of fetish, but as you play it just seems to be the authors choice in driving home whatever message he was going for. The message is unclear, but the game's very sparse story at least makes you think for a bit. Something about humanity's sins and our relationship with god. The real meat of this game is its well done combat loop which is quick and brutal, especially on the hard difficulty. The game isn't really hard, but it provides enough of a challenge to be interesting for the whole run time. Overall a solid experience with some technical issues and design oversights.

(copying my steam review to here)

one of the only games where i have felt the joy of mjolnir recon unit 54's slippy slidey movement (with a very thrilling double jump and sprint) combined with some odd, granular mechanics like managing an overall hunger meter that controls the cap of your hp and stamina. this terrifying cyborg martyr girl needs her snacks.

the weapons are awesome, the shotgun shreds as it would have to, double flechettes are a blast (alongside the gratification of actually getting to use them where Marathon: Infinity gives you about 3 ammo drops for it and then leaves you dry for the rest of the runtime) and they seem to be kind of controversial here but i LOVE the reload mechanics. many tense situations sprung up where i had forgotten to replace a clip or jam some bullets back into my magnum and it was scramble or die, which i found exciting (and rewarding to master)

biggest issue imo is that it crashes a lot and theres only one set of environmental textures so i really hope you like Being In The Citadel. the translation is also rough, but given the one person team i'm not inclined to harp on it. personally i think the level design more than makes up for the sameyness because every new area still felt rewarding to explore - hi tycho! it also really reminds me of marathon's commitment to taking place largely in one place except marathon is very hit or miss with it and the citadel knocks it out of the park

anyway this is super long i played it bc i <3 marathon and it gave me all that and much more thumbsup

Has definitely some flaws that are in plain sight (mostly technical issues and poor level design), but the gunplay and sprite work are top notch and if you like retro shooters, you gonna have a good time. Can't wait for the sequel!

I’ve played a lot of retro shooters in my life but this one has to be the most strange one from a gameplay perspective. Everyone throws the term “clunky” around, most of the time in the wrong context, but I say with no hesitation that The Citadel is one of the clunkiest shooters I have ever played in my life because it suffers so much of an identity crisis. It wants to be an old-school shooter in similar vein of Wolfenstein 3D yet it just adds so much military shooter garbage. All weapons need to be reloaded, with even the simple act of reloading being a mess. For weapons like the shotguns and revolver that reload each bullet/shell individually you need to mash the reload button as pressing R once will only reload one bullet into the chamber. It just doesn’t fit the game. Reloading magazine fed weapons not only take too long, but also have another feature where pressing R twice quickly will discard the entire magazine for a quicker reload, which once again is another option that’s just there for some reason.
All guns have horrible bullet spread and recoil too which should be considered a crime for a “retro shooter”. Aiming down sights also feel glitchy and weird as there’s a second delay before you actually transition from iron sights to hip-firing.
The HUD and various menus are hideous to look at. There’s so much visual clutter with a needlessly complicated health/stamina/food system. Stamina drains when you sprint, kick and double jump (yes, a stamina bar that affects double jumping, we’ve hit rock bottom) and can be refilled with oxygen canisters. Food I still have no idea what it does other than heal you and give you a bit of stamina back. You can also lean left and right around corners and in the settings there’s an option to turn on weapon durability. Yes, Weapon durability…
This makes me think they tried to make a more slower survival-based military-esque shooter but then switched to a retro shooter because that’s more popular and as a result the game is a horrible mashup of retro shooter and military shooter design choices.
There’s a lack of enemy variety and all of them have the most eardrum bursting death sounds with all their anime girl screams. Some enemies I’ve seen fall through the floor and die and bigger enemies are put into areas which are obviously not designed to incorporate them.
I could go on about this game’s problems but I got this game gifted to me in the new Boomer shooter Humble Bundle so I don’t exactly feel like I’ve been robbed but I can definitely say this isn’t a high point in the bundle.

Один самых кровавых ретро-шутеров после Брутал Дума.
Богатый арсенал оружия, почти каждое из которых имеет альтернативный вид стрельбы. Хороший дизайн персонажей, но этого не могу сказать про окружение. Оно не блещет разнообразием, но есть разрушаемые стены, пусть и не везде.
Бегать и стрелять одно удовольствие. Так бы поставил 4.5, но игра раз 5 за прохождение крашнулась.

Отдельно хочу отметить, тот факт, что у героини есть не только ноги, но и грудь, лол.

I love the gameplay here. Fun movement and a great balance of being able to go fast as fuck and being able to take your time by peeking around corners. Very satisfying gunplay especially with reloading being a tad more nuanced than usual, fun level design, some pretty good music. Overall, a damn fine FPS!

I do have two big gripes with it though. First one is the environments, which look the same for the entire game. The second is the bosses, which just suck ass as they just mostly stand around spamming shit while you unload 500 bullets into them hoping they just fuck off and die already.

Enemy variety is also weak, but it works well enough for the game's length.

I hope the sequel (Beyond Citadel, IIRC) fixes these issues. It actually seems like it does improve on them from what I've seen of the demo so far, at least, while also doubling down on the parts I did like!

PS: anyone who calls it "anime Doom" has not played Doom. Also, anyone who gets filtered by weapons being projectile-based (with arcs and shit) and the reload mechanics is honestly a moron.

Interesting indie FPS. Kind of a mash-up of multiple gameplay elements and ideas; the aesthetics and level design are very clearly inspired by classic FPSes like Wolfenstein and Doom, yet there are several modern FPS elements in this game's design, such as aiming down sights, holding down a button to sprint, leaning, etc. Kind of a curious hybrid of ideas, but I think it generally works, in spite of itself. I mostly just wish the stamina/food/etc. meters weren't a thing, here.

Game is very gory, and almost all of the enemies are anime girls. This tends to lead people to feel uncomfortable with the game's level of gore and violence toward them. I wasn't really bothered by it personally, but I guess it's worth being aware of.

This game is a doozy...

Its pros are REALLY good and, its cons... REALLY bad

For the pros:
The levels are incredibly fun to explore and are well designed.

The playstyles and options you have are incredibly varied: you can play this like a movement heavy boomer shooter or a tactical FPS and both are very viable!

The weapons feel, AMAZING to use, they feel genuinely so satisfying!

The enemies are fun to tackle and challenging, and the vast variety of them makes each level feel refreshing to play.

The boss and enemy designs, and the story and setting of the game, are incredibly unique and eerie, it makes me so excited for tits sequel.

Tycho is Best boy

And the cons:
The entire game has like, 20 textures, the majority of them are this tealish blue, and while the designs of the levels are unique like I mentioned before, it makes their actual looks Very samey.

No unique music, the music that exists in-game is royalty free, and while they do fit the game's atmosphere and levels, none of them really stick with you.

The bosses are... non-animating PNGs that shoot stuff at you, they're incredibly boring to fight and feel extremely low effort.

Crashes, not a lot of them... but frequent enough to be annoying.

This was very obviously made by one person, and what they made is genuinely amazing for what it is, and the sequel already looks 10 times better, I very much look forward to seeing what they make next!

really interesting concept and great artstyle and gun handling but the infuriating levels really bring it down. combined with the crashing and guro it really does feel like the world's first dlsite FPS. intriguing and excited for the future of this series

If you're willing to stomach a creepy biopunk guro woman fetish (no pornography though,) you'll actually find a really cool game underneath!

It's an extremely short romp of a boomer shooter that could do with more interesting levels, but I'm not gonna pretend that the visceral hand-drawn art and the weighty weapons don't tickle the lizard part of my brain enough to find it enjoyable.

Just don't try to figure out what's going on with the story: the creator's attempts to explain it have resulted in diagrams that look like something that would be scribbled on the wall of an insane asylum and if you go back far enough you just end up seeing him try to say that he's not a guro artist despite nearly everything pointing it to him being one.

Much deeper than I expected. The story leaves something to be desired and it's not very difficult, I also miss being able to save manually. The author being japanese really explains why the game is like it is and if you can't see past that then it's not for you. Made me check the Relics series.

If you're trying to look this game up anywhere all you will find is NSFW art and if that's that your thing I'd still tell you to just type "Bonkers X Doug Funny" into midjourney and condemn your soul to eternal damnation that way

A very sicko game made a very sicko dude.
Fascinating one-man project boomer shooter that evokes actual shooters for boomers like Marathon rather than the modern impression of what old shooters were like. It's a game that requires a careful approach rather than going in guns blazing.
The bosses are a bit lackluster but the gunplay, enemy design and variety of level layouts are great, even if not generally contemporarily appealing.
Could use a wider color palette.

I'm so fucking bad at video games

uoooh, another anime shooter, seriously though I know this game from gmanlives, I like doom and wolfenstein so why don't try this one out, because the nature of unreal engine, this game is quite heavy and crash a lot on my potato laptop, but I can still finished it albeit in easiest difficulty, it's hard to keep consistence framerate and when bosses unleashed all their balls, the frames drop like hell, but hey it's still a a very fun journey, your mission is simple go through the citadel and descending to kill the sleeping god, I don't know why but for lore reason you can just search on steam discussion or on the author discord, this game is heavily focused on gameplay and parkour like boomer shooter, your arsenal consist of many weapons that none of them feel weak, all of them is powerful in the right time and place, beware though dual wieilding some weapon may cause frame drop and funny glitches, in default the game contains intense gore and you can disable it on setting but what fun in that? the enemy and the sprites looks very good, all enemy shoot projectiles so your ability to dodge will be tested, and your parkour skills will be strained in some levels, even on easy level the enemies are quite challenging with me died many times, this game encourage to explore and give many loots along the way, overall a very good experience, this game deserve a video on youtube, a hidden gem

Formulaic boomer shooter meets Anime Waifu + gore. The gunplay is surprisingly decent despite everything being a PNG. Unfortunately this definitely takes more of a "Shooter from the boomer era" rather than a "shooter inspired by that era" approach in terms of its enemies, bosses, and levels. It's all very same-y. I dig the vibe but I don't think it's something that's appealing to me at this moment.

The Citadel's gunplay is okay, in that the weapons shoot and do damage and that's fun, but there are a lot of tacked on mechanics that don't fit with each other. Lean-aiming, low player health, and very particular timing and penalties around reloading indicate that The Citadel is played slow and tactically. Open levels, high move speeds, and roof-to-roof mobile combat suggest running and gunning. These mechanics don't support each other, and they don't overlap enough to warrant a "pick how you play" approach to the game. I found myself leaning into tactical play simply because such a play style has more mechanical punishments to juggle.

The Citadel's environment and prop art is acceptably bland; not good but with enough consistency to still create a readable artistic picture. The sound design doesn't do as well The music does fit the game, sometimes, but the remaining audio elements lack a purpose other than to check the box of being there, with one exception:

The Citadel's got a lot of moe murder, and it's unnervingly brutal. At first I thought that was the point: the painful, dissonant anguish of a world in such inhuman/posthuman peril. But the player is so empowered in their brutality that I feel like I'm supposed to enjoy it? It's very creepy, and not in an enjoyable way.

Feels like a set of ideas being tested more than a finished & cohesive game, in part due to every map using the same 3-5 textures and in part due to the really broad collection of gameplay mechanics. You have a set of stuff hinting towards tactical FPS gameplay like aiming down sights, gun jamming and bullet arcs, alongside some movement mechanics that mostly end up letting you sequence break or outright skip levels, and then a hunger meter which seems to be there mostly for vibes.

To be clear, I do enjoy the really wide net of mechanics, and the gunplay feels great once you get used to it, it's just that a lot of it feels extraneous to the challenges provided by the level design - at least on normal difficulty, you could probably just play it like unmodded Doom and be more or less fine. I'm hoping the followup, Beyond Citadel, ends up feeling more cohesive in that regard.

Pretty good retro-style FPS. But instead of being dynamic and crazy like it's many counterparts, it's more tactical and moody. You move slower, enemies are very deadly, your health restricted by hunger meter (which acts as a kind of second health bar - I found this mechanic rather underdeveloped, but it's still interesting idea, and it does not get in the way of action), you can lean, aim down sight, crouch to reduce sight jitter, and this game even have realistic, relatively complex reload mechanic. There are almost no saves throughout the levels, which gives weight and consequences to death. Citadel encourages you to play very carefully and tactically, and I very much enjoyed this tense gameplay. Game feel in this game is also incredible, every weapon bangs and clangs magnificently.

Guns look, sound and twitch in an incredibly impactful way. Every burst of shots is accompanied by a barrage of shell casings clanking very satisfyingly, and every kill is accompanied by an explosion of gibs. Gibs system is very thoughtfully done, and it makes killing enemies incredibly enjoyable.

The world around you is an abstract, greenish metal hellscape under heavy scarlet sky, populated with your former comrades who have gone insane. Heavily featured gore punctuates not only how fun it is to spray walls with their guts, but also how pitiful it would be to be in their place - you often see ripped faces of your enemies, full of regret and sorrow amidst the wreckage you just caused.

Citadel can feel very amateurish at times - visual design of maps is always the same and too monotonous, enemy design is far too boring compared to main character and bosses, a couple of music tracks do not fit the mood, and the game becomes too easy in later levels. But even amateurish elements of this game form a strangely alluring atmosphere.

Also, this game has the most disturbing yet satisfying flamethrower kill effects.