Reviews from

in the past

this is pretty cool. i think even base game is fun. a great way to replay skyrim, but definitely for for first-timers.

Pretty fun way to play Skyrim, but somewhat likely to give you motion sickness. Much better with Natural Locomotion, but still not ideal.

One of the most unplayable VR ports possibly ever. Even with mods it's not quite up to the level of most VR games these days.

The concept of Skyrim in VR is a dream. While this version has many advantages, the wonky move controls, difficulty in tracking, lack of mods, and lack of ability to watch something in the background kind of inhibited this version. While it is still amazing to experience Skyrim in VR, at times it felt easier just to play the regular version.

Skyrim VR with a load of mods is unironically one of the best VR experiences out there rn. Cried when I saw the aurora for the first time. 5 stars if it wasn't Skyrim.

This runs and looks like hot garbage on PSVR, save yourself the trouble and just get this on PC.

shooting fire out of my hands and incinerating an imperial for the first time was genuinely one of the craziest things I'd ever experienced

Just like a lot of people, I found myself modding this game more than actually playing it. The modding community for this game is insane. It was also awesome to see this giant world in VR. I dont really like the game play or the story. I dont like just exploring to explore. This is what a lot of the game is, I think. The world levels up with you in a weird way that made me feel like there was no real progression. In the end this is just not my type of game.

it made me feel sick but it was pretty cool

dogshit vr port, menu barely works, even with mods unplayable as hell

The VR is well executed but wow this game is so bad at making me want to do anything.

I feel incredibly immersed and surprisingly not motion sick at all when I play Skyrim VR. It's straight-up therapeutic for me to chill out as a Khajiit wherever I want. I have felt nothing but joy playing the game even if it's the millionth time I've played a TES game and the thousandth time I've played Skyrim. The world feels alive in a whole new way when I play in VR.

However, and this is a big however, this is an absolutely botched VR port and is pathetic in how little it brings to the table by default. It straight up requires mods just to work in ways a player would expect it to work from the beginning. Vanilla Skyrim is obviously nothing compared to a modded version of itself either, but at least it doesn't carry with it the disappointment of being a bad version of a decent game.

As much as I enjoy my time in this game and as much as I'll likely come back to it, I cannot for the life of me give it a good rating because of how inadequate it is for what it is. Is it worth pirating? Sure! Is it worth paying for as much as base Skyrim? Hell no. I'm glad I got it super cheap on sale.

He did it again, Todd sold me another copy of Skyrim

Now, is this one of the best VR games out there, like most people say? Far from it, it's actually one of the worst VR games while vanilla, and mods are necessary to prop it up to a janky level. It also looks like Oldrim, and it has aged terribly.

It's fun sometimes though

fun fun fun, op stamnia abuse is the best

From what I played of it, I loved it. Actually being able to physically draw arrows back french kiss

without mods this would be a 1-2 star review

I have no idea why I decided to get Skyrim VR before getting normal Skyrim first, but I did. I regret it. This is probably really good for someone who has played Skyrim before, but if you're playing it for the first time, don't make the mistakes I made

the few times i played it was pretty funny. i hate that you go in the direction that you look in though

VR is the only way I've ever played Skyrim. Compared to other VR games, this made me dizzy. But it was kinda fun.

You have to mod the fuck out of this port before it even starts to be on the level of an average VR game. Even then, being in Skyrim VR is kind of a creepy experience. You realize even more how awkward and inhuman the NPCs are, and it's pretty hard to be immersed. I'd say the only advantage this game has for now is just that there aren't many open VR worlds yet.

Skyrim...but in VR. Didn't work as well I thought

It's nice that you can play the entirety of skyrim in VR, and it's a pretty cool experience for a while. Unfortunately, once the novelty wears off you realize it's just your 10th skyrim playthrough with some slightly more entertaining combat. The novelty wears off relatively faster than with other VR games since it had the bare minimum adjustments made to make it VR and there are very few ways to interact with the world. You even have to mod the game just to see your own body when you look down.

I didn't actually finish this one, but don't plan to play anymore. It's the only VR game I've played so far that makes me motion sick, which is saying a lot.

Definitive way to play todds epic game