Reviews from

in the past

Ужасная игра. Благо, что короткая. is playable but it is not so good.
The graphics aren't bad and the bpmbat itself is of (you have to time well your kicks) but the platforming is asinine and cheap and the mini-games are crap. The musing is grating at times as well.
It is not the worst licensed game ever made, but it surely is not one of the good ones.

I both like and hate this game.

I love this game, I think it’s legit good and definitely does not deserve to drink a fart out of a roadkill skunk ass hole

the only good thing about this is the avgn episode

The best game because I am in it.

The success of the first Karate Kid film (1984) obviously invited a video game adaptation for the second instalment. Besides the orientalism of the film series, its interest was perhaps in the dialectic developed with Hong Kong action films. Such cultural baggage is absent for the video game, but is supplanted by the action-platformer tradition of the 1980s. In this respect, The Karate Kid is an ultimately lacklustre attempt. The player takes on the role of Daniel in a succession of four levels that are roughly reminiscent of the film's plot - it's worth noting that the first stage is the tournament featured in the first entry of the franchise. The last three levels are side-scrollers, interspersed with bonus stages, which test the player's reflexes. These are generally uninteresting, but serve as a distraction from the rest of the game. Indeed, the levels are generally unenjoyable, if only because of the ad nauseam rehashing of enemies. This feeling is not helped by the protagonist's strange collisions against the various platforms: jumping with the D-Pad's up button is particularly frustrating, especially as the wind comes into play in the third level.

The combat system is also vacuous. While it is possible to punch or kick, the former should almost always be avoided, as the range is too short to be really effective against the various opponents. On the contrary, kicking puts the player in a much more comfortable situation, thus nullifying a whole part of the gameplay. The only times when fists should be favoured are in situations where the player and the enemies are not on the same plane: sometimes a punch will hit the target more easily. Nevertheless, these situations remain in all cases unreadable. The Karate Kid therefore hardly convinces. Already outdated, it suffered from an unpleasant monotony and never managed to make a proposal worthy of interest. Of course, there are some ideas, but they are always superficial and implemented in a way that is too muddled to actually work.

Difficult, infinitely spawning enemies that are affected by the console's limitations. And there's fucking wind. Still satisfying to beat.

The setup feels similar to 1985's Kung Fu, except that all of the parts integral to making a brawler or fighting game aren't present here: The controls are clunky, the hit detection is awful, the levels are poorly designed, and the enemies are annoying and there are projectiles being thrown at you off-screen constantly.

Game sucks.

Starts off pretty fun in the tournament then just becomes a side scroller with bad platforming and nonstop enemy spam. The best way to describe this game is obnoxious.

Multi-player is probably fun but this sucks.

new activity dare your friends to do this one its like 10-20 minutes but total dogshit pass it on

Not quite as bad as the majority of the internet would have you believe but also incredibly frustrating with its insane knockback.

On the plus side though, at only 4 stages you'll probably beat it before you get really mad about dying a whole bunch

I absolutely detest the very existence of The Karate Kid (NES). It was by far my least favorite NES game that I owned growing up. It has some of the most annoying gameplay I've experienced in an early sidescroller.

You're armed with the worst sweep of all time that barely hits the inside of your own fucking sprite, and if you come within five centimeters of another enemy you both awkwardly bounce backwards like magnets repelling eachother. Which is appropriate to say, because sometimes when you get hit it apparently activates the magnet in Daniel's ass that makes him fly towards the nearest creek or other body of water. The dumbass bouncy castle gameplay is so horrendous that you're better off getting through stage 4 by just making the enemies follow you rather than actually fight them due to the terrible stage layout and avoiding having to deal with their fucking dick spears.

At least it's mercifully short, and I actually kinda like the bonus stages that are hidden in blacked out doorways (or the top of some part of the roof sometimes??). My favorite is the peaceful meditating girl just floating in the air for you to rescue(?) and get your HP back. I dunno what the fuck that's about, was she in the movie? I don't fucking know, go play Kung Fu instead or something.