Reviews from

in the past

se cold steel tivesse a energia de zero mas com a execução de hajimari 10/10 tesão ápice da narrativa lagrimas nos meus olhos (n dá pra transar com a fie mas tem connect event dela)

absolutely the best kiseki game.
- gameplay is the peak of the series by far. action combat is rudimentary but complements the turn-based combat incredibly well and switching between them is shockingly fun. most enjoyable the combat has ever been
- story is excellent and im so glad they went a darker route than previous games. theres some seriously fucked up shit in this game and it rules. ofc there are some of the classic falcom tropes but they are pretty minor overall
- music is overall good, some of jindo's best work and koguchi is making a huge impact. i feel like singa's contributions have a lot of good ideas this time around but as usual they tend to be badly stitched together and/or poorly arranged, but in the context of the game they don't bother me much. also sonoda is there

overall: 10/10 please oh please let kuro 2 not be shit

kuro 2 boutta surpass ao dawg ain't no fucking way

What a return to form. Loved the cast so much and felt like everyone got their due for the most part. I loved getting to see the grittier side of this world that we've only been told about for the most part. The story had me engaged from the opening moments. Really enjoyed the new battle system and pretty much all the new additions. Connect events were very enjoyable and a great change from bonding events in CS. Van made a strong case to potentially be my favorite Trails MC.

kuro 2 is gonna be the best game of all time

Been a year and a half since I've played and unlike the cold steel games my opinion has only gone up with time. Still want to see what they do with later games in this arc (Playing 2 rn) but as it stands I think this is the single best entry in the series and I have so few problems with this game it's actually near perfect.

An amazing start to the new Arc, but not one without its issues. The middle of this game drags pretty hard, and difficulty balance is all over the place (while never really truly getting hard, outside of the last boss, fuck that guy), but the refinements to various systems including cooking, Connect events and Orbments, as well as the complete overhauling of Combat have landed in a very, very solid base in which to build from, and im excited to see the Field Combat be expanded.

Van is an amazing character, and (most) of the main crew is excellent too, specifically Aaron and Agnes (and Elaine, but thats kind of cheating). Excellent stuff here.

Van is a nice breath of fresh air and his struggle with his past + relationship with Rene and Elaine is great. Some of the Spriggans are also great like Judith. Unfortunately Agnes is bland af, which is a problem because she's the deuteragonist.

This series continues to blow me away. Even changing the battle system which I loved so much before couldn't hurt this game. The game is too easy but I can't wait until they flesh out the system. Falcom has perfected the first game in the series with this entry

Van Arkride makes me happy on so many levels. Can not wait for more of the western fandom to experience this amazing game and the best start to an arc this series has had.

The best game in the series so far, the strongest main cast, an extremely refreshing combat system after five games of Cold Steel, great antagonists for the most part and overall the strongest start to an arc in Kiseki.


Played in Japanese on PS4. Got partway through the Quatre chapter (in the science town).

The game uses the classic "cast of 8" JRPG ensemble, characters introduced each chapter. I think this game is too long (I'm 2-3x as slow playing in Japanese due to the amount and difficulty of reading here), though part of that is exhaustion with playing in a second language. It's an 60-80 hour RPG with regular timing.

As a Trails fan (who frustratedly put up with the entire ho-hum Cold Steel series), Kuro makes some nice and positive moves for the series. The lead, Van, seems to actually have a canon romance, there isn't any creepy harem dating shit, and other characters seem to have romances of their own as well as interesting ties to organizations or their home cities.

I love the battle system changes - most of the time you can just hack away in dungeons, and more fast-paced Trails-y turn-based combat feels really good! I got the sense that it's easier overall than past games, but I play on Normal difficulty so who knows. That being said, there isn't any real tension in the dungeons. It mostly feels like padding before the next plot beat.

I still feel like the Massive Countries within the Kuro arc has similar problems to Cold Steel - you get a pretty disjointed sense of the entire world, and things start to feel cyclic/repetitive after a while.

Well, I'm not sure if I'll finish Kuro 1, but I'll probably still try out Kuro 2 (or at least watch the series to the end...what's gonna happen??)

Falcom made another banger but they need to stop calling the final chapter “finale” because that implies (to me at least) that it will be a short endeavor…the finale of this game is longer than most other games…10000ish lines of dialogue and would prolly take the average person several weeks on that alone. I love this series but this is the first one where I wished it were shorter rather than longer.

De los mejores inicios de arco que he vivido en esta saga.
A pesar de que los capítulos introductorios de personajes no me han gustado mucho, conocer a Van y a todos los integrantes de Arkride Solutions Office ha sido todo un viaje.
Las últimas 10 horas no paran de tirar información y plottwists a la cara, juegazo como la saga me tiene acostumbrado.

my expectations were very high going in from all the praise and it smashed them all

I get it.

Here's the finish line man... I've gone through the entire series now.. Trails is simply peak fiction