Reviews from

in the past

I don't care what anyone else says about this game, the story is amazing, art direction is really good, and it just has a special place in my heart as the first Zelda game i fully played through and I loved it.

Nowhere near as bad as people say. Great art design and story and introduced some mechanics that would be refined in BotW. Would be a lot better if the motion controls worked more than half the time.

don't know why this was so shit on when it came out, it's super solid and fun, and the motion controls actually weren't that bad? only thing preventing me from replaying was the imprisoned, AKA the literal worst boss fight in any game ever that you have to do THREE TIMES

I love this game. Everybody else can f offffffff

This one is my favorite one (:

1 zelda que joguei, é o com a melhor historia

Played a ton of this when I was younger. Provided many great memories although I don't really remember what happens in this very well.

it sure is a zelda game

La història em sembla infintament millor que en els dos nous i jo estic aquí per a veure un romanç

I will not be taking questions at this time

Wii controller and accuracy are not a very good mix

It's not great but... it could be worse, too.

The motion controls really didn't work that well and unfortunately they were the main draw here. If a remake with more traditional controls ever comes out I will give this one another shot.

Honestly I'd say probably the most visually creative dungeons the series has had, but even ignoring the motion controls the world of the game is really boring and only gets worse as the game goes on. Unfortunate.

The Grooooooooooooooossssssssee is loose

I'm going to defend this game until it kills me

Imagine getting filtered by MOTION CONTROLS

One of my favorite depictions of Zelda, great dungeon design.

No es de los mejores Zelda pero sigue siendo un muy buen juego.

I can respect this game for trying to be ambitious with it's gameplay, but unfortunatley the motion controls just don't fall through. (Play Skyward Sword HD instead)

Let's talk about the good first. If theres something Zelda always does right it's the aesthetics. This is the first Zelda game in the series with a fully orchestrated soundtrack, and every single entry is a banger. The watercolor artstyle finds a nice compromise between styilization & photorealism, I'd say it's right in the middle of Wind Waker & Twilight Princess. The overworld environments & dunegons look amazing & offer a ton of personality to flesh them out.

With all that being said, unfortunatley there is much to be desired from the core gameplay experience. The Wii Motion Plus controls are great, when they work. In practice what ends up happening is you having to constantly pause the game in order to recalibrate the controls. This really breaks any immersion you're trying to build, which makes a lot of the gameplay feel like a chore. And of course who can forget the unskippable tutorials & Fi warnings. They happen at nauseum & paired with relatively slow text speed the minutes slowly add up. Besides the dungeons themselves which are solid for the most part, much of this games runtime is filled with repetitive quests that quickly become tedious. Quests such as: The Imprisoned boss fights, Silent Realm Trials, fetch quests; so many segments of the game are just straight up not fun. With all that being said, decent Zelda entry for a single play through but don't bother getting 100%.

One of my least favorite Zelda games, but not a bad game by any means

best game ever change my mind

Somewhat jank motion controls are hard on my bum arm, 0/5

But Groose called Demise a greasewad, 4/5

Now, buckle up, 'cause this is gonna be one heck of a review. Or not. Because, uh, honestly, I don't remember much about this game. Like, at all.

I mean, I know I played it. I think. There's a save file on my Wii that says I finished it. But ask me to recall a single memorable moment from the game? Yeah, good luck with that.

I vaguely remember something about flying on a giant bird? Or was it riding a sky whale? Honestly, your guess is as good as mine. And don't even get me started on the characters – were there even any? I think there was a princess involved, maybe?

But hey, it's not all bad. I mean, I must've enjoyed it enough to finish it, right? Or maybe I just have a stubborn streak when it comes to completing games, who knows?

So yeah, "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword" is... uh, a game. It exists. And I played it. Beyond that? Your guess is as good as mine. But hey, if you're into flying on giant birds and fighting... something, then maybe it's worth a shot. Or not. Who knows, really?

en oo skyward sword defender sori se vaan on aivan liian hidas ja goofy