Reviews from

in the past

I don't ever think I could play this game myself but THE STORY THE STORY TH

gran ost, lo jugue con mi hermano y el hizo el 70%. teniamos el juego con el CD de la orquesta

People hate on this game far too much for it to have the best Zelda and Link story line and arguably the best story in all of Zelda. I've never cared so much about saving Zelda, and I've never once felt so guilty about the roles Zelda and Link have to fulfill.

They are in love, your honor.

i forgot what i rated the switch version but this is worse cuz of the stupid dildo controller motion controls

GooeyScale: 55/100

My first Zelda game. As a kid, the controls were the most fun I had playing a game ever.

the only zelda game to make me care about zelda as a character (except maybe the first half of wind waker), many of the dungeons are great but the game has a lot of tedious parts and backtracking. Regardless, I can't give anything below 4/5 to a game with Groose in it

My personal favorite Zelda game. Yea the wii controls were annoying but game is really good graphics are nice too. Looking to play the swotch version soon.

can't see myself getting into it at all

A good zelda experience

I really liked it but it has some annoying elements
Honestly the controls are amazing and feel really natural, and it does make some stuff alot cooler. Like pulling your sword out of the ground, using a whip, flying your loftwing or just swinging your sword all feel really nice to do.
The only thing i hated with the controls was the jab, for some reason that was always fucking up for me and quite a few bosses need you to use it to defeat them. I raged at the second last boss alot because of it
Dungeons are all great, and I really didnt mind how "linear" the world was and thought it was fun, though apparently it being linear is more of an irk on second playthroughs
I did really like the way the story and characters were presented though. I cried at the zelda moment and at the end. And Groose.
the only problem is that the game feels way longer than it needs to be. There are just so many things you have to go and do by the end that it does get a bit annoying, even if they are fun
Oh and also on the wii version the amount of popups you get when collecting items is insane
Every time you turn off the system, it pretends like youve never played the game before and makes sure to explain everything to you ... every ... single ... time

This game is great. The motion controls are fun to use, and really capture how I felt a Zelda game on the Wii should be when I first considered the idea as a kid. The founding myths of Hyrule as a game is a fun concept and gives this game a sort of mysticism.

único Zelda que eu zerei até hoje

GG nintendo pour les milliers de vases pétés.

Fun, but not as good as the other games

J'ai envie d'adorer Fay...... sincèrement......

Yeah those are motion controls

Great storyline and ost's top tier i enjoyed the progresse of the master sword and knowing how the legendary clothes of link was created , gameplay wasnt the best but acceptable there is some repetitive scenario

I know the reputation this game has, but this has my favourite story and characterisation of Link and Zelda