Reviews from

in the past

Possibly one of the most disapointing games I have ever played. Uninteresting characters, a story that is simply not engaging enough and a main character that is miles, miles away from Lee or Clamentine.

Gameplay-wise it's an incredible step down from Season 2 and even more from season 1. Almost no gameplay, no exploration, barely any character control, no puzzles and we only use the controler to choose the dialogue and for the QTE action scenes, here even more simplyfied.

Visual style is also worse, models are too shiny, "realistic" and away from the beatiful ink style of the past seasons.

Avoid. Play season 2 and skip to the Final Season which looks to be a major improvement from what we can see.

My god, after the ending of s2 AND THIS IS WHAT WE GET? WASTED POTENSIAL!

The first chapter is pretty solid. Clem works infinitely better in a supporting role.


But it's so forgettable. I barely remember a thing that happened in this season, the new characters are fairly bland and uninspired - it doesn't help they're never seen again after this season either.

This borders on filler, unfortunately.

Game broke about 30 minutes in and soft locked for over 2 hours. Kind of set the tone for the rest of the play through.

Huge drop in quality compared to Seasons One and Two

"Now I am become" Telltale, destroyer of batteries. It lacks any real improvements from the previous iterations, and still suffers from performance and audio mixing, in addition to battery draining like a energy thirsty vampire. The gameplay remains overly simplistic for my taste. The writing shines, and only occasionally suffers from “catch all” responses and animations that don’t always match with your choice in words (e.g. I just made a choice that doomed a character from finding “her baby”, and seconds later she is smiling like a smitten teen).

Swing and miss from Telltale.

I got the wrong ending!!!! KATE WHERE DID YOU GO!!!

No es para mi pero no esta del todo mal pero cada vez que lo he visto o lo he jugado me he quedao dormido

Não lembro muito, não é nada marcante e bem genérico eu acho kkkkkkkk, não faço questã ode jogar denovo

I just remember that Gabe is a fucking cuck fuck that guy

I love Javi sm but please, telltale, what is the point of him!!!! Explain why we needed a season of Garcia's!!!!!!! I beg of you!!!!!

By far the least interesting season of Walking Dead. Some of the choices made with Clementine are very strange.

A perfectly decent installment of The Walking Dead franchise. Shouldn't have changed the main character, though.

In the grand scale of things, 'The Walking Dead: A New Frontier' was by far the most pointless season. But somehow it managed to be the most consistent, compelling, and challenging of all the sagas; Javi is a lovable protagonist, it offers interesting commentary with the character of David, and seeing Clem grow into the survivor we raised in the first season and preserved in the second is inspiring.

mano qual a necessidade de faze um jogo desse irmao

Quick and easy 100%. Love the Telltale games. Wish they didn't go out of business...

Storyline gets a little boring by the end. If I could redo it, I'd play the Walking Dead games in order instead of starting with this one.

I was never bored while playing this and there are some cool action but honestly it felt very disposable and inconsequential in the whole series.

Essa porra virou novela mexicana??

The Only Thing This Game Is Good For Is The Action

i think this game gets way too much hate. while it's nothing in comparison to the first two, it's still an alright game.

¿Quién es toda esta gente y por qué debería importarme? ¿En qué estaba pensando Telltale?

Javi é uma representação que pra viver num mundo apocalíptico é necessário inteligência, o homem sabe o que faz e seu coração até lembra o de lee

The charm and beauty of the precious two gashes just doesn’t seem present this time around. Not entirely bad just not at all on the same level as seasons one and two.