Reviews from

in the past

Jonathan Blow can Jonathan blow me

he made a pretty alright puzzle game though

Und wieder ein Rätselspiel, das den Namen verdient.
Wer auf einfache und doch fordernde Rätsel steht, wird hier massig belohnt. Gegen Ende ohne Autismus oder Lösung nicht zu schaffen, aber genial ist es dennoch.
Auch der Charakter läuft zügig, etwas was viele andere Spiele komplett vergessen.

More like Jonathan SUCK amirite

But for real it's fine. Overrated. I can appreciate aspects of it but I think the game actually fails at it's oh-so-clever design goals, some ideas are horribly communicated to the player.

sorry folks this one is boring as shit

This game is a tad too clever for it's own good at times. There's some really cool and intuitive puzzles that really test your wits and your observation skills. But those strengths are also the game's biggest weakness imo. It might be beating a dead horse because i've heard this same complaint from many other people regarding this game. But the auditory puzzles had given me a hard time. I dunno if i'm tone deaf, but i really struggled to even grasp those puzzles. I couldn't even say with confidence how i solved them. Also was not terribly fond of how fiddly many of the puzzles seemed to be... figuring out the magic pixel to stand on didn't feel like a fun or engaging puzzle solution. It felt frustrating because i knew how to solve the puzzle, yet i could not solve it. My experience with this game was incredibly dual faced. When i was having fun with it, i was having a lot of fun with it. but it was absolutely miserable to play otherwise

I was previously spoiled on the ending and overall meta of the game. Had I figured it out myself I would've punched Jonathan Blow in the face.

O jogo é lindo e tem mecânicas incríveis, porém eu achei um jogo muito chato e cansativo de jogar, principalmente nos últimos puzzles.

Not for me. I need more impetus than the opportunity to solve puzzles and more reward than the presumed satisfaction of solving said puzzles.

It's cool but the it drags and after a while I lost interest.

Jeu de con qui te laisse aller dans chaque recoin de la map sans te dire où aller + énigmes strictement cauchemardesques tant c'est incompréhensible ça va que le jeu est très beau sinon c'est la honte

Interesting puzzle game. It is frustrating though and not a lot of hints. Beautiful island. Game gives me motion sickness though.

The most gorgeous and atmospheric puzzle game I’ve ever played. I only got help maybe max 10 times, and I only got the base ending because I am tired of my brain hurting in such a specific way. Although nice; I find some of the video clips and audio files to be a bit pretentious, like your Psych/English major friend trying to show off. Really loved the subtle world building and how diverse each of the biomes were. Finally getting a puzzle you have been chipping away at for 30 minutes is very satisfying and makes up for the rest of the game where I was occasionally just banging my head against the wall. Don’t think I’ll go back and do the non mandatory sections, but who knows.

Llevo años intentando completarlo, igual está bonita la experiencia y los puzles son increíblemente ingeniosos.

Puzzles bem desafiadores e interessantes. Não cheguei até o final do game pq por ser em terceira pessoa me deu muito enjoou, outra critica é que os puzzles claramente tem mais de uma forma de serem resolvidos mas o jogo só aceita uma forma.

I was waiting for the “right” price on The Witness, and even better, it was free on PS+. It received plenty of praise and Game of the Year accolades when it released, so I knew I wanted to play it eventually, but I’m not a puzzle guy. For this reason, I waited for it to drop.

Oh boy, this is hitting me in a way I didn’t expect. First off, what an absolutely stunning game in terms of look and design. I’m not sure how invested I will be in this puzzle world in terms of a potential plot ala Portal, but it at least gives vibes that there could be something under the surface that pulls me forward.

The puzzles so far are just right. They ease you in pretty well, but if you find one before you are ready, it will definitely leave you scratching your head. As eager as I am to run around the island solving its many mysteries, I’m afraid in running across something to big for my britches.

Jonathan Blow is a smart man. Whether you find him pretentious or not is another issue, but there is no denying his ability at game design along with interesting mechanics. I look forward to playing through The Witness in a way I didn’t think I would when I eventually bought it.

muy dificil me derrite el cerebro

A very lame but good puzzle game.

it's good! i feel like i get the gist, might come back eventually

Pretentious as fuck with mobile game mechanics.

Jonathan Blow as a person notwithstanding, this game's pretty solid. It's not insanely dense or anything, but it's a nice change of pace from games in general. I like the quiet atmosphere and slow pacing, I like the nearly-pointless philosophical musings scattered around, I love The Moment in it which would be criminal to spoil.

Its story is minimal, even debatably nonexistent, but it's certainly a compelling experience provided you're not one to get bored to death by it. Personally, I like the wandering around and the scribbling solutions into inscrutable notes, the little obsession the game can breed into first-time players. It's just pretty unique.

I don't mind games full of abstract puzzles with little to no explanation except via experimentation, but I prefer them in more abstract settings. The environment in The Witness is very nice, but tedious as heck to navigate, and searching for puzzles feels more like a chore than like rewarding exploration.

Struggled to rate this one a bit; it is undisputably /incredibly/ pretentious, and there are a lot of pointlessly long animations at times that just serve to waste your time, but I found these problems so prevalent they were almost self-parodical. The actual puzzle game underneath was really well-designed, although there definitely were points where I didnt feel the game was communicating things anywhere near clearly enough.

os puzzles são divertidos e interessantes mas por algum motivo esse jogo me da enjoo, então não consegui zerar até hoje.

Pretty looking pretentious bullshit

beautiful game, but some puzzles on here feel so arbitrary
maybe im just stupid tho

this game is actively looking down on you.