Reviews from

in the past

Played as part of Atari 50.

I don't want every single one of my Jaguar reviews to just reiterate that Atari fell flat on their face when it came to evolving with their competition, but that really is just the main conclusion to be made, isn't it? Launching the Jaguar with two largely uninteresting space games ripping off Star Fox in two different ways is crazy. Trevor McFur is just a boring shmup, with a striking lack of music for the vast majority of the game. The levels are long and repetitive without a ton of variation, and once you do finally beat a boss and get into a planet it's largely more of the same, just with a different scrolling background. It's no surprise no one bought this piece of shit console if this is what they were using to sell it, lol.

(Atari 50)
This kinda feels like one of the most boring games I've played but also I'm oddly intrigued by it, I can't explain what it actually is that intrigues me though. The levels are too long, they're uninspired, and there's no music. No music is the biggest killer for it really. I suppose the fact that there's asteroids that break into smaller asteroids means you can see Atari's Asteroids lineage?

Legit feel like this game was made by someone high. It feels like a shitty knock off star fox but to call it a knockoff is an insult to knock offs. It has you play as an anthropomorphic animal who flies in a space where you have to avoid rocks... more rocks... space gas... and rocks that throw rocks at you. Then you fight a boss who has a weak spot and suddenly doesn't and the game kills you about 3-4 time before it's game over.

Awful game and the last within Atari 50.

(played as part of ATARI 50)

Imagine some kid getting a Jaguar at launch and being stuck with this and CYBERMORPH. Their friends on the playground talking about Doom and Sonic and Game Boy Zelda. Atari owed that kid better than this shitpost garbage.

While this game might have passed for something decent on previous Atari platforms, this is a far cry from the quality of games released from other developers in 93.

I will give credit where credit is dude and say that some of the level designs are actually quite interesting and really out there for the time. It's too bad a good majority of everything else kind of sucks.


I'm losing control of my life. What is this? This feels like a fever dream AI generated vertical shoot em up. It sounds bad, it looks bad even for Jaguar graphics and completely just feels like a copy and paste job. I'm not giving this game any more time.

Of course this got more plays on here than Attack of the Mutant Penguins, I bet all of you were just as disappointed as I was. Yes, I know who you are.

One of the most embarrassing shmups I've ever played, and it wasn't even due to the photoshop jobs of animal heads on top of human bodies. The graphics and low-quality sound effects make me think I'm playing some shockwave or flash game on Levels are long and horrifyingly dull, the first ten seconds of a stage is the rest of the five minutes you get to experience in it. Nothing new is pulled on you, and time slows to a standstill. The game's strategy is to bore you into drowsiness, and hope you blunder into obstacles by accident. It's the antithesis of Super R-Type, it suffers from a serious case of pillow fists and not only respawns you on death, but also respawns you on continue, effectively giving you like 15 lives or whatever. If you're expecting music during gameplay then you're sorely mistaken, this ain't your mama's Thunder Force IV. It's goddamn Trevor McFur and it's soundtrack of shitty sound effects, and a composer who was only paid in a free Happy Meal and some Chuck E. Cheese tokens. The only way it could be more underwhelming would be if the frame rate tanked, and I honestly wish it did so I wouldn't have a stealth compliment to give it.

The weapon system is bullshit, whatever special weapon you collect instantly replaces the one you had and in order to switch you have to use the number pad to pick what you need out of the nine, or cycle through them via the option button. I love accidentally calling my useless wingman instead of using my screen-clearing bomb or my shield. My favorite weapon is the cartoonish magnet that you can accidentally kill yourself with, by firing it and having it pull the asteroid behind your ship in addition to everything else on screen.

It wasn't all for naught though, yes there's actually something uplifting about this dopey game. Most of the stage backgrounds and themes are fairly boring, but for whatever reason the graphics guy just had the time of his life and went ballistic for the planet Zephyria. I assume they just got absolutely loaded one day, and came out of it with the funniest screenshot I got to upload to IGDB yet. A stage that resembles Andy's Bedroom from Toy Story with you fighting some smarmy-looking chrome cupid asshole in sunglasses, flanked by the hummingbird from Kolibri, and ships that resemble the batarang cursor from the main menu of Batman Forever on SNES. I seriously couldn't make this shit up if I had tried. There's dragons too for some reason.

When your launch lineup for North America is this and Cybermorph, it's seriously no wonder that Atari died and became the dancing corpse on strings that it is today.