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A thought-provoking game, inspired by a real thought experiment, Trolley Problem is a game that imposes moral dilemmas on players, a pretty nice game but the replayability sucks.

I passed the whole game, it was probably one of the most boring 90 minutes in my life) And I played not alone, with friend,
The essence of the game is that you are given choices in which you "have no choice", like turn right, 5 people will die, turn left, 1 person will die, they give you about 40-50 seconds to think and this is a very long time, despite the fact that there is nothing to think about and you decide in a couple of seconds, out of 50 choices there were a couple where it was really interesting to think, but any of your decisions doesn’t really affect anything, the game will continue anyway, it’s impossible to die here, most of the questions will be absurd, but it`s not funny, you can smile a couple of times in the whole game.
In general, "neither fish nor fowl", the author didn`t have a clear creative idea, he would only release "something", he also mixed some creepypasta elements here, which once again confirmed the "tastelessness" of this project.

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Прошёл игру, это были, наверное, одни из самых мучительных 90 минут в моей жизни) Причём я же ещё и с другом был,
Суть игры такова, вам дают выборы, в которых у вас "нет выбора", типо поверни направо, умрут 5 человек, поверни налево, умрёт 1 человек, дают на размышление около 40-50 секунд и это очень долго, учитывая что думать тут нечего и вы определитесь за пару секунд, из 50 выборов было парочку, где реально было интересно подумать, но любое ваше решение особо ни на что не влияет, так и так игра продолжится, погибнуть тут невозможно, большинство вопросов будут абсурдными, но юмора это особо тоже не "делает", ну пару раз может усмехнётесь за всю игру.
В общем, ни рыба, ни мясо, у автора не было чёткой творческой идеи, выпустил лишь бы что, ещё и элементы крипипасты какой-то сюда примешал, что ещё раз подтверждило "безвкусность" данного проекта.

Got 3 achieements. 2 I could get and one that regardless of how many times I reset I cannot get even with walkthrough so give up.

I think I chose to murder a child every time I was given the chance.

Was hoping for more than was offered, pretty disappointing. The narrator gets kinda grating. A large number of the trolley problems don't really propose an actual moral dilemma or are contrived, and the narrator will berate you either way in most cases.

the hallucinations are strong in this one

Made me question if children are worth being left alive

God, this game shot itself in the foot. The premise is good, the presentation is pleasantly minimalist, the narration is charming, and some of the early choices are genuinely thought-provoking. But then the game goes into creepypasta mode with glitchy visuals, jumpscare-y images, and obnoxious 'creepy' dialogue that just made me laugh. Like, phew, thank God we've entered into ten-year-old territory, I was worried for a moment that I'd actually have to think about my choices. And then the game just gets progressively sillier and edgier, culminating in the finale where you get high for no reason and answer a bunch of goofy questions before getting sent to hell and being presented with a choice that literally says "would you kill everyone in the entire world or kill yourself?"

Now, here's the crucial thing to note about this question. This game not only keeps track of what you answer, but you can always see, at the end of each question, a percentage meter showing how many other players agree or disagree with your choice. This is a good idea. However, there's another meter that tells you whether or not the dev agrees with your choice. Slightly arrogant, but a decent idea all the same. So, with that in mind, let's go back to that "do you sacrifice the entire world or just yourself?" question. As of this writing, most players logically picked 'sacrifice yourself'.

The dev would have picked 'kill the entire world'.

This means one of two things. Either the dev picked the funny edgy answer, and thus he didn't take his own game seriously even though he wants us to... or, he's an edgelord and he actually thinks this, which completely destroys the rest of his opinions and the very nature of this game as a whole.

A good premise undone by juvenile creepypasta bullshit and hypothetical questions that get lamer and lamer with time. Too many 'obviously right' questions that render the point of having to think about making a choice utterly null and invalid. Also WAY too expensive, this is literally more than Undertale and it's not even an hour-and-a-half. Pretty bad game, tbh. Good concept, though!

Bon petit jeu assez court, rien de transcendant mais sympatoche.
Le message que le jeu fait passé manque un peu de subtilité, mais c'est quand même pas mal.
Je pense que ça serait un peu plus intéressant avec des amis ! (Pour refaire le monde)

pretty boring game. the story goes kinda off the rails at the end but your choices don't really matter and you can find the same amount of fun by googling "moral dilemma". i will give it half a star because the presentation is alright

Played from – to: (2023-08-14 – 2023-08-14) – PC keyboard.
‣ 6/10 – I did not kill a dog!
‣ Thoughts: The Trolley Problem is a problematic game. Here you can go for a regular medical check-up and get knocked out by your nurse and have every vital organ harvested overnight. Then you can get promoted to president while developing vehicular AI that prioritizes killing the drivers more than anything else. Lastly you can end up nuking towns while being hooked up to a dying man for 9 months. With that said this game is bizarre and introduces many unwinnable decisions and always guilt trips you with the most annoying one liners possible. This isn’t really a game you can review or rank. Some will simply enjoy the bizarre choices and others won’t. Fun to do in a group though.

A moderately amusing assemblage of moral dilemmas, though the genuinely provocative earlier questions eventually give way to increasingly silly/meta diversions which aren't quite as noodle-baking.

The narration is really good. The visuals are ugly AF on the Deck though.

The game’s initial concept was interesting, but it slowly just devolved into something really strange.
I love the minimalist presentation of the game, and I think the narrator was pleasant early on.
The whole appeal of the trolley problem was the moral question surrounding it. Would it be better for 5 people to die as a result of inaction, or for 1 person to die though you ACTIVELY switching the trajectory of the trolley. I thought the rest of the game was going to focus on answering similar moral dilemmas, but it kind of just went down this path of trying to tell this strange creepypasta-style narrative. That in and of itself isn’t a bad thing, but the way this game does it isn’t all that interesting. They could’ve easily made this game have multiple endings based on your decisions, but it was just completely linear.
The percentage meter showing how other players answered, as well as Twitch chat integration were both brilliant ideas. If the questions in here were genuinely thought-provoking, then this game could’ve started some neat conversations.

I just wanted to answer some cool questions :(

Pretty naive and juvenile, but at least it looks neat :0
Wish it did a lot more with the premise.

Goes on for far too long without anything of interest keeping you locked in. In fact, it makes it worse by seemingly throwing your choices out the window. You are in a plethora of ridiculous events with sometimes hard choices (fun), while an overarching "story" plays through each Act but also interacts with each other and doesn't change regardless of what you do (not fun).

you either pull the lever and get emotionally manipulated by a crumpet cruncher or don't pull the lever and get emotionally manipulated by a crumpet cruncher