Reviews from

in the past

Incredibly exploitative and `cheating` (сmon saw from a boot), but fast enough to keep you awake

this game is so fun and cool as hell. the chainsaw leg is the best mechanic i never knew i needed. i still get lost sometimes, which drags the pacing down a bit. idk if thats the level design or if im just stupid but i tend to get lost a lot in boomer shooters

Holy shit I really am chainsaw man

"All those upgrades and you never did get yourself a chainsaw d#ck... What a waste..." - Maw

Por ser um boomer shooter, baixei a demo de Turbo Overkill sem esperar muita coisa. Não cheguei a terminar a demo, mas ao sair dela “paralizado” e com o maior sorriso que já esbocei na vida ao jogar algo, foi aí que soube que deveria comprar. Novamente, era um jogo do qual eu não esperava muito, mas que acabou me entregando absolutamente tudo, e mais um pouco ainda.

Turbo Overkill possui uma gameplay frenĂ©tica e divertida com uma completa variedade de armas e equipamentos, com direito atĂ© de pilotar motos e mechas (e claro, as motosserras nas pernas e braços para quando quiser levar a briga pro pessoal), um enredo simples, mas interessante, que nĂŁo Ă© sĂł background para o tiroteio, e que traz consigo personagens e vilĂ”es cativantes (te amo Ripper, sua doida huehue), uma direção artĂ­stica incrĂ­vel que dĂĄ vontade de tirar capturas de tela o tempo todo, e uma trilha sonora impecĂĄvel que captura muito bem toda a essĂȘncia do jogo, Ă© fĂĄcil uma das melhores que jĂĄ ouvi em um jogo.

Bem, sĂł Ă© justo dizer que amo demais esse jogo. Fez eu me apaixonar por boomer shooters, Ă© meu GOTY pessoal de 2023, e Ă© definitivamente um dos meus jogos favoritos! Super recomendado para fĂŁs de boomer shooters ou quem Ă© novato nesse gĂȘnero. Good hunting, Sir!

nauseating and fun (literarily)

I don't get the hype. It's not bad, but has big problems that really drag it down.

The difficulty and weapon balance are the main ones.

There are 4 or so difficulty settings, and Murder Machine, the highest, is the only one that tries to give any semblance of challenge. It really goes about it in the wrong way though.
See, this is a movement shooter, so you're expected to always be on the move to dodge enemy attacks. Problem is, the highest difficulty makes enemy projectiles faster, meaning you almost can't engage in normal close range combat. Even if you can, staying back is infinitely more effective, but also way less fun.

The weapon balance is also disappointing.
With a wide roster of guns to use, you'd expect the game to give you incentives to do so, but there's only one enemy type that has a major weakness tied to a weapon, you almost never run out of ammo, and most weapons are totally viable to use exclusively for most situations. There are also no synergies between weapons like in Ultrakill.

The enemies also generally have really small health pools, meaning most less elaborate fights can be ended with two AOE attacks or so, and you either die instantly if you get caught off guard, or you kill everything around you nearly instantly if you know/can guess what's coming.

There's also the lack of polish.
Getting stuck in walls isn't uncommon.
Most of the time I found an interesting nook to platform to, it was not a secret and just an empty part of the level that wasn't blocked off. Imagine a metroidvania where destroying fake walls leads to empty corridors 80% of the time - it takes all the fun out of searching for secrets.
Enemy attacks are almost all silent, meaning you can't tell when you're getting shot at until it's too late (most enemies kill you nearly instantly on Murder Machine difficulty).
There's an enemy type that just pops out of existence when killed. There are gore effects that appear, sure, but without any sound effect it just looks weak and means they're not fun to kill.
There's an option to enable enemy highlighting if you have trouble spotting them (I did). However, the highlight colour is red, and half the game's environments are also red.
The movement mechanics are a little iffy too. Instead of preserving absolute momentum, your speed is relative to the camera, meaning you can't hook shot to launch yourself up and shoot at enemies below - you'll fly straight down towards them instead.

The levels don't seem to have been designed with the actual movement system in mind. Half the platforming can be skipped, and a lot of spots look like secrets because they weren't made with the awareness that they can be reached.

There are good things about the game too of course - like I said, it's still a decent time.

There's quite a few weapons with some cool alternate fire modes and extra mechanics.
You can do animation cancels by changing weapons too, which is completely busted (it's way too fast) but kind of liberating.

The movement is super fast and the chainsaw slide is fun to use.
You can also chain double jumps, dodges, slides (they work mid-air) and grapples (they renew your jumps) to get some crazy airtime and control.

The enemy designs are solid.
Nothing crazy deep, but they're varied and different enemy combinations really change how encounters play out.
There's melee and ranged fodder, stronger enemies with different types of projectiles, bigger monsters that require some extra effort to kill and avoid their attacks, and some extra novelty enemies.

There are also a few bosses in the game, but I didn't find them very engaging, and many of them also suffer from the "kill them extremely quickly or not at all" problem. However, I generally dislike bosses in shooters, so I'm probably more critical of them than most.

The levels are big, use lock and key mechanics to make the path feel less linear, and they're mostly pretty open, which works well with the exceptionally fast movement.
They also often involve different themes (like having a central hub you return to or being set on a train, so switching between corridors and jumping between smaller platforms) and gimmicks (like different vehicles).

Overall it's a decently fun power trip game, just not as tightly designed as the landmark titles it's being compared to.

This is one of the best FPS games of the past decade. Story is serviceable, but it's obviously not trying to sell you on a compelling narrative. Instead Turbo Overkill is another old school style shooter, but instead of being overly reliant on its boomer shooter DNA, it improves everything that works and leaves things that weren’t worth keeping.

Its levels shmoove you through with breeze and even when a level becomes more complex, it never feels convoluted. The game is divided into three episodes with a good chunk of levels to go through, and most of them feel rather visually diverse considering the color palette only relies on blues, grays and reds.

The combat is stellar. I played this on the equivalent to the hard difficulty called “Street Cleaner”, and I found quite a bit of spots when the game genuinely felt like a challenge, but never frustrating. You have a lot of weapons to utilize, but it never forces you to use them all to do well. Augments can heavily affect the way you play through a fight, from giving more damage to just swapping weapons or chainsaws used to deal tons of damage but also keep you alive.

At the end of every episode there is a boss fight, along with some in between. I was somewhat underwhelmed by the final boss of episode one, but oh boy does the game crank up afterwards. I find that many old school shooters tend to struggle with good boss fights and Turbo Overkill's is no slouch, especially the final boss.

It’s pretty rare when an fps game can make me smile often, considering I’ve been into the genre for a long while, but Turbo Overkill had me at many points either grinning or smiling my ass off. If that isn’t high praise then I don’t know what is. Go buy this game.

Chain saw legs. Need I say more?

Give me more Doom Eternal gameplay clones of this quality.

A fantastic boomer shooter. Really, really fun.
The graphics are nothing special, but the color scheme and the design of the levels are really great.

The OST is full of synthwave bangers

The weapons are your standard Boomer shooter weapons. But you have your chainsaw leg, the principal attraction of the game.

The story is really good. SAMM is a great companion. And the voice actors knock it out of the park.

Really good game overall

Also, the main character has the coolest name ever: Johnny Turbo

Oyun sonradan açılmaya baƟladı. BaƟlarda bune amk diyorsun sonra oynamaya baƟlıyon.sikiyon milleti.

GREAT. FUN. Doesn’t take itself seriously and works great. Its’ been a while since I played a boomer shooter fun like this. I’m glad I picked this up after the story was completed. I would have been very mad if I had to wait between episodes. Very, very excited for the inevitable sequel.

it's fun but this games style is so pretentious to me i do not know how to explain it

godlike movement and offensive mechanics, but a lack of defensive mechanics and a lack of enemy variety makes it feel more like a playground than an engaging combat experience. fun tho, and the visuals can be amazing at times or generic yet cool at others

kötĂŒ bir ultrakill çakma

Doom Eternal + TItanfall 2 = Awesome

Levels are a bit long for my taste.

Also ran into an issue where I got stuck in geometry if I slid into something too fast. I wouldn't have had a major issue with this had it not happened in arenas and boss fights. Didn't run into it often but it was frustrating to deal with when I did.

Very fun. Soundtrack was killer and I enjoyed how much freedom there was in the movement. Though enemy variety could have been better and I'm never a fan of the lategame boomer shooter sections where they just throw swathes of increasingly tanky enemies at you. Art direction was obviously very cool, though the colour intensity was so high I genuinely had to take time for my eyes to readjust after looking away from the screen. Kinda too many redundant weapons as well, it almost felt comical spam-switching guns at the start of each conflict to try and remember which ones I actually wanted. But overall very fun still.

I've been cursed the whole game:
-The first weapon bugs out in the first level (pressing alt fire, not holding it, makes the animation loop without a way to regain control again until you pick up another weapon).
-The script is not working.
-Enemies are leaving the barrier so you can't remove said barrier.
-The previous checkpoint overrides the current one.
-The elevator of the final boss doesn't go back down after dropping me when it was ascending (thank God the developer thought of putting a console command).
-Getting stuck in geometry with no way out

Other than this, the game, in general, is insanely frustrating with the rocket instantly killing you even if you are at 200 HP or you get hit with the poison slime ball. God forbid you dash over, OVER, your own fire. The level design goes from being big just for the sake of it, "here's an area full of mobs" to no clear exit. The vehicle sections were boring and overpowered to the point that you need to try to fail these sections. There's no reason to use certain guns except for their alt fire, and even then, there are like four guns you could use the whole game and finish it. So the game has a solution: corruption rooms, where you can't leave the room until you kill every enemy with a weapon selected for you.
the story was mid, that's it.

People say this game is a movement shooter, MORE LIKE BOWEL MOVEMENT SHOOTER WHAT WERE THEY THNIKING?

Levels are a bit too long and I think the game could have done a bit more to encourage players to use advanced strategies, but if you're already an experienced movement-shooter fan like me, you're in the perfect position to love this game.

The ability to slide anywhere - even in midair - for huge boosts of speed doesn't really get old. The weapons are mostly fantastic and versatile, but this still doesn't quite have that masterful, slick "dance" feeling of DOOM Eternal. I know this is extreme competition, but it's just how I feel.

I'm sure this would be amazing after a few repeat runs on even higher difficulties (I played on Hard, but there are two more above that), but again, the pacing of the levels kind of turns me off from wanting to do that anytime soon. Sometimes it's a bit hard to tell where I'm going, or where I've already been, too.

Overall excellent game that I'd highly recommend to any fans of intense movement and weapon-swap combos, I just hope any future games from this developer have some stronger level design.

Chainsaw Man + DOOM Eternal, Cyberpunk, & ULTRAKILL on steroids. This game is worth it.

Probably the best retro boomer shooter you're going to find.

The movement is on par with Titanfall's movement. That means it's pretty fucking great. If you use you're movement set to the fullest you're just flying over the map constantly.

The progression of weapons and skills in this game is fucking insane. At the end I was a torso with chainsaw on both my arms and legs shooting micromisiles at huge mechs while in slo-mo.

I really fucking love this game and I don't really know how to put it in words. Just play it.

Very very fun boomer shooter! Lots of movement options and lots of weapons make this entertaining start to finish. I think the last few levels start feeling a tiny bit tedious, due to the sheer number of enemies that start spawning, but overall the game is handled pretty well!!

cringy dialogue at parts but the gameplay is good enough for me to overlook it, the doom eternal-ification of fps games is great and i need more

maw and johnny have gay sex at the end

Don't see the appeal with this one. It's just a cookie cutter boomer shooter

If Doom Eternal and Cyberpunk 2077 had a baby, the baby would be called Turbo Overkill