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I loved the absurdity of this whole experience. First you play as Kazuma that is working as a taxi driver, then you escape the prison as Saejima and fight a bear, then you play as Haruka that is trying to become a pop star and participate and street dance battles... this game never stops being absurd and awesome.
It is a little chaotic at times and all this absurdity can be tiring at some points but still overall I enjoyed it very much.

The story had me until near the end. The main antagonist and their motivations didn't captivate me. I only liked Saejima and Kiryu's final bosses for both gameplay and story reasons. It was stupidly amazing to see Kiryu casually dodge rocket missiles.

One of the best Yakuza games, the story the characters, all good. 5 cities to explore, multiple sub stories to find. This game is packed with content.

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You have to wonder how many foreigners this game convinced to migrate to Japan. Nagasugai and Kineicho in particular are extraordinarily cozy locales, surpassing even Okinawa which I considered to have been Yakuza's best setting so far. The meticulous, painstaking craft that went into all the cities featured in this game blows my goddamn mind. It's the next best thing to being an actual tourist, especially since we're all still kind of stuck at home.

So Yakuza 5 succeeds as a tourism ad, but what about the all-important narrative. I'm sorry to say it's another mixed bag, though superior to the pure disaster that was 4's plot. I'll sit with my thoughts on the matter, but for now I will highlight the resolution to Haruka's arc, which I think is hot garbage. I don't particularly care for her but she most definitely deserved better. The rest of the principal cast walked away earning decent, justifiable endings for the most part. Shinada's story specifically worked for me, as did Kiryu's. I'll see about writing a follow-up to elaborate on this, but yeah I'm pretty hung up on that stupid speech at the end.

An enjoyable entry in the Yakuza series. I'd say it ranks right in the middle of it's predecessors. The side stories were a nice addition. However, the plot got really messy, especially towards the end. By the time I had gotten to the final fight, I had pretty much forgotten what the actual conflict was. I also did not like Shinada at all. Really annoying character that was barely relevant to the actual story.

There's an entire chapter dedicated to shooting bears after you break out of jail this game is great!

this game is a mess but its MY mess back the FUCK OFF it's my child now

Haruka is a huge dumbass in this one

Very bloated game. Also, I swear shinada's character and chapters could've been cut entirely and nothing would be lost from the main story.

So.. Yakuza 5.. A lot of people love this game. I didn't. I loved the first chapter, the 2nd chapter is incredibly boring and has the worst mini-games the Yakuza series has ever had, Chapter 3 is great and VERY different :p, the fourth chapter wasn't very fun, by this stage, I just wanted to see how it would all end.

Overall, the combat was very well improved over 4, and while the story had some bright moments, overall it was bloated and after the first chapter, the game in my opinion took a massive dive in quality. There's a lot to love, and a lot to hate. Still, I don't regret playing it, I just didn't enjoy it as much as I'd hoped I would.

I had a really good fucking time with this game. Yeah, to put it out there, this game is totally bloated. Straight up, I probably just would have removed Shinda from the game. He's cool, but dear god does it feel lamer than everything else going on.
Kiryu and Akiyama have some of the best combat in the series, full stop. I had a blast with the Tiger Drop and Akiyama's mid-air combat.
Saejima's combat is improved, for sure. But it's still not great. Shinada's is...fine. Nothing remarkable.
Haruka's gameplay fucking rules. I'm a big rhythm game guy, and hers were fun. Plus, you finally get to control her! Your child! All the character's have great Side-Stories, my fave being Kiryu's taxi driving. The main plot is a little all over the place, but it's still enjoyable. The sub-stories were also really good for the most part.
Yakuza 5 builds on the entire series thus far and is one of it's high points. Yeah, it can be a slog at times, but this game is really, really good.

enfia o 4 no cu e gira que perfeição de jogo pqp

Esse jogo é maravilhoso em todos os pontos, tem inúmeras coisas para se fazer e o desenvolvimento de todos os personagens aqui é inimaginavelmente bom, principalmente do Shinada Tatsuo que é o que mais te aproxima de você jogador, uma pessoa comum passando pelas duras dificuldades da vida, mas sempre com um sorriso no rosto e sem desistir. O 100% do jogo também é gigante, valendo a pena investir cada momento nele.

I didn't expect this one to be so long. I think it suffered from bad pacing issues, especially Shinada and Saejima's parts. I was bored through a lot of it, but still a solid game.

The story was fantastic outside of the twist about the final boss.

With an improved engine such as Yakuza 0's, Yakuza 5 appears on the block and by god it was great. I loved 0's combat, and playing this was a nice breath of the same air that felt all new. 5 cities to explore, 5 characters play, and 5 individual stories that warm up to the climax for a shocking ending.
Gameplay has now climax heat for bigger gameplay, better minigames making for great side content, and a nice story to play through.
Each character has their own climax heat that does different attacks such as Kiryu becoming invincible with strong attacks that, unfortunately, can be blocked by bosses which I didn't like. Akiyama's is an air juggle combo for extension of said combos. Saejima's is a grapple to throw enemies around with ease to hurt others nearby. Finally, the new character, Shinada, who has another grapple against that can be used to ram into opponents and slam them to the wall for damage. You're so powerful with this and it's cool to use against street grunts. Crafting is better and doesn't require cumbersome items to make so you can bring one to Kamiyama and invest for a simple unlock. If by chance you get the food bonus gauge, then you have more reason to eat around town. Characters play the same except now with Haruka and Shinada in the mix, you get some interesting gimmicks. Shinada is a grappler and weapons master, but refuses to use bats as one because he is a baseball player which is a nice touch of detail. Haruka is a rhythm and minigame galore, where you must participate in event to gain fame. Each character also have their own sidestories like Kiryu's having a taxi driver story line, which sounds ridiculous but fits in the surreal context of Yakuza.
Story had me pulled throughout beginning and end, but the main antagonist's motivations confused me. It didn't matter much to me though cause it was interesting to go through. Character writing was good as every but it was best in Saejima and Kiryu's chapter. The pacing only felt off when playing as Shinada.
Side content was much more surreal and better for the substories and sidestories. Playing as a taxi driver for Kiryu was hilarious and silly, and Shinada's had that tone of surrealism which I liked as well. Other minigames improved like karaoke and fishing and you got to meet more new and old faces too.
A good game to finish off the ps3 line of Yakuza games, but you need to learn a lot from 1,3, and 4 to get into it. Go play it.

Haruka and taxi man so fun. Shame story didnt end too well and parts dragged but fun nonetheless

A gameplay é divertida demais, sempre tem algo novo pra se fazer, não me cansei em quase nenhum momento nessas 80 horas, e a história apesar de seus problemas, no geral eu gostei muito, adorei os personagens e a reta final me tocou muito, mas caramba tem uns probleminhas de roteiro que me fizeram cogitar a nota de verdade

I was actually enjoying this game up until Saejima's part, it dragged on for way too long and any motivation I had to continue just kinda dissipated. I ended up just watching a play through but even then it just felt like a mixed bag, maybe I was just burnt out but I still wasnt enjoying it that much. Controversial opinion, but I did like Haruka's part tho since everything in her story does continue as a sorta main theme in Y6. I dont know man, I think its just how bloated it felt that made me drop playing it.

5 stars for Yakuza 5. Why? Because it's in the name. 5/5

Entre ser el harfa pegandome de ostias y ser el kentaro miura con los juegos de idols

If you've gotten to this point in the series then you already know you'll enjoy this. Just don't start here because you will probably not have a fun time.

Stoic yet kind taxi driver is probably my favorite Kiryu day job, aside from Professional Dad.

this one could have been the best one in the series but the pacing is so bad ,the story has alot of good parts and alot of bad parts, best combat mechanics so far
(game runs fairly well without glitches)

This game killed me and brought me back to life... and made me believe in the power of dreams... and made me wanna learn more about baseball somehow.

Eis q eu sou um dos melhores jogos do mundo

bit better than 4 but like 2 story only gets good near the end. but was way too long and kinda felt like a slog to get through imo