Reviews from

in the past

I had a really good fucking time with this game. Yeah, to put it out there, this game is totally bloated. Straight up, I probably just would have removed Shinda from the game. He's cool, but dear god does it feel lamer than everything else going on.
Kiryu and Akiyama have some of the best combat in the series, full stop. I had a blast with the Tiger Drop and Akiyama's mid-air combat.
Saejima's combat is improved, for sure. But it's still not great. Shinada's is...fine. Nothing remarkable.
Haruka's gameplay fucking rules. I'm a big rhythm game guy, and hers were fun. Plus, you finally get to control her! Your child! All the character's have great Side-Stories, my fave being Kiryu's taxi driving. The main plot is a little all over the place, but it's still enjoyable. The sub-stories were also really good for the most part.
Yakuza 5 builds on the entire series thus far and is one of it's high points. Yeah, it can be a slog at times, but this game is really, really good.

enfia o 4 no cu e gira que perfeição de jogo pqp

Favorite yakuza game overall bat the story is a mess

Really cool story.
Although the pacing is a bit slow in part 3.
The endboss was pretty random but still a really good game and a big improvement to 4 😺👍

Eis q eu sou um dos melhores jogos do mundo

Esse jogo é maravilhoso em todos os pontos, tem inúmeras coisas para se fazer e o desenvolvimento de todos os personagens aqui é inimaginavelmente bom, principalmente do Shinada Tatsuo que é o que mais te aproxima de você jogador, uma pessoa comum passando pelas duras dificuldades da vida, mas sempre com um sorriso no rosto e sem desistir. O 100% do jogo também é gigante, valendo a pena investir cada momento nele.

This review contains spoilers

This game is tricky because on one hand I played almost to the ending then abandoned it for 3 years, so returning to it I had no idea what was going on lmao they do a decent job of summing it all up during the longest ending section ever, thankfully, so I was able to piece it all together and remember what I had been up to. I do think I ended up dropping it just because I played K1-0-K2-3R-4R-5R back to back to back and that's a lot of yakuza, 5 being the longest apparently.
On top of that I really do not like Saejima (he makes a return here, lucky me), I find him to be gross & playing him is not fun for me. Then we get a new protagonist, Shinada...again another guy who kinda gives me the ick. He does have good moments, and at the very least I didn't have issues with him gameplay wise, but I remember him being a major reason for dropping the game.
Akiyama makes a return, salty we don't get to see Hana but I love playing him so much I actually opted for him over Kiryu is part of the ending section. Dude has kicks for days.
And of course, the HIGHLIGHT of Yakuza 5 and the primary reason it is getting a 4 star rating despite me abandoning it for way too long: HARUKA!!! I love Haruka. She's my daughter. I love her idol sections & I loved seeing her talk about her father on stage. A tear jerker. I do wish I could fight as her (yeah it would be silly but whatever man this is Yakuza and she's Kiryu's kid, I know she can kick some serious butt) but hey, I get it. Maybe one day lol
Also the end with Kiryu bleeding out was heart breaking but also I am from the future and I know he has many other games to be in so I imagine it would be more effective at Yakuza 5's release time.
This is a game I do intend to replay eventually, but not for a while. I only managed to go back to finish it because I want to finally play 6, finish LAD and start tackling the two new Yakuza games <3 I think when I replay, I may enjoy it more as I won't be going in already fatigued.

I'm not much of a baseball guy. Still a great movie tho.

It was quite an experience. I understand why people complain about it being too long, but I actually enjoyed it, I found it to have a lot more ups than downs. It had its moments where it made me want to cry, moments where I got excited and moments where I got frustrated, as usual with the franchise. It makes me think that this game was very ambitious for the time it came out.

It was also my first fight against Amon, and he has hands, but I have more.

Anyway, Yakuza 5 is peak fiction again.

post this shinada when you least expect it

It was the biggest piece of dog sh*t I've ever heard.

Best final boss fight in the series given to the worst final boss. Story overstays its welcome. Needed more Akiyama and less bear hunting. didn't care for Nippon Idol crap.

"Baba-chan"/ 10

this one could have been the best one in the series but the pacing is so bad ,the story has alot of good parts and alot of bad parts, best combat mechanics so far
(game runs fairly well without glitches)

This game killed me and brought me back to life... and made me believe in the power of dreams... and made me wanna learn more about baseball somehow.

Well, Kiryu and & Akiyama were great again, and I got surprisingly sucked into Haruka's story line of trying to become an idol. I think I spent like 50% of my play time with her chapter.

That’s better

(Shinada’s sections can fuck off tho)

bit better than 4 but like 2 story only gets good near the end. but was way too long and kinda felt like a slog to get through imo

Getting to play as Haruka? Priceless.

cuando lo arranque le meti un monton de horas a la parte 1 (la de kiryu) y la verdad lo ame, el mejor gameplay junto a yakuza 0 y el mejor kiryu jugable probablemente.
despues a medida que fue avanzando me fue embolando un poco, mas que nada la parte de saejima taiga, despues la de shinada la ame y la de akiyama & haruka me gusto mucho pero siento que podria haber sido un poco mas corta (aunque punto extra porque SOS UNA IDOL!!!!!)
la trama se me hizo complicadisima al pedoooo lo podrian haber hecho mejor contando la misma historia pero bueno q suerte q no siguieron en esa
me gustaria rejugarlo pero en hardware original

there's a lot to say about this

combat is great and there's really cool parts of a story in there but it feels like they tried way too many things that just don't work too well and the game feels aimless and bloated because of it

still cool overall but it's a bit of a mess

Troppo lungo, però bello il pezzo nel villaggio innevato quando vai a caccia.

gosto bastante desse, apesar de achar que a história tem uma gordurinha
num geral é bomzão