Reviews from

in the past

É bom mas não convence.

Crysis consegue ser um FPS diferente. Aqui o personagem utiliza um traje de nanotecnologia capaz de modificar a sua estrutura celular, dando a ele capacidades sobre-humanas. O traje é a grande sacada do jogo, ele que torna a gameplay divertida, variada e diferente de outros games. Com o traje você pode escolher entre ficar mais forte, mais rápido, invisível ou ter uma armadura que aguenta muito dano.

As fases do jogo são grandes e bem legais, todas diferentes umas das outras.

Além disso o jogo envelheceu super bem, os efeitos de luz e sombras enchem os olhos. Outra coisa incrível no game é o quanto o cenário é destruível, sério, TUDO NO JOGO PODE SER TOTALMENTE DESTRUIDO (Casas, arvores, objetos, tudo mesmo).

O ruim é que o jogo sofre pra entregar a narrativa que, até tem um potencial mas parece que simplesmente não convence (E também os personagens não tem um carisma tão alto assim, nem o protagonista que você controla é legal). Sendo assim o jogo não aprofunda nenhum personagem ou relações.

Pensa numa IA difícil hein?! No normal o jogo é hard.

- Física do jogo muito boa (Tudo pode ser destruído).
- Gráficos envelheceram bem.

- Narrativa superficial demais.
- Mira meio "dura".

When all else failed, when the ability to craft narrative worth sleeping through, when the will to design enemy encounters didn't expand beyond funnelling idiotic soldiers through ugly bits of over modeled chain link fence and shrubbery, when the beauty of possibility in Cryengine found nothing worth representing than what had been more lushly shown in 8-bit and chunky polygons, why not simply lean on the fact that most computers can't run the game as your stand out achievement of gaming.

Crysis is the epitome of the grossly unpleasant and profoundly unthinking horde of shooters that represented the mass of late 00s gaming. I think it stands worse than any of its type that I have played, and would think it more poor still if it had anything within it capable of grasping onto that didn't fizzle and disappear the moment it is touched.

in this game you play as seth rogen taking revenge on the north koreans for cancelling The Interview. for some fucking reason, the same embarrassing things i talked about in my last review of far cry comes back to bite this game in the pooper, but this time the game is actually good.

Crysis is misunderstood. Thought by many to be little more than a "tech demo," Crysis was legendary at the time for its system requirements and beauty in equal measure. "Can it run Crysis?" was the meme of the day for PC gamers, and anyone who could answer yes had surely invested unspeakable sums of money and blood magic into their rig.

But that's not important in 2023. What is important is that Crysis is secretly the greatest Predator video game of all time. Armed with a high-tech nanosuit that can switch between armored, super-speed, super-strength, and invisibility superpowers with the press of a button and the flick of your mouse, Crysis - when played in a way taking advantage of its unique gameplay features - elevates itself above the dread-inducing moniker of "7th gen first person shooter with regenerating health" and becomes a thrilling jungle hunting simulator, allowing you to sprint through the trees, super jump onto corrugated tin roofs, toss grenades into shanty houses and collapse them on top of hapless commandos before leaping back into the foliage and cloaking yourself to reposition and do it all again.

The story is irrelevant. It's a goofy, jingoistic plot about Secret Alien Ruins in the Philippines and how you must secure them for the United States because the CIA, renowned for its caution and foresight, knows better than the wily and power-hungry North Koreans that some powers are not meant to be controlled by man. And then the aliens wake up and you shoot them like Halo. That part sucks, and unfortunately the fact that the latter third of the game is mostly that detracts pretty heavily from the experience.

But the first two acts of the game are secretly brilliant. Most missions are comprised of an open map with a waypoint on it where you need to go blow something up or go kill some soldiers. How you make your approach - your path, your methods, your weapons and techniques - it's all up to you, and the game offers a shocking amount of freedom and experimentation in this regard. You COULD play this like a boring 7th gen cover shooter and just engage in firefights with the KPA while using armor mode... OR you could have fun and never use armor mode at all. You could use rocket launchers to collapse a guard tower instead of counter-sniping the guy at its top. You could rocket that tank or you could cloak yourself, drop C4 on it, and sprint away whlie you hit the detonator. You could shoot the gunner in that jeep or you could sprint around it, shoot the jerry can on its back and watch it explode. You could go grab a car and turn yourself invisible in the driver's seat, then drive it at top speed into that machine gun nest and jump out at the last second, creating a fireball of death that leaves the AI scrambling for cover.

Speaking of AI, it's the reactions of the KPA soldiers that really helps complete the fantasy. They're attentive and dangerous, but if you use your powers right, they're also completely hapless, and it's the act of sneaking up on a fireteam from behind, grabbing one of them, and throwing him into the rest of his team like a bowling ball that really completes the power fantasy. Without their desperate attempts to stop you, the reactivity of the AI, their shouting and firing wildly into your last known location when you activate your cloak - without them all of this would fall apart.

Crysis is not perfect, but it is great. It's greater than history gives it credit for. It is a forgotten giant of 2000s stealth video games, and for anyone who enjoys a little Metal Gear Solid or Splinter Cell sneaking-and-hunting action and is looking for more - Crysis has your fix.

very nice and funny. shooty super soldier game

Beaten: Aug 25 2021
Time: 9 Hours
Platform: Xbox Series X

So yeah, I wasn't expecting to like this game quite this much? I played a little of Far Cry 3, which is ostensibly built on the same rhythms as Crysis (If you don't know, Crysis is the game that Crytek made after Far Cry got sold to Ubisoft, and it is structurally and visually very similar), but the rpg-lite mechanics and frat dude story of that game didn't end up drawing me in too much. Crysis, on the other hand, has what's probably a weaker story, but the structure of the game and it's mechanics make it just a freakin blast to play!

Let's get my least favorite part out of the way first: The story of the game is just kinda there. The more militaristic side of the story in the first half of the game is rather generic, and the apprehension they try to set up for the second half of the game doesn't amount to much more than a small scale Independence Day. I've seen all these characters before in other media, and I didn't like them the first time.

Alright now that that's over with; this game is so much fun. It's got these kind of mini sandbox levels, where they'll drop an objective and just be like "get there and do it, however you want to". You can be stealthy, cloaking and sprinting around the enemy camp as you take them all out silently, or you can grab a pickup truck and send it flaming through the enemy's front door, while you roll out, turn on your armor, and mow down enemies with a really great feeling shotgun. It's free, but not overwhelming. Expansive, but not open world, I mean hell it's got actual levels. And most importantly? It's not just a series of checklists, like so many of the games that've iterated on this formula are.

As you get to the back half of the game, the design changes, and now you're fighting different enemies in much more linear areas. It's fine, but you can tell the mechanics aren't built for this. These enemies don't drop guns to scavenge, and are too beefy to make sneaking around worthwhile. You end up feeling on edge, constantly running low on ammo and health. I think that's what was intended, but it sacrifices the best and most unique part of the game for it.

Regardless, the first 6 or so levels are just about perfect. A little pulpy, a little militaristic, but not more than the other shooters of the era (or god forbid a more recent shooter), and just really good, really tight, really focused open ended levels. If you want a bizarre mix of halo's level design and far cry's combat rhythms, you literally won't find anything else to scratch that itch. Big recommend.

The epitome of "fine". Shooting is decent and the powers are cool but the story is lame, combat encounters in the later half are weak, and they limit your usage of the powers too much for you to really have fun with them. I think I had more fun using the speed and cloaking to skip encounters than actually fighting. There were also plenty of annoying bits like anytime you're chased by a helicopter and didn't keep a missile launcher just in case and most of the alien fights seriously overstay their welcome. The game usually keeps a good pace though and the human fights can be enjoyable when you're not needlessly overwhelmed.

''Can it run Crysis''? More like ''Should it run Crysis?'', and the short answer to that question is a big resounding no.

Just skip this glorified tech demo. There are far better shooters out there than this piece of crap.

Technically impressive, still boring after the novelty wears off.

“but can it run crysis?” i still say to anyone talking about any computer

Crysis is enamoured with its potential technicalities more than it is interested in being a creature of gameplay.

A sandbox island that doesn't work .

nanosuit powers are fun but the map gives you too many options you'll ignore for sniping and the shooting feels a bit shit since headshots dont always register, the stealth approach is no more at one point. Idk

bionic supersoldier cant look down the sights of his gun without it swaying like its stuck in a hurricane FUCK YOU

Sevdiğim Şeyler
-Seslendirme dönemi itibariyle gayet kaliteli.
-Türkçe dublaj ile zaman zaman bize özgü kelimelerin kullanılması kulağa hoş geliyor.
-Grafikler, ışıklandırmalar ve görsel efektler günümüz için bile gayet iyi.
-Giysi modlarının kısayollarının oluşu oyunu daha akıcı bir hale getiriyor.
-Sandbox oynanış ile taktiksellik yeterince iyi sağlanıyor.
-Araba, kamyon, bot, tank ve VTOL gibi araçlar kullanmak oynanışa çeşitlilik katmış.
-Silah ve ekipman çeşitliliği yeterince iyi.
-Silahlara eklenti takabilmek taktikselliği arttırıyor.
-E ve Q ile oluşturulan yapay siper sistemi güzel olmuş.

Sevmediğim, Eksiler
-Mevcut Türkçe dil desteği Steam üzerinde bulunmamakta.
-Oyun Steam üzerinden açılmıyor.
-Dublaj ile karakterlerin konuşma senkronizasyonu birbirini tutmuyor.
-Diyaloglar iç içe girebiliyor.
-Vuruş hissi kötü. Düşmanların geri tepkimeleri çok zayıf.
-Dost ve düşman yapay zekası çok kötü.
-Düşmanların görüş açısı ve güç oranı zaman zaman saçma bir seviyeye geliyor.
-Bazı anlar düşmanlar hasar almıyor.
-Bazı Sef’lerin bize yaptığı yakın dövüşü karakterimiz hissetmiyor. Bu durumda ölmemize sebep oluyor.
-Opsiyonel görevin oynanışa ve hikayeye katkısının olmaması can sıkıcı.
-Az sayıda olan boss savaşlar çok zayıf.
-Ciddi bir optimizasyon sıkıntısı mevcut.
-Çökme sorunları mevcut.
-Buglar ciddi oranda oyunu bozabiliyor.
-Kontrol şeması çok kısıtlı.
-Bazı anlar otomatik kayıt oyununuzu döngüye sokabiliyor.

Günümüz için gayet alışılagelmiş bir tazı olan Crysis, çıktığı dönemde türünün sayılı örneklerinden biriydi. İlk çıkan Far Cry oyununun üzerine döneminin modern sandbox oynanışı ile gayet etkileyiciydi. Şimdilerde baktığımda o nostaljik his ile hala oynadığım en zevkli Sandbox oyun Crysis olabilir. Oyunu ayıran en temel özellik belirli güçleri olan bir zırh giyiyoruz olmamız. Bu zırhın 4 modu bulunmakta. Oyun içerisinde de bu 4 modu aktif şekilde kullanıyoruz. Günümüzde az biraz örneği olsada çıkış yaptığı dönemde bu özellikler gayet yenilikçiydi. Şimdisi için konuşursak bu nano suit meselesi bence hala iyi. Oynanışta o 16 eskimeyi nadiren hissediyorsunuz. İçinde barındırdığı silahlar, çeşitli araçlar ve taktiksellik hala zevkli. Fakat çok belirgin hataları bulunmakta. Misal vuruş hissi şimdisini bırakın dönemi için bile çok zayıf. Bu konuda oyunun en büyük eksisi bu. Bir hitmaker eklense belki bunu daha az sorun edebilirdim. Dost ve düşman yapay zekası çok zayıf. Dost yapay zekasının oyununuza bir katkısı yok. Düşman yapay zekası ise cidden bir işkence. Görüş alanları, saldırı mesafeleri ve zaman zaman oluşan orantısız güçlenmeleri oyunu işkenceye çevirebiliyor. Hatta bazı anlar düşmanlar hasar bile almıyor. Save sistemi yeterince iyi çalışmıyor. Ya Souls gibi görevden çok uzağa atıyor veya öyle bir anda save alıyor ki oyunu döngüye sokuyor. Döneminde grafikleri iyi diye kasıyor sanıyorduk meğersem optimizasyon olarak cidden sorunlu bir oyunmuş. Ayrıca oyun içi buglar ciddi anlamda oyununuzu bozabiliyor. Bununla beraber oluşan çökmeler de oyun zevkinizi bozabiliyor. Boss savaşları zayıf. Sayılı bulunan yan görevlerin oyuna ne oynanış olarak ne de hikaye olarak bir katkısı yok. Bunlar dışında aslında oyun ortalama bir seviyede. Şimdilerde ilk oyunu oynamak biraz zor olabilir. Şahsen bu bahsettiğim şeyler beni çoğu zaman zorladı fakat oyundan keyif aldım.

Nostaljik hislerim olmasa yine bitirebilir miydim bilmiyorum ama ilk oyunu hiç bilmeyen yeni bir oyuncu bu bahsettiğim şeyler yüzünden oyunu bitirmekte zorlanabilir.


Not: Spoiler İçerebilir
Aslında fazlasıyla Hollywood esintileri taşıyan bir oyun var karşımızda. Hikayesi, sunumu, karakterleri hatta senaryo içi diyalogları bile Hollywood havasını taşıyor. Beki bu hikaye tarzı oyunun çıktığı dönemde çok sırıtmamış olsada günümüz için örneği olan bir hikaye yapısı bulunmakta. Aslında bu durumu çok da eleştirmiyorum. Şöyle iyi kötü bakınca iyi bir anlatımı ve tasarımı var diyebilirim ama dediğim gibi, bu tarzın örneğini çokça gördük. Hikayenin başlangıcı, ilerleyişi ve sonucu beni tatmin etti. Bu konuda gözüme kötü gelen bir şey olmadı. Sadece oyun içerisindeki karakterlerin konuşma tarzları, davranışları hatta şakaları biraz yapmacık ve bilindik tarzda geldi. Anlatım olarak da hikaye biraz yüzeysel anlatılıyor diyebilirim. Bu durum hikayenin ilk yarısında sorun olmasa bile 2. Yarısında olaylar biraz havada kalıyor.


Oyuna Puanım: 6.5/10 İnceleme Videosu İçin Tıklayın Crysis Warhead İncelemesi İçin Tıklayın Crysis 2 İncelemesi İçin Tıklayın Crysis 3 İncelemesi İçin Tıklayın

The gräfix auto-detection defaulted to high settings instead of ultra, that's how Powerful this game still is boys and girls.. all that processing power is going towards the greatest enemy AI known to man, objectivly smarter than FEAR's believe it or not (they know how to speak northkorean). If you ever use armor mode you're playing it Wrong bytheway!!

Crysis ainda é um jogo legal, não é o suprassumo que um dia já foi, mas é um shooter bem divertido.
Ele sempre se vendeu pelos gráficos e até hoje eles são bem impressionantes, principalmente nos efeitos e iluminação que dão um pau em vários jogos atuais, na versão remasterizada o jogo teve algumas melhorias bem básicas além do Ray Tracing e se mantém bem bonito, nas configurações máximas até nomearam de "Can It Run Crysis?" em referência a piada da época por ser um jogo pesado, e bota pesado nisso, o remaster deixou ele pesado até pras RTXs, mesmo que não mude muita coisa.

Fora isso, o jogo oferece uma gameplay bem sólida, é gostosinho de jogar, não ficou datado e a física do jogo é impressionante, tudo têm impacto e reação, os maiores destaques da jogabilidade são a nanosuit que dá uma puta diferenciada de Crysis para outros jogos do gênero, você consegue correr mais rápido, usar superforça, usar uma armadura e se camuflar, isso oferece diversas formas de resolver cada conflito, ainda mais que as missões são bem abertas (até a metade do jogo) e possuem até objetivos secundários te dando uma falsa sensação de mundo aberto, até veículos estão presentes para serem usados, infelizmente a variedade de poderes ficou um tanto quanto scriptada no remaster, já que você tem a opção de deixar o jogo selecionar os poderes automaticamente pra cada situação. Além da roupa, outra parada maneirissima é a opção de mexer nos attachments das armas em tempo real e mudar eles de acordo com a situação em que você se encontra.

Por fim, tem o ponto mais fraco desse jogo que é a história, você não dá nada por ela e mesmo assim ela te decepciona, é fraca, rasa e o final é horripilante de ruim com um dos piores chefes finais já produzidos nos games. Nenhum personagem é interessante, os "vilões" se é que dá pra chamar eles assim são o cúmulo do genérico e o protagonista é um nada que fica comentando vez ou outra sobre o quê tá rolando, talvez, bem talvez, o único personagem interessante seja o Prophet e a aparição dele é bem curta, a história vai te carregando até a metade que é quando surgem os alienígenas, dali pra frente é o mais completo foda-se, as missões viram um corredor genérico onde você enfrenta trocentos alienígenas com uma resistência enorme, falando nisso, a inteligência artificial desse jogo é bizarra, te enxergam a quilômetros de distância e você morre com uma facilidade absurda o tempo todo, parece até campanha de COD no veterano.

the greatest danger with making games this open ended and variative is that mediocre, boring players will choose a mediocre, boring playstyle and then come on the internet to complain how it's the game's fault. better if you play it with the tod locked to midnight. worst final level in history

Something I often read about Crysis is that this game is merely graphic eye-candy, which impressed in 2007 but lacks gameplay depth. However, this does a disservice to the game because Crysis is much more than a simple first-person shooter. And Crysis knows (most of the time) exactly what it is.
Unlike in Call of Duty, you don't follow linear paths here. Unlike in "modern" Far Cry games, Crysis doesn't use its open world to guide you from quest marker to quest marker. Instead, Crysis offers players open areas where the goal is fixed, but how you achieve it is entirely up to you. You can sneak through the jungle, swim or dive in the sea, or you can engage in open combat. The game allows you to decide how you want to play, and there's no "one right way". With this approach, Crysis created a gameplay structure that wouldn't be revisited with the same level of quality until a decade later in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
This gameplay style isn't just enabled by the game world. The Nanosuit is brilliantly implemented and gives players the choice to rely on stealth functions or switch to armor mode to engage in open combat. In terms of gameplay, you can see some parallels to Crytek's earlier work, Far Cry. Crysis builds upon the gameplay strengths of its predecessor and expands them in the way already mentioned. Both games were groundbreaking in terms of technology and share some visual similarities.
However, Crysis has something that Far Cry lacked: Art direction. It shows that Crysis knows exactly what it is. In 2007, it wasn't just graphically impressive; it also consolidated all the visual elements into a highly focused visual style that organically blends all the then-new graphical effects.
For these reasons, Crysis is more than just graphic eye-candy. The game set benchmarks in technology, art direction, and player freedom in 2007 that remain largely unmatched today.
However, this game is not perfect. Thus, I have to address the part of the game that is most frequently criticized: the final third of the game. I mentioned earlier that Crysis MOSTLY knows what it is. Unfortunately, the missions in the last third of the game do not build upon the established gameplay strengths. The very linear sections in the final third strip away the freedoms that made the game great in the first place. While Crysis's gunplay isn't bad by any means, it's not the game's standout feature that sets it apart from other games in the genre. As a result, the last third of the game is, visually stunning as it is, gameplay-wise, nothing special.
But all of this criticism doesn't change the fact that Crysis was a genre-defining game, providing players with a remarkable degree of freedom within its missions even by today's standards. Only the final third of the game keeps this masterful game from being an absolute masterpiece.

Нууу может в 2007 геймплейно было прикольно, но сейчас...

Я всегда забиваю на графику в играх. Для меня игры никогда не про картинку, она лишь приятное дополнение. Для меня это всегда геймплей, и здесь... Ну здесь вообще ничего не работает.

Маскировка нужна только для быстрого устранения всего 1 врага, после чего она становится мертвой функцией, так как когда враги знают что ты находишься где то рядом, они автоматически замечают тебя в маскировке. Но даже для убийства одного в маскировке можно пройти ну дай бог 50м, после чего убивается в хлам вся энергия и стой жди восстановления пока враги бегут к тебе.

Сила. Нахуя здесь сила? Объясните мне мб кто нибудь. Да, ты можешь включить силу и в упор подойти ударить кого нибудь. Но в упоре никто не умеет промахиваться, брони у тебя в силе нет и ебнуть получится тоже дай бог одного, потому что после этого либо кончится энергия либо теюя убьют без брони. Кидаться предметами нет никакого смысла, они только сбивают с ног и оочень редко когда убивают. Сила по сути используется только для прыжков высоких. Но тогда спрашивается нахуя отдельно включать Силу ради одних только прыжков

Со скоростью всё проще. Работает как надо, в шифте ускоряет до скоростей Формулы 1, но и здесь есть нюанс. Ускоряет секунды на 2-3, после чего как вы думаете что происходит? Правильно, энергия улетает в хлам. Скоростью можно пользоваться только вне файтов чтоб быстрее добежать до точки, либо оч редко чтоб перебежать к другому укрытию, но и это опасно. Почему?

Потому что броня. На какой хуй придумывать всю эту залупню с функциями костюма, если броню надо включать как отдельну функцию. То есть 98% времени ты бегаешь с бронёй просто чтоб тебя не уложили за секунду. Если ты выключаешь броню ради другой фишки то всё, начинается игра со смертью.

А как шутанчик ну норм игрулька такая. До половины прохождения. Дальше всё сводится к геймплею - включил броню, взял миниган и стоишь стреляешь. Просто тир какой то без челленджа. Новые враги посасывают огромного и толстого в сравнении с Вьетнамцами, так как стреляют как штурмовики из зв и постоянно находятся где то рядом в поле зрения, чтоб можно было удобно навести прицел и сбить.

Даже после огромного моего перерыва в сингплеерных пострелушках, Crysis выглядит абсолютно никак. Может в детстве кто то ловил ахуй в компьютерном клубе от такого, но сейчас увы без пива сложно получить удовольствие.

Посмотрим, может дальше во второй части скрывается настоящий half Life 3

Instead of going back to the title screen after the ending, the game just fucking crashed for the millionth time. It's like poetry, it rhymes.

Начало положено, ахуенный геймплей, в котором посредственный сюжет, конечно же, но финальная миссия выкрутила оценку до 7.

On paper Crysis is the kind of game I vibe with easily. An sandbox-style shooter with a suite of superpowers and combat encounters that have you weaving in & out of stealth. Though I struggled to achieve that ideal experience more often than not, what I did find was a somewhat prescient vision for what the open-world action game would become in the decade that followed. I was initially drawn towards trying this after the recent remastering efforts of the series but within a couple of hours of playing the newer version I encountered so many weird bugs & technical issues that I put it down in favour of simply playing the original, which I'm inclined to believe is the one worth revisiting.

I don't have a whole lot to say on the much-talked about visual fidelity of the game; it impresses in places but the artifice becomes all too obvious in these combat arenas that feel like tech demos first, convincing environments second, which undermines the façade of photorealism. Experiencing the sandbox elements of those environments is where I found myself the most conflicted, however. For a game that is so clearly indebted to the ’87 Predator film as to position itself as a power fantasy of being an unstoppable… predator, stalking your prey in the depths of a jungle, I found that the systems were too fragile to sustain that experience for too long before everything collapsed into more familiar, clumsier shooter territory. I could never get the balancing of your suit powers and the enemy artificial intelligence to feel quite right, regardless of difficulty setting or even my own custom tweaks to the numbers in the command console. I would frequently find myself getting spotted by enemies I hadn’t seen whilst struggling to contend with the power limitations of the nanosuit. Undoubtedly some of this is born out of being spoiled by more the forgiving stealth-action games that followed after Crysis though taking that into consideration did little to make it less frustrating. When it all came together it was definitely exciting but too often that would only come to pass after numerous failed attempts and reloads.

What storytelling there is present in Crysis is hardly worth more than a groan out of me. It’s the same kind of jingoist drivel that is everywhere to be found in this kind of shooter campaign, right down to the ‘respect the troops’ moralising and racist depiction of the enemy forces. When the plot turns towards ~ancient aliens~ in the latter half it only becomes more of a slog as that coincides with the levels becoming far more linear. I can’t be mad at the abrupt conclusion because I don’t know that I would have had the patience to play much more, regardless.

With Crysis 4 having been officially announced shortly before I sat down to write out my thoughts, I am left wondering when the marketing campaign that follows for this next entry into the series inevitably leans into a “going back to our roots” messaging to drum up excitement from lapsed fans, what Crytek will decide is worth pulling inspiration from in the 2007 original. I had such an uneven time with the game that I am not so sure there’s a lot one can mine for a sequel out of it beyond some admittedly ambitious ideas.

Always thought Crysis kind of peaked right at the start and should have kept pushing with its military sandbox/almost simulation super-soldier route. Playing Predator in the jungle and using people's bodies to destroy shanty houses never quite gets old.

I have thousands of hours in Crysis Multiplayer from probably about 2008 to 2011 so I feel like this has to have a spot up at the top. Haven't found any games with quite the same multiplayer mechanics and I'm frequently missing this one.

Mekanikler berbat. Özel skiller zırh hariç bir boka yaramıyor neredeyse. Madem görünmez olabileceğimiz skill eklediniz, neden düşmanlar 20 metre arkasındaki çalılıkta olduğumuzu anlayabilecek kadar allah düzeyinde? Neden övüldüğünü bu zamana kadar hiç anlamadım. Sanki daha büyük bir oyunun demosu gibi.

Poorly optimized, still a hell of a ride. Absolutely crazy ass shooter; loved every section of it.