Reviews from

in the past

One of the most important games of all time that you only needed to play once.

lembro que minha mmãe não deixava eu jogaer esse jogo achando que os kra estava espiando nos estão tenho memorias ruins

It was so fun when it started and everyone on campus was into it, but it lost its fun when they didn't update anything and now it's just pointless repetitive "missions" but yeah, wife and I still open up the app here and there to get stops and random pokes when waiting in lines or w/e

got mugged while palying once

Que ódio, mais de 3 gerações de pokedex completas, mais de 2k de Pokémon, mais de 400 shinies, adoro e odeio esse jogo. Niantic é uma empresa de merda.

you can literally GO OUTSIDE and catch POKEMON, genius!

I mostly use this to send little video game souvenirs to my friends when I'm traveling. Occasionally I go on a Pokémon evolving blitz to satisfy the "number go up" part of my brain, but I don't really play the game enough to make use of those new numbers.

I wish this worked better in rural areas. Trying to find a Poké Stop in the woods is like trying to find the only other gay person within 100 miles of me.

I work in a coffee shop in San Francisco and there was a big gaming tech convention recently. Some dudes with lanyards from Niantic came in and ordered a cold brew or something and I was like oh yeah, you’re the Pokémon Go guys, right? They didn’t know what I meant at first and then said oh yeah, that game from years ago. I told them I have a few friends that still play it and it shocked them to their very core, as if I had told them I remembered something incredibly embarrassing they did at a college party. “But… WHY?!”

Like everyone else, I too miss 2016-era Pokemon Go. My fondest memory was being at Disneyland in 2016 and everyone boarding the Jungle Cruise, phone in hand, because a Gyarados spawned on the ride, with employees even joining in and giving hints. Truly one of the more whimsical moments in video game history.

The game nowadays? It's Capital F Fine. It's one of those cases where I can see the appeal but it's just Not For Me. I finally have a phone powerful enough to run this game pretty decently and I live in a metropolitan area with lots of PokeStops, but that also means I've also reached the part of the game where Niantic is shaking me down for real money to upgrade my inventory space.


Way to turn the holy grace of catching and raising your precious and beloved Pocket Monsters into what is essentially just a clicker game. I'm sure you get really sentimental over the fiftieth shiny Zigzagoon. Skinner box incarnate, sweeping through the neighbourhood and grinding the block's population of iconic creatures into Exp with the heart of a feller buncher combine harvester uprooting swathes of lush green forest. Pokemon Go to the gallows and give me your oil money fortune. I'll stop exaggerating and say this shit sucks even though I played it for like 10 hours.

played since day 1, quit a few years back. the way pogo fell from grace due to corporate greed needs to be studied

I'm disabled, so I can't really partake in a lot of this game's features. I also happen to live in a super small town, which is a terrible combination for it. All I can get from here is basically the same 5-10 Pokemon appearing, and I can't reach any Pokestops without walking, which is difficult for me to do. They ramped up the prices of remote play, which sucks for disabled people like me, so :')

On the rare occasions I find myself in a city it's pretty fun, but I'll never be able to play it properly or fully enjoy it because it wasn't made for disabled people and their perspective is that accommodating us would go against their aims with it.

I was there in 2016 I saw it……like 20 people gathered in one shopping center area at 3 AM for a gym. None of us knew each other. It was world peace

Still fully convinced that pokemon go to the polls lost Hilary the election

Yesterday I re-downloaded and logged on one last time to transfer some favorite Pokémon to my Home account one last time before fully retiring this game. I played for the first year this game was out and then on-and-off throughout the years up until some time in the end of last year. Same with Fire Emblem Heroes, I just have slowly lost my taste for these daily time-sinks on mobile. It’s fun to catch Pokémon while you’re going out for a walk, but much like every modern Pokémon game it has become only truly enjoyable by a devoted minority. Sometimes on TikTok I’ll scroll past a livestream of this game and see the interface that the really hardcore players use on this app and it just depresses me! This game that barely has a battle mechanic has become so much about battling and it really baffles me. The fact that this game has a spot at Pokémon’s championships alongside the core games and the card game is insane to me. It’s fun to catch Pokémon while you’re on a walk, but this game became so much bigger than “just going out for a walk,” and I think for the worse.

i dunno man it kinda came and went but everytime i look up how viable a pokemon is i always run into some "POKEMON GO VIABILITY" site and clawitzer is apparently busted or something

⬇️ ‘why is this here’

Bro why are YOU here

Cultural touchstone of the late 2010s, has definitely stood up as it goes on. While Niantic are certainly a bit predatory with their microtransactions, the game lasting as long as it has is a testament to the staying power of both this kind of game and Pokémon as a whole

my mom makes me play this for her every day to get pokestops while she drives. a curse cast upon me by the high sorcerers

Having to leave the house to play was a major design flaw.

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I was near a gym and asked if someone was playing the game on the phone and they turned into dust within seconds

The world was a better place when this game came out.

I've tried to pick it up and play every few years. Even with my love of Pokemon, I don't care and that can't keep me playing it. The game works as is, but I am just ready for TCG Pocket to come out this year.

Lack of character creation is a crime.


eu conseguir pega 50 Pokémons só dentro de casa nahahha depois da mega atualização apareceu bastante!

realised after a few days that i had more fun enjoying real animals like birds and bugs versus walking around to capture pretend animals