Reviews from

in the past

Obviously this game's gonna get compared to Factorio for the rest of time but their different dimensional perspectives do mean they play almost nothing alike. The thing I think that really hamstrings Satisfactory (and doesn't Factorio) is how intensely end-game factories rely on the RNG factor of hard drives, and how hard drive collection is literally just a repetitive chore that you have to do once you reach Tier 7. Maybe they'll change it eventually but having to tear down and redo entire sections once you get the objectively more efficient recipes is super annoying.

Oyun güzel ama emek ve öğrenme istiyor ve benim bu emeği verebilecek zamanım yok.

Un clicker algo más complejo, como cada juego de fábricas. Éste abrazando aún más el concepto con umbrales de progreso de farmeado X de este material y fuentes de materiales infinitas. Extremadamente complaciente con mecánicas que requerían algo de cálculo y planificación en juegos de su familia.

Un amigo que lo jugó me dijo que dejaba el juego AFK por la mañana para luego jugar por la tarde.

Lo de siempre con estos juegos, me captan y trabajo para ellos por unas horas y luego veo lo absurdo del asunto. Al menos Alexelcapo está haciendo una serie sobre él.

early game was really really satisfying but I lost steam after a good chunk of obsession. Will one day return once it's fully released and see if it's worth the score

Big sweaty masked woman with hammer and wrench and coal... coal everywhere...

I absolutely love the freedom and pacing in this game and can't wait to see what new content they'll add!

Be sure to play with friends. If you're alone it can be overwhelmingly anxiety-inducing. With friends you can split objectives between each other, which makes it much easier to process what needs to be done.

Progression feels a bit convoluted at first, but once you understand the importance of iron and exploration, it makes a bit more sense. And the foundations allowing you to opt in or out of more traditional grid-snapping is nice.

Satisfactory makes some very interesting use of perspective, subconsciously asking the player to move between two different modes of seeing the world without needing to literally change player perspective. I think that's very clever, because the top-down view of factory building from high up is both easier and imposes the "I-am-the-Master-Builder" thought process, while the normal on-the-ground perspective doesn't. You get to feel more big and more small.

Still not entirely sure what the whole hypecorpo aesthetic is about. Maybe it's not fleshed out yet? Maybe I haven't gotten far enough along to see it? Idk man fluids scare me.

Edit: Early game logistics are a pain...

Trak tiki tak!

Au début, on se bagarre avec des buissons pour que tout fonctionne. Ensuite, on découvre le charbon et la vie prend de nouvelles saveurs. On débloque des véhicules, on part explorer, puis on leurs traces des itinéraires pour qu'ils acheminent automatiquement nos ressources. Pour débloquer des trains, on essaye d'automatiser les cadres modulaires lourds et on se rend compte du casse-tête que ça va être, puis on se dit que ça serait une bonne idée de construire un réseau ferroviaire qui relis les 4 coins du monde. Et tout se complexifie, les quantités augmentent et on a la Satisfaction de voir nos lignes de production tourner à plein régime avec cette courbe de consommation électrique parfaitement stable. Il y a des tapis roulant, ai-je besoin d'un meilleur argument pour vous convaincre ?

I hyperfixated on this game and I'm sure I"ll hyperfixate again when I get back to it.

Great for unemployed people to feel employed

had me drawing blueprints in microsoft paint the fuck dude

It's like factorio but it gets a bit overwhelming. but not in the good way like in factorio in the bad way like getting lost at a Walmart trying to find the isle they sell lightbulbs and your looking for that one specific light bulb for that one specific lamp.

Also it takes longer to do the things I like, automating. the beginning hours consist of manually shoving fuel into a bunch of generators so you can unlock fossil fuels. The issue is this section of ths game takes up an insane amount of time. It gets boring and it makes me wish to just go back to factorio.

Lastly there are monsters that attack but they are actually pointless. you don't build defenses against them, you just zap em and they are gone. They exist to hinder you and annoy you. this is definitely a peaceful mode game, which is also another negative. I don't just get hot and heavy when the game is letting use my big sexy brains making a factory more efficient. I like having some stakes on the line. The devs have been wonderfully upfront and aren't planning to expand on that aspect and instead are focusing on building, which hey I'm fine with. it makes me realize that maybe this game isn't for me. It's very chill and the building is fun but the expansion doesn't feel worth it in the end like it does for factorio.

The developers are phenomenal and super community focused. They are open about the process of the development and have a lot of love of passion for the project. To have some positives is thst this game has both the best builder and movement system I've used in any game. Well maybe not best movement system, but it's legitimately up there with doom eternal and titan fall 2. There is no reason for the game to be as fun to run jump and move around in.

Anyways yeah, this is a really good game but it's just not the kind of game that's for me. But hopefully it's for you.

Was ne Sucht.
Man startet mit nichts, baut immer mehr und immer größere Anlagen, schaltet neue Technologien frei.
Sorgt für eine autarke Fabrik, sodass man 100% seiner Zeit auf das zuschalten von Ressourcen konzentrieren kann und zack sind 30 stunden weg.
Das Spiel klappt alleine oder in Gruppen, es gibt immer was zu tun.

Die Sucht hat bei uns beim letzten Objective nachgelassen.
Die Ressourcenflut, die man bräuchte um das zu erfüllen sind krank und würde 100 Stunden+ verschlingen.

Abgesehen davon und der eher langweiligen Spielwelt (wenig Gegner, kaum Sinnvolles zu finden) gibt es wenig zu meckern. Man merkt schnell, dass das Welterkunden nicht zum Spielziel gehört.

Das Bauen ist ultra einfach und man wird unfassbar schnell darinnen.
Da Ressourcen in der Regel endlos sind, geht man damit irgendwann um, wie Politiker mit Steuergeld.
Und es fühlt sich super an!

The Satisfactory Says: honestly the game could do away with the PvE elements; it's not that it's unnecessary to have PvE in an automation game, Satisfactory just totally whiffed the execution because it didn't really need PvE to begin with. It feels next to pointless and every single mob/mob variant is solely there to give you a bad time. Focusing on the logistics aspects, though, the game is very satisfying. The automation is very fun and mostly makes up for the meaningless hindrances that are hostile mobs.

I´m addicted help me, The factory must grow

Oyun güzel hoş, şehir kurma havalarına giriyon tr deki skim sonik cumhurbaşkanından daha iyi şehir yaparım diyorsunuz fakat aşkımız gote geliyor. İlk aşamalar çok iyi gidiyor ooo baya bi düzenliyiz falan filan derken oyunun ortalarına doğru oyunun yavaşladığını çok hissediyorsunuz. Bitirmek için gotumu yırttım ve bitirdim. Bu oyun türleri bana göre değilmiş fakat oyun türü ayırt eden bir insanda değilim. Rdr2 vs satisfactory gibi gibi... yani bu oyunu beğenmedim arkadaş BEĞENMEDİM ! yurak yürek oyun uzatılmaya çalışılmış. Gereksiz yani.

I don't have a problem, I just need another minute to make this 4th assembly work at 100% efficiency, easy stuff, I'll just split a fifth of the output from the main screw factory so the iron rods can load at 20/minute and the screws at 100/minute, but wait, if I use a power slug I can go to 150% efficiency, although I'll need to add another coal powerplant to have enough energy so everything will be right in the world and I won't die on my sleep.

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Send help, I can't stop playing.

Gets repetitive after you start your 125th savegame.

Played this a few times online with friends and really liked the vibe. Definitely the closest I've felt to getting really into a tech-tree-climber like this.
I think, realistically, I'd have liked Factorio more because I find the first-person 3D-navigability of the game to be a layer of removal from the actual construction, optimization, engineering thrill of the game. Maybe that friction is pleasurable though, since it makes you engage with the hulking physicality of the engines. That might be something special, or horrifying or sublime about the late-game, but don't see myself personally pushing through long enough to get there.

Pretty fun game but you need friends with above 50iq to play with to have fun. A little bit boring in solo.

Log 100 hours in two weeks, shelve it for 3 months and do it again. One of the best games ever!