Reviews from

in the past

Me siento como Mario en la película jugando al juego.

Los fondos están bonitos eso sí.

Love the new backgrounds and the controls this version has, hate those little enemies that steal the legendary weapons from you, am glad to see the save feature from the FDS version of the game get carried over, am confused by the game's inverted difficulty curve. Oh, and farming for hearts is your best friend in the three dungeon stages.

I wish I had more to say, but I only took a little over three hours altogether to beat this one.

The best version of Kid Icarus. I don't love this game, but it's still fun, and it's really cool that they remastered it

It still bothers me that this uses the exact same home screen jingle as Uprising.

The game has offered moderate challenge especially in the very beginning, but becomes more and more easy as you progress and increase your strength, abilities and health pool, so I think that it is balanced just fine in terms of difficulty, and I didn't need the guide or any info from the internet.
The soundtrack was very good though.

This game was so difficult that it stopped being any fun. I hated how scrolling the screen made it hard to see where I was going, sometimes causing me to jump into a pit I didn't expect to exist. It was just zero fun.

It is one of the more unique platformers to be released on the NES, it is pretty fun and I enjoyed it for awhile. I never managed to beat it but I still liked it, especially since the newer games are better, and with the addition in Smash Bros.

hooooooly shit look at those backgrounds

I like this game, but why in gods name is there no NewGame+ like in the original, it makes a bunch of rooms useless AND that was the most fun part
besides that, I mean its great besides the dungeons
also god knows how you get the good ending

bring back the black background

if someone held a gun up to my head and asked me to explain why this game is the way it is id just accept my death immediately

The 3D totally sucks, but this game is called a Classic for a reason! Kid Icarus is a literal blast from the past being challenging to the end, but still retaining that 80’s charm. While it’s shorted lived, the challenge, highscores and multiple endings will have you crawling back for more.

It truly is the definitive version of this game. Yeah Kid Icarus isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it isn't a long game and not as difficult as everyone makes it to be, at least in this version. I understand if people still hate the difficulty curve if you play the NES original with the password system, the saving option here its a life saver.

The new backgrounds make this game look gorgeous. Ignore the 3D, as most 3DS games it plays better in 2D. I actually recommend this game a lot, Imo this game is a bit overhated but i enjoyed it. I surely enjoyed it more than the original Metroid for sure.

I don't think they know what classic means.

Aight, I might give this one a chance another day, but today I’m abandoning ship for two smelly reasons:

1) The lack of checkpoints in fortresses. Believe it or not, restarting maze-like levels such as these with respawning enemies from the very beginning over and over again, literally losing every scrap of progress in them when you die (even during boss fights) isn’t fun, it’s tedious artificial padding

2) I wish all Eggplant Wizards a very d i e

Pretty good remake of a classic NES game that doesn't get the love it deserves.
This game has a reverse difficulty curve and it's really weird

This game is ..... frustrating. My retro tolerance leans more toward the SNES, so there are a lot of parts of this game that feel obtuse and difficult to come back to. I feel like I have to do research to understand this game before I play it - rather than just y'know playing it and learning that way

Edit: I came back months later, switched the controls to custom, then I beat it in a couple hours. I never thought I would be able to, but what a difference the controls make. The original controls make every platform feel like an ice tile, and given some of the later levels I can't imagine anyone actually beating this game in the 80s. But once you can actually control Pit, this game actually was really fun. Getting all three normal upgrades makes you feel practically invincible too, which is always a good time. However there is still an element of skill too it as you still take damage, and some enemies can steal your powerups, and it isn't always possible to buy them again.

All in all, its an interesting game to finish once, but I don't foresee myself coming back to beat my high score anytime soon.

I think I got this for free with Kid Icarus: Uprising. I haven't played it since 2015 so I don't remember much. I remember it being alright but being kinda bored with it. I also remember it being pretty hard? But maybe I was just bad at video games back then

The definitive Kid Icarus port. Still a bad game, though.

it's an ok nes game. the 3d and the new backgrounds are neat additions

This game is hard, but the best version.