Reviews from

in the past

One of the best historical RTS games you can play right now

Good old AoE III, a game which is now functionally free on Steam, which is generous considering this game is widely detested across East Asia where the other AoE games are beloved (AoEII in China and AoEI in Vietnam). This was a sweet, cute, and dumb game with a story mode focusing on fictional characters, a first for the series. Sadly this is also the only time this idea was implemented because AoEIV decided to play it safe and just redo AoEII.

Let's get the grievances out of the way. The gameplay is stiff for a 2005 game, which makes sense because it's a 3D rendered RTS, something which Ensemble Studios wasn't very gifted at. The gameplay itself is also basic, with no unit soft counters like in AoEII, only hard counters, meaning it's difficult to keep playing AoEIII without getting tired of the watered down gameplay. AoEII may be lacking in the personality department, but its gameplay is harder to get tired of because it's objectively better designed.

Unlike what some people think, AoE3 has more in common with AoE1 than it does with 2. Like AoEI, this game has a superior atmosphere to AoEII. Again, I stress that AoEII is the best game in the series, but I don't really feel the timeline since AoEII feels the most... uninteresting in its execution, since they needed to put more effort into the gameplay. The AoEII campaigns are fantastic, but they make up 90% of the game's personality, the remaining 10% made up by the voicelines of the units. AoE1 had charm in its discreet love for history and giving the Antiquity Era much needed love. AoEIII is unpopular in East Asia because the Colonial Era is epitomized in every facet of this beautiful game. When I play AoE3, I can REALLY feel like I'm travelling back to the 1600-1800s in much the same way playing AoE1 elicits feelings of living in 1000 BC. Ambiance is essential to the Age of Empires Trilogy, and it's only really realized in AoE2's single player, not so much in multiplayer.

Also AoE3's story mode is actually worth playing. I like how this game changes enough to make up for the dumbed down general gameplay, and also implements wacky passives to help the civilizations play and especially feel different. Each tech tree harbors unique units which are reskins of the same thing, all for that ambiance. AoEIII may not have been competently designed gameplay wise, but it is a fun time if you feel like going back to Colonial times, one of the most interesting Eras of history (especially good old America).

shoutout to the rts game that i played most
good times

Lembro de zerar esse daqui e escutar Faroeste Caboclo.

Um bom jogo , com algumas mudanças positivas na franquia, porem inferior ao anterior.

A Definitive Edition that actually introduces lots of quality of life changes other than a graphical evolution, while still maintaining the charm of the original game.

This "Definitive Edition" introduces some nice quality of life changes to what was already a very enjoyable game. I could do without the improved graphics, but it's hard to go back to the version where you can't zoom out as much or customize the UI and hotkeys. Overall, I would say this remake is a complete success in that front.
Other changes which don't affect gameplay have been made for the sake of authenticity, although some are just weird like changing "colonial age" to "commerce age". I'm unsure of what that accomplishes exactly.
I'm also not a fan of the name because "Definitive Edition" is normally reserved for the version that contains the full experience, but they have added more factions to the game as DLC after release. I don't think there's anything wrong with them making more content, far from it, but I would expect the people who don't want to put the word "colony" in their remake to be more careful with words.

Embora goste de algumas das mudanças feitas, especialmente na variabilidade adicionada através de facções assimétricas e no sistema de cartas, sinto que ele não tem o polimento impecável em seu design que tanto consagra o gigantesco antecessor. AoE III pra mim parece um filho desconfortável de uma época em que não se sabia para onde o gênero de estratégia iria, e foi feito como um chute bem-intencionado, mas não bem-direcionado. A “Definitive” Edition roda muito mal, também.

que juego feo encima tiene una mecanica de cartas horrible re culo

Sim, o jogo tem escolhas de design BEM questionáveis, como fontes de recurso infinitas, aldeões não precisarem levar o conteúdo recolhido para construções de armazenamento, e o sistema de cartas. Mas ele ainda sim é bem divertido e estratégico.

Uma boa versão de um dos melhores jogos mas que foi substituído pelo Age IV

Alto juego, sigo sin saber jugarlo

I don't really have any good reason as to why, but the original was better.

Uma Definite Edition de respeito, gráficos incríveis e DLCs até que legais.

cosa mi è venuto in mente
ci sono momenti in cui sento di dover tornare al tipo di gioco che ho giocato quasi esclusivamente da quando avevo 10 anni a quando ne avevo 16. Mi dimentico sempre che sono profondamente cambiato, a questo giro ho cacato profondamente fuori dal vaso e ho COMPRATO un gioco che so che non approfondirò mai. Lo lascio per quei giorni in cui sono finite le cose divertenti da fare.

I loved the age of empires is my favorite one of all
and yes i suck at rts games :)

Tried to play even not being a big fan of RTS, i just feel so limited to the crazy AI that doesn't respect your resources and will do whatever it likes.

To me, fell short, but again not a big fan of RTS genre.

I’m a big fan of the gameplay and visual (no more bayonets on the ashigaru’s matchlocks!!!) changes I’ve seen so far, but the game is a stuttery mess on my hardware which makes everything good about this version of the game hard to appreciate.