Reviews from

in the past

This game is really good aside from a few vexing boss fights.

has everything I loved about super metroid plus better controls and physics. one of my favourite games of all time.

It's crazy how every version of Metroid 2 is good, but this one's my favorite.

One of the best fangames I've ever played. With a little more work in some areas it would feel polished enough to pass for an official Nintendo release. Major gripe is that for a game about hunting metroids, the metroid fights kinda stink!

A nivel personal la versión definitiva de jugar la segunda entrega de la cazarrecompensas favorita de muchos.
Presentación, historia, peleas, la calidad me sorprende, no es perfecto, un par de peleas pueden ser monótonas (Metroids más que nada) pero logra mejorar lo que existía sin fallar lo que era el original. Un trabajo impresionante y no me sorprende que la persona detrás de esto ahora trabaje profesionalmente en más Metroidvanias.

Incredible what fans can do. It adds a lot to the original and has some of the tightest 2D metroid controls. Some boss fights can be a bit annoying though.

I have so much respect for the developers behind this project. Nearly ten years of on-and-off work poured into a massive love letter for the Metroid franchise, bringing all of its best elements into a the template of a Game Boy game that DESPERATELY needed a revision. There's varied and creative locations, a great interconnected world, tons of fun abilities and puzzles, genuinely excellent pathing / progression / what is it called? Whatever, I just felt really smart as I progressed through the world, and it was AWESOME.

My only problems were the idea of hunting a bazillion Metroids is still really lame and repetitive, and in the version I played, the final boss was busted and I had to kill them only using missiles (which was LAMEEE).

The fact that Nintendo took down this was such a travesty. Seriously, I'm playing through the 2D series and this was SO MUCH more fun than Zero Mission, I'm kind of shocked. I hope Super Metroid is as great as everyone says it is, but until then? This is easily my favorite Metroid game (so far anyway).

AM2R is a fan game. But it's also a fully developed Metroid game. I would NEVER even think about not having this game be part of the discussion. It's the other Metroid 2 and there's a reason why it's spoke about a lot in context to the larger metroid series. Just because fans made it. Doesn't make it not worth counting in tier lists, discussion, etc. Yes AM2R is considered part of the series and I won't pretend it is not. It fits in perfectly with what the series is and even adds it's own stuff. Fan game or no fan game. It's a VIDEO GAME and you WILL count it as such. It was programmed by a developer. Please listen.

Possibly the greatest fan game of all time. There's a reason some people say it's a better Metroid game than Nintendo has ever made. The gold standard for remakes as well.

Holy shit that was such a good fucking game. Some of the Metroid fights were kind of monotonous but oh my god, I think I might actually go back to 100% this one day? One of the best.

How's this better than most of Nintendo's
efforts in the franchise? More fluid and
a joy to play, boss fights that crescendo,
and gorgeous visions of the alien
landscape. Even Samus' suit design shows
more charm than Zero Mission or Fusion.
Dread remains my favorite, although
AM2R makes a convincing stand.

So much love put into this that really shows. Its gorgeous, has great gameplay updates, and chooses to stay true to the original in all the right ways (even if certain changes would technically make the game better, it would make it less of a remake).

My fun October tradition of playing a game and then immediately playing its remake continues to be a great activity, would recommend.

I didn't think Super Metroid could possibly be topped for me, but the enhanced controls and absolutely incredible soundtrack of AM2R is what puts it above even that legendary title for me. It's a tad more linear by design in comparison to the other games, but unlike Fusion, it's not nearly as noticeable or jarring. It holds a candle to, and in some ways, outdoes Nintendo's own Metroid titles.

While it's great to see a fan remake in the vein of the GBA Metroid games with all the tight gameplay and refined control that go with that, the structure of Metroid 2 leaves a lot to be desired. Each area contains a number of Metroid, and you must find and kill them all before proceeding. It becomes tedious fast as you have to scour each area entirely and do the same mini bosses over and over again. Despite the gameplay being sharp I got got tired of searching a zone midway through and gave up.

Pretty good fan-made version of Metroid 2. It's clear how much love and care went into it.

However, I still prefer the actual Metroid 2 Remake that came out on the 3ds.

AM2R: Return of Samus is 2D Metroid at its absolute finest. A familiar but beautifully distinct pixelated art style, buttery smooth controls that rival that of Dread's, some of the best music and remixes in the franchise, and perhaps most importantly, a keen understanding of what makes Metroid games - and Metroid II in particular - so special.

AM2R masterfully understands the original's intentions of being a mature, somber story. It has its bombastic moments, but knows how to use them well and sparingly. Its realistically crafted world is filled with mementos of a bygone, highly technologically advanced and civilized era, occasionally littered with the Federation troopers that arrived to try and tame the ancient threat the Chozo once created in the Metroid species. Somehow, it even still manages to feel alive, or at least having once been alive, as its environmental storytelling is some of the best a 2D pixel art game has managed to convey, putting Metroid: Samus Returns' palette-swapped cave hallways to shame.

As the only 2D Metroid game to date to ever include Prime-like logbook entries, AM2R elevates the original's story to new heights while weaving it around - and in the context of - the rest of the saga. This is the definitive way to experience Metroid II, and even a surprisingly good way to get into the franchise as a whole. I should know.

(Disclaimer: most pros and cons listed don’t take comparisons to Metroid Dread into account, because it’s such an inherently differently playing game)

+ Best 2D Metroid in the original style
+ Great hybrid combination of realistic, modern lighting and retro graphics
+ Excellent movement and best Shinespark puzzles in the franchise alongside Zero Mission
+ Updates enormously on original Metroid II and is leagues better and more authentic as a remake than Samus Returns
+ Most cohesive worldbuilding and lore out of any 2D Metroid, including grippingly believable logbook entries that add to the already powerful story
+ Unbelievably good music
+ Adds multiple areas absent from the original and official remake
+ Fast travel system and hubworld-like level design is incredibly satisfying to utilize and explore
+ Added connections to almost every game in the series including Fusion and the Prime games
+ Similarly to Super, you can create different kinds of beams by switching them around in the menu
+ Gameplay is simply polished to perfection
+ Still being updated, including support for a launcher and mods!
+ Genuinely almost incomparable in its greatness in relation to previous 2D Metroid titles

- Almost the only negatives the game has are strictly caused by the original game’s limitations
• Metroid evolutions can get a bit repetitive, especially at the end when they become more spongey
• Lots of vertical hallways (though they’re thankfully very differentiated)
• Lore explanation for the world progressively opening up is still a bit silly
• Item progression is insanely fast in the beginning and then slows down to an appropriate level, making the pacing feel off (you get ~4 major upgrades in the first area alone)
- Widescreen mode is currently a bit bugged out (will edit out this problem when it inevitably gets patched)

One of the best 2D Metroid game - captured the spirit and atmosphere of the original extremely well while bringing in a lot of nice modern touches.

I actually prefer Samus Returns, but this is a supremely impressive fan game and I applaud it for that.

sets a high standard for what fan projects can potentially deliver, controls, exploration, level-design and visuals are all essentially perfect.

the Metroid boss fights suck though, at least the actual non-Metroid battles are a lot of fun.

overall the definitive way to play Metroid II, I still have to try MercurySteam's official Remake in the future.

Metroid fanları tarafından yapılan 2.Oyunun remake'i. Metroid'i anlayıp onu geliştirme konusunda inanılmaz bir iş başarmışlar.

dont tell nintendo or sony i playd this on a psvita/10

nintendo wishes they could make a game this good

This is the best 2D Metroid right? It feels objectively the most polished, the most fun, the most epic, the most bad ass. I now need to replay all the others just to be sure, but goddamn. Take all the best components from every other game in the series, filter out any filler or extraneous bits, make some tasteful additions and polishes here and there. Bada bing bada boom, you got yourself a stew going.

wish this thing got to have at least one or two more patches to fine tune the endgame, it's a better remake than samus returns imo

a really impressive remake and i think if it were a remake of any other metroid game itd be great but i think metroid 2 just sucks. annoying and tedious progression mixed with easily some of the least enjoyable boss content in the series makes for an experience i cant say i want to go back to. any positivity i have towards am2r is appreciation for the effort put into it and it being way better looking than the official metroid 2 remake

Really fun, amazing fan game. Congratulations to all that helped this game come true

I played Metroid: Zero Mission and Super Metroid before this, and didn't like it, but this made the Metroid games click in my mind. It's literally what gotten me into Metroid as a franchise. I wish people would start taking fangames more seriously

Nintendo's classic franchises almost all had a black sheep sequel. Zelda 2 is a difficult labyrinth with RPG mechanics, Mario 2's main mechanic is throwing turnips, and Metroid 2 was just trying to do Metroid on the Game Boy. Like the first game, the original Metroid 2 is a difficult game to return to due to its lack of map, small screen size, and general lack of guidance or refinement. Realizing this, many have attempted to recreate the game to update to its modern sensibilities. Nintendo themselves made Metroid: Zero Mission, but then held off on its sequel until the 3DS for Samus Returns. It was a good remake, with "modern" graphics and some new features. But for those who were looking for a more artistically and period-accurate retelling turn to AM2R.

AM2R is a fan remake in the style of the GBA masterpiece Zero Mission. Playing both games feels identical; traversal, items, and level design matches exactly how you expect, with congruent gorgeous pixel art throughout. There is a map, as well as hidden logs and extra text in the vain of Metroid Prime to even further flesh out the story of the forgettten sequel. Speaking of, the point of Metroid 2 is to exterminate every Metroid from planet SR-388. Changing the goal from "escape the planet" or "recover your stuff" is a welcome switch, and allows for the feeling of more freedom in your objective, though the game maintains being pretty linear overall. Much of the runtime of AM2R is spent digging deeper and deeper into the planet as you exterminate gradually evolved forms of Metroids. Since this is a remake, much of the design I won't comment on, but efforts could have been made in the fifth area to open up the environment more and make that section less annoying to backtrack through.

In terms of accessibility, AM2R has a lot of stellar options. On top of the ability to remap any button, you can also change some of the visual flourishes and Samus's suit. Once completing the game, you can also do a New Game Plus run or a randomizer run, for those who like the challenge or want to speedrun. It's a package that rivals Nintendo's typically shallow offerings when it comes to Metroid post-game content and capable features. As mentioned, the audiovisual display here is wonderful. I played this on my 4K monitor and the Metroid style never looked better. There a couple of really memorable music selections here, and echoes of familiar tunes carry the legendary bounter hunter as she shinesparks her way through the caverns.

After the 6 hours it took to 100% AM2R, I wish it was an official game I could put on my shelf and into my GBA like Zero Mission. It's a stellar game in this format that proves itself amongst the giants in its own franchise, as well as other genre standouts. If you have a PC and love Metroidvanias, you need to download this and give it a try. I'm upset I didn't sooner.

This is the best version of Metroid II don't let anybody tell you otherwise.