Reviews from

in the past

uma dlc spin off de dark descent, não é bom, nem ruim, dura 10-15 minutos e vc termina entendendo o mesmo tanto que entendia no começo. Veio junto com o primeiro amnesia então é dentro

It's free with the Steam version so I guess it's okay, but it's unconnected to the main story and doesn't make much sense by itself. It's quite short so I guess you can ignore it.

Je comprends pas ce DLC. C'est super dur, pas dans le mauvais sens, les énigmes sont super, les monstres font super peur, mais POURQUOI ne pas donner la possibilité de Save en fait???? genre quand tu meurt a la fin, tu recommence tout. ca m'a ruiné s'experience

Genre vraiment, tout le reste est bon??? Meme l'histoire??? et y'a un principe de moralité qui change la route du jeu, c'est trop bien, mais TU PEUX PAS SAVE donc quand t'es nul comme moi, ca ruine tout

Meh. I remember liking what I played of the original, but this had an annoying distortion effect I couldn't turn off that just gave me a migraine.

Short and sweet. I actually would have liked to see this expanded a bit more - the suitors are effectively scary, and Justine is a more compelling character than expected considering her very short appearance. Definitely gives off the vibe of being more of a proof of concept for the modding tools than a substantive story, but credit to Frictional to bringing their typical level of quality to what ultimately amounts to a pretty slight piece of content in the Amnesia franchise.

God, it's short, indeed, but the last chase sequence is the worst thing I've ever experienced in a horror game in a good way, obviously. Like, in the main campaign I didn't feel so scared mostly because I managed to hide well and didn't enter a chase, but here in the final part they force you to do a chase while doing super slow cranks with weird controls that also lock the camera and with a tiny hitbox so you can miss the click and gg and on top of that you can't save the game which makes the scene much more powerful like I played it 3 times for the achievements and I never want to know another scene in all my life, I hate it but in a good way, I really had a bad time, but having a bad time is exactly what makes it so good.


The concept is great but the execution is lacking. I wish Justine had leaned into the 'studying the psyche' idea with some actual ethical decisions that make you consider deliberately killing the prisoners, rather than accidentally killing them because you couldn't solve the puzzle. It would also be nice to actually save the prisoners, rather than leaving them chained to the walls and progressing to the next room. Also, the ability to save so you don't have to play the same puzzles over and over again whenever you make a mistake and die.

The monster and interactions with it are the best part of this expansion, and are better than in the base game. The exploration of setting, story and puzzles is as captivating as The Dark Descent is, but the combination of being forced to repeat it and the fact it doesn't do anything interesting with it makes it difficult to recommend.

DLC bem curtinha, é um trial em que você não pode morrer, gostei bastante do design do monstro, se a duração fosse um pouco maior não faria mal.

A nice and short DLC that struggles with some puzzles and the perma-death being easily frustrating at times. I also think it's a proof of concept that adding perma-death can really increase the intensity from monsters tenfold. Anyone looking into making a horror roguelike?

Very solid expansion, although a little too short and not quite sure how I feel about the execution of the "twist" ending. Still a decent little 30 minute story!

Has excellent scares through the unstoppable enemy though. Easily more intense than TDD because of said enemy, as well as the absence of saving and perma-death.

Overall rating: 5.5/10

The saveless form twists this almost into a metroidvania of sorts and most people who beat it are speedrunners by the end, sort of works for the whole idea of playing through a psychotic character who gives no shits about the men she kills

Nothing will get your heart pumping like trying to save the last prisoner and escaping.

Sort of a precursor to today's horror microgames. Too slight to leave much impact despite being a cool idea that's theoretically well-suited to its short runtime, and includes one of the worst, most esoteric puzzles I've encountered in a while. The moral choices, supposed to be a test of character, are so obtuse it's hard to even parse them as choices on the first run let alone for them to feel meaningful.

On the other hand frantically opening a door and then locking it again while something closes in on you is the best part of these games and there's an extended, multi-room instance of that in here which is further heightened by the permadeath. Worth a spin if you have the collection.

It's quite short and didn't really tie up any loose ends of the original. It was fine I guess.

neat dlc!! unfortunate that when u die u have to restart the whole game, but tbf it is short so its understandable.

ehm, ok
1,0/10 - Length
10/10 - Price
9,0/10 - Performance/Bugs
6,5/10 - Gameplay
7,0/10 - Story/Experience

Score = 6,7/10

Probably the wettest fart of any post game expansion of this era

all 2 of the puzzles sucked the correct solutions felt more like , plot is completely unrelated to the base game, idk why the fuck they give you lantern and never give you oil to use.

Final chase was pretty good though, and im sure the plot is like, interesting, though you'd probably have to get it through a wiki or a youtube video because the game ain't explaining anything

also its only 30 mins long lel

not much to this in terms of broader connection to the main game but this is enjoyable enough, still. more than anything it makes me want to look into the fan game scene for this engine as i can imagine there's some really cool stuff.

just the A Machine for Pigs replay to go so i can get to Rebirth and The Bunker.

Review EN/PTBR

A very short DLC that only offers time based on difficulty, as it has no save or checkpoint and you will die in just 1 hit
A creative and short story with a great Portal easter egg
Who doesn't love a crazy girl?

Uma DLC muito curta que só oferece tempo baseado na dificuldade, já que não possui save ou checkpoint e morre com apenas 1 hit
Uma história criativa e curta com um ótimo Easter Egg referente a Portal
Quem não ama uma maluquinha ein?

Gostei bastante do inimigo desse, ainda mais quando é explicada a sua origem. Acho que teria sido legal se The Dark Descent tivesse mais cenas de perseguição do tipo. Também gostei muito da história apesar de ter sido contada de uma maneira bem rushada.

Admito que se eu não tivesse pego a DLC num bundle, provavelmente ficaria decepcionada pela duração (uns 20-30 minutos) e por não ter muita ligação com o primeiro jogo.

I’m not really sure what this expansion was trying to get at. It had virtually nothing to do with the main game besides from a few notes by Daniel. In fact was starting to question whether or not it was still set in Brennenburg Castle. It was also lacking the puzzles that made the first game quite enjoyable. However the one enemy that stalks you throughout the whole game is quite scary and overall this might actually be scarier than the base game. The ending was also pretty cool. I played it by killing all 3 of the prisoners I don’t know if there is another ending that you get by saving them all. If so maybe that ending could have more to do with the base game, but to be honest, even if it did I wouldn’t really hold this expansion in a much higher regard

Não gostei por motivos pessoais, porém a dlc em si não é necessariamente ruim, foram suas ideias que não me agradaram.
Começando pela gameplay focada em Puzzles que não me agradou, creio que a melhor qualidade de Amnésia:Dark descent é a mesclagem entre puzzle, busca de documentos pela história, e o terror, coisa que Justine tira TUDO apenas pelo puzzle (visto que boa parte da gameplay não temos uma história de fato, apenas informações para adicionar no pano de fundo). Além disso, sua duração é ofensiva, podendo ser finalizado em 10 minutos (talvez até menos) se você souber o que fazer, e apesar de haver um fato replay pelo outros finais, não vale apena. A única coisa que de fato me interessou foi o conceito da "história" que a dlc apresenta, de resto achei bem tedioso.
Vale apenas se estiver MUITO BARATO (papo de 2 reais e olha lá) ou estiver inclusa na coleção que vem todos os jogos, porquê de resto não vale.

Very short and sweet game, with a very hard ending segment imo. TBH im not a huge fan of games w/o save points but tbf justine was just 1 hour long; it blended well into the original amnesia canon and it was pretty ok!
Final Playtime: 1.5 hours

An abjectly terrifying mini-expansion for the first Amnesia game. I was more or less delighted by how well this utilizes a number of interesting tweaks to the gameplay ideas of the main game in a such a short timeframe (this takes no more than an hour to play). Everything you liked about the main game is here, just turned up to 11: the brilliant sound design is somehow even more atmospheric and dread-inducing, the puzzles are tough as hell (unintuitively so, in one unfortunate case), and the monster design and environmental details are even more creepy (you can bet I won’t forget what the word ‘abacinate’ means any time soon). The story, although brief, is quite clever, as it hinges on a mind-bending twist that brings a new meaning to the term ‘masochist.’

I docked this for two unfortunate demerits that prevent this from being a perfect little expansion. If you die, not only is your game over, but you hilariously get booted to desktop. This isn’t a huge deal for most of the expansion, but it is not a reach to die during the panic of the final chase sequence. A save function seems like it would’ve been a pretty simple add. Second, the puzzle in the library is a real momentum-killer, an illogical dud that had me stuck for way too long.

On the whole, however, this is a tight and well-imagined DLC, arguably even scarier than the main game on a moment-to-moment basis.

replayed because rebirth made me question whether i actually would enjoy amnesia in this day and age. not only did i enjoy this, it made me remember being like, 15 and sleeping on the floor of the living room with all the lights i could find on, because i was too scared to sleep in my bedroom. lmao

the expected issues persist (gameplay and puzzles in particular can be frustrating or just plain boring) but the genuine terror i felt is still there. a remarkable feat for something so short-- this feels like what every steam horror game in early access with no hope is trying to be.