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Um dos melhores AC, com uma história muito boa, e mecânicas fantásticas, tem um bom desenvolvimento e não é um jogo chato, porém tem alguns bugs inconvenientes na gameplay, além de na minha opinião as vezes a história ser mal explicada, os vilões poderiam ter sido mais interessantes.

Sights & Sounds
- Some character and clothing textures look nicely updated, but a lot of the open world (particularly the Frontier area) looks pretty bad and polygonal
- There are lots of strange visual bugs, ranging from distance fog and water reflection not agreeing, to spagettification of enemy models when you knock them into walls
- The soundtrack is appropriate but not terribly exciting
- Voice acting is largely good, but non-main characters can sound a little wooden

Story & Vibes
- The setting is intriguing and one of the highlights of the game. Running around the colonial US and taking part in historical events would be fairly engrossing if it weren't for all the immersion-breaking bugs
- For an AC game, there's not much intrigue. It really dampens the emotional impact of the end-of-game events for both Desmond and Connor

Playability & Replayability
- The flow of combat could be really fun, but the rope darts trivialize the challenge of opponents that can parry your counters or block your attacks
- If combat were a little more challenging, I think the stealth mechanics would feel a bit more useful
- Skills and abilities aren't necessary since combat isn't hard
- Naval battles were pretty fun
- No real reason to revisit this one after beating it

Overall Impressions
- I'm far beyond the required specs, and I still had to mess around with process priority/affinity to get rid of frame rate issues each time I booted the game
- Lackluster story and poorly balanced gameplay overshadow the few bright spots

Final Verdict
- 4/10. Unless you're a diehard who really wants to know the AC lore, maybe consider skipping this entry. If you do play it, maybe consider doing so on console if possible. Playing it on PC is a buggy mess. Hell, you can't even play it at all on Steam unless you own AC Odyssey to activate it.

This review contains spoilers

Most of them seem to hate this game and praise Black Flag for its pirate stuff. But in my opinion, this game is something entirely different. Everything just fits right in and the narrative, storytelling, and even the world-building are very mature. A perfect start for the Kenway Saga.

assassin's creed is one of those series i've always wanted to play, the combat was fun and the story was ok but the switch port sucks! so many bugs with horrendous frame drops!

Very fun, but the mechanics where a bit off , really liked the story tho.

nostalgia brought me back to an buggy, boring husk of a game. the story is way too focused on playing with history to give proper depth and distinction to characters besides the antagonist party and while the combat animations are flashy it ultimately gets as stale as most AC games do.

AI is ridiculous. world is bland. the alternate weapons that could have given me a varied flavor on combat can only be unlocked through annoying parameters. there's also side objectives that are incredibly uninteresting and pointless yet always like to waste 8 seconds of your time after every mission to indelicately inform your failure to 100% them, despite there being no incentive to do so.

the worst part is that this game has ideas. there's some interesting stuff here, like the concept of building up a homestead of people and establishing your own trade network, and a slew of naval missions to go through -- stuff that isn't Assassin's Creed and therefore Fun -- but progression of these other stories are inexplicably walled behind mandatory collectathons and such a late point of progress in the main game that the resources you could get from further investing time in the homestead become redundant.

it's really sad, because the homestead and naval combat were the parts of this game that I adored as a kid, the parts that brought me back to this game because there haven't been any others that executed this things the same way AC3 did. but by god, Ubisoft's modern core game design formula is so dull that it's made me come to despise seeing its fragments of its early reflection in these older AC titles.

really hoping my love for Black Flag doesn't get soured in the same way when I eventually revisit that game again. with the horror story that is Skull & Bones development and severe lack of singleplayer seafaring games out there, I remember AC4 as the pirate game of all time. hopefully I don't get tricked into an hour long intro of unskippable Abstergo Office segments and tailing missions without something to take away from it all.

In 2007 Assassin's Creed reinvented a genre. In 2012 Assassin's Creed 3 reinvented Assassin's Creed
A lot of vitriol has been thrown at AC 3, it's structure and it's protagonist and while a fraction of those pieces of criticism is valid, in 2012 Ubisoft once again dared to do something entirely different.
Awkwardly paced in places and riddled with growing pains AC 3 delivered a slice of colonial America unmatched even today, with courage to present difficult subjects with nuance and depth like the plight of the natives in the Revolutionary war and the controversial nature of slave keeping. Or finally expanding on the Templar credo in such a way, it now rested firmly as a bitter rival to the allure of freedom the Assassin Brotherhood, seeming just as inviting and legible choice for the future of mankind.
Ultimately the war was won by grit, determination and a sense of responsibility. All attributes present in Connor, to this day the most divisive protagonist of the franchise. I for one cannot help but love his stoic mannerisms, admire his fierce love for community and share in his painful but inspirational naivity. Connor was a long shot that unfortunately did not hit the spot for many fans. A shame really, since one cannot do but wonder what Aveline and Connor could have achieved sharing a game together.
AC 3's bones were the foundation for Black Flag, Liberation, Freedom Cry and Rogue. All games that lead the franchise down interesting and most times beloved paths and left their originator behind feeling as if the third entry walked steady, so the others could run.
For this and other reasons I would happily rate this adventure much higher, as it is one of my favourite entries but the shoddy, glitchy, plasticky remaster job Ubisoft once again delivered here just sours even me on this sweet grape. If the original was not optimised arguably worse I'd advise in a heartbeat to get the 2012 version. Being stuck between Scylla and Charybdis it's a poison of one's choosing. This remastered version however does feature the excellent Liberation Remastered as well in a neat package.

The ending is just so disappointing… Although stubborn I really enjoyed Connor. To me the main problem was that it looks surprisingly worse than the Ezio trilogy, even after the remaster.

Loved it when I was younger but wouldn't be super into it now. Setting is cool but... It's Assassin's Creed, what else is there to say.

nn gosto muito do connor como protagonista mas a história é muito boa, além do parkour ser mais divertido

Assassin's Creed III is an action-adventure stealth game that was originally released in 2012. and got its remastered version in 2019. featuring improved gameplay, enhanced graphics, 4K resolution and all previously released single-player addons and DLCs.

The game mainly follows the story of Connor Kenway set during the American Revolutionary War. Connor is soon on a quest of vengeance after his mother died while his village was being attacked by Templars. Soon after, his visions led him to an old Assassin who helps him in his quest.
Along the journey, as always, you will have the possibility to meet great known figures, one of them here is George Washington.
The first thing you start to notice is an improvement in gameplay, controls the most, which are very similar to the later released AC IV and AC Rogue.
Unfortunately there is already an issue when the first cutscene comes, the faces are if all characters had plastic surgery and they look horrible, especially Juno. Apart from that, when talking about graphical issues there is also the unrealistic and outdated water reflections in towns where in some missions when the weather is foggy the reflections from water are is if there isn't any fog at all. Fortunately the water reflections in naval missions are far more detailed. The freerun is clunky as it was before, that part of the game didn't change, but it stayed similar to the older games. Also when engaged in combat some soldiers tend do appear out of nowhere making fights longer than they should be.
I also have to note that I've had some major game crashes while playing as Desmond Miles. I noted that as I never had any game crashes while playing other AC games (taking in mind that I've played all AC games after the game had several post-launch patches).
One thing that can also appear more than several times and they are easy to spot are the off-sync between lips, voice and subtitles.
Apart from those issues as this is my first time playing AC III, I have to say that I am amazed by how much content this game offers when comparing to the Ezio triology. Not all content are equally easy to access and you need to take some time to explore it, but it offers much.
There is also a wanted level called notoriety level, which affects on how easily you get into a fight after being spotted by guards. After reaching the third level special guards called Jagers randomly appears all around the town and there are several ways to lower that level, the easiest one includes bribing Town Criers and Printers.
When speaking of combat, the combat is fluid, including many different weapon types, combat and kill moves, making Connor one of the most lethal Assassin so far.

The Tyranny of King Washington DLC is a three part story in an alternative future where George won the war using of the Apple of Eden. Even though Connor thinks that something happened to George after he left him the reality in this story is that Connor has never met George nor any other character he encountered in the main game.
George fell under the control of the Apple and he starts to spread terror and famine killing anyone who thinks the opposite. As Connor is unable to win this fight alone, he decides to put himself under the influence of the tea to envoke unnatural powers to help him.
While you'll still be visiting the same locations as before, there are several new side quests offering some variety into the game. What you also have to be aware of is that enemies will always immediately attack you on sight, so be careful of every step you take.

All in all AC III offers much content and variety but unfortunately not everything is as polished as it should be. The main problems are the faces and off-sync between lips, voice and subtitles in cutscenes and few other minor graphical and gameplay issues which makes the game less enjoyable.

This remaster was nothing but the old rough game made pretty. The controls in this game were abysmal but the combat was pretty smooth.
I remember playing this on release in 2012 but 10 years later I didn't have the same excitement nor was it enjoyable.
Worth playing back in the day not so much now with all the advancements games have made since then.

(Review from Dec 2019) Great storyline, I’ve always dug the obsessive Charles Lee-Connor revenge plot, it’s one of the most gripping ones I’ve seen in the series. Gameplay is good most of the time, but there are some optional objectives that are bugged out by bad controls, and some challenges that aren’t entirely clear.

another example of assassins creed titles hiding behind rose tinted glasses because going back to this was hard.

Eu gosto da história tentar ser diferente, mas poxa, demora demais pra engrenar e quase todos os vilões são esquecíveis. O mapa é bem sem graça também. No entanto, a animação de parkour é bem bonita de se ver e o Haytham é fácil um dos melhores personagens da franquia.

I tried to enjoy this game, but I have some problems with it. Character wasn't as charismatic as Ezio and I hated the stealth system, the selection of weapons and the structure of the open world. Still looking forward to check the side quests as I hear them being constantly praised. The story was the best part of the game in my opinion

Gostei muito, porem o protagonista é meio paia

-Buggy (specially the cutscenes)
-Bad ending
-Bad protagonist ( except for Haytham)
-weird stuff happening in the story
-and no reason to explore casue they will give you the option to fast travel to anywhere
-The combat animation is soo good and the poison dart is so fun
-and the graphics is so good cause of the remastered ( not for the cutscene tho)

Assassin’s Creed 3 Remastered is a collection that comes packed with a heap of visual improvements and gameplay tweaks, yet maintains all the things that divided players back with the original release. There are still problems around, but it is a collection that transforms the experience to the modern-day standards and keeps us reminiscing the days when the series had much more promise.

Assassin's Creed III Remastered, released in 2019, receives a modest rating of 2.5/5. While it offers an opportunity to revisit the American Revolution through improved graphics, this remaster doesn't manage to fully rekindle the original game's appeal. It falls short in delivering the engaging experience that fans had hoped for, and the execution leaves room for improvement in various aspects.

A história do jogo é muito boa, a primeira da franquia a explorar mais a fundo a discussão filosófica de seu universo. Deixando pra trás aquela pegada de assassino bom e templário mal, aqui nada é preto no branco, tudo tem tons de cinza. Haythan pra mim é a síntese disso, não irei elaborar por motivos de spoiler, mas o personagem é uma baita adição a história do jogo e da franquia em geral.

Muito se diz que Connor é um personagem ruim e sem carisma, principalmente quando comparado a Ezio Auditore, protagonista dos jogos anteriores. Devo dizer que discordo, em partes. Connor de fato não é um poço de carisma, mas acredito que isso faça total sentido devido a história do personagem, e sinceramente? Acho ótimo que ele não seja uma cópia de Ezio, ele vive em um mundo completamente diferente do italiano, cobrar isso de Connor pra mim não faz sentido. Não o acho melhor, nem pior, apenas diferente.

Mas nem tudo são flores, o principal problema desse jogo num geral é seu ritmo, ele demora muito pra engrenar, senti que o jogo só me liberou pra aproveitar tudo que ele tem a oferecer lá pelas 10h de gameplay. Dando a sensação de arrastado até ali pra depois jogar tudo em você de uma vez. Acho que poderiam ter deixado isso mais orgânico.

Em relação a gameplay, temos a implementação do sistema de caça, onde você pode conseguir peles pra trocar por itens ou vender pra conseguir uma grana. Bem simples, mas funcional. Outra novidade muito bem vinda foram as missões navais, que geralmente envolvem explorar uma ilha ou entrar em um combate de navios. Tem até uma série de missões sobre um tesouro misterioso. Foi uma bela adição ao jogo e a franquia.

O sistema de recrutar assassinos está de volta, porém com alguns upgrades. Aqui, temos apenas 6, porém cada um tem sua história e uma habilidade única. O que adiciona mais maneiras de abordagem nos conflitos.

Também temos a volta do "minigame" de gerenciar lojas/vilas, porém dessa vez, cuidamos de uma fazenda. É de longe o melhor até aqui, pois semelhante ao que aconteceu com o sistema de recrutamento de assassinos, aqui também se preocuparam em dar uma história pras pessoas que você emprega. E não é qualquer coisa não, tem literalmente uma série de missões só sobre a fazenda e as pessoas que lá vivem. Recomendo a todos que as façam. Diferente dos outros jogos, a fazenda não te dá renda passiva, porém, os moradores fazem itens que você pode usar pra vender ou construir equipamentos melhores.

No mais, temos missões secundárias de assassinato, facções, entrega de cartas, coletaveis, tudo aquilo que você espera de um jogo da franquia.

Boston e Nova Iorque não são meus mapas preferidos da saga, mas a ambientação deles é boa. Elogiar isso é chover no molhado nessa franquia. Mas confesso que gostei muito mais das florestas da Fronteira e da calmaria da Fazenda kkkkk.

No geral, diria que AC3 é um jogo subestimado, tem seus defeitos, porém longe de ser a atrocidade que ouvia falar. Minha experiência de modo geral foi muito boa.

It is clear that this game was the stepping stone into what made black flag so great. As a protagonist, Connor has nothing on Ezio so coming from the best protagonist of the series to one that is quite mediocre is an unfortunate change, taking nothing away from the performance which is quite good. It is a shame that Connor is massively overshadowed by Haytham who is by far a more interesting character.

Gameplay wise this game doesn't differ much from the previous' formula. Combat feels clean and enjoyable, Connor has a fun combat style. However it seems like stealth was an afterthought in this game as any sections that had stealth as an option were far to annoying to put much effort into.

Whilst I find it to be overlooked compared to other Assassins creed games, It still sits in the middle of the pack, not bad by any means but nothing exceptional. As for the remaster itself, its bog standard, if anything its just a more accessible way to play it now.

I liked ACIII a lot back when it came out but every time I try to go through the remaster I like the game less. Also I shouldn't have to boot up the game and change my console's settings every single time just so the lightning is normal.