Reviews from

in the past

Loved the concept of being a templar, this game takes the formula of black flag and makes it so much better, my favorite so far in the series

Pretty good although unremarkable experience on the Rogue Collection. The ship sailing is still very boring. The arctic environments are very cool. However, more so than anything this just feels like more of the same in the worst ways possible as nothing new happens, the environments are barren in many cases, and the story is very unmemorable.

combines some of my least favorite elements of both III and Black Flag into a package that's actually pretty solid. a few reservations aside, the story is decently interesting which is a tough achievement for games in this franchise to accomplish. not very polished but it's an admirable swan song for the 7th-generation era of Assassin's Creed. still not a fan of naval combat but I can't deny that they improved it here. some excellent setpieces (some of the series' best) and a great score too. really underrated

I never played this game when it first released, because I was younger and I just couldn't fathom how Ubisoft could release an Assassin's Creed game about a Templar. Oh, the humanity!

I came to learn that Rogue is basically Black Flag, but even more up my alley in terms of historical tourism. Black Flag takes place in the sunny, tropical Caribbean. You are playing as Edward Kenway, a boy who thinks he is a man and learns what it means to be a man over the course of the story. Assassin's Creed Rogue juxtaposes Shay Cormac (the protag) and Edward Kenway in more ways than the color of their robes.

Shay's inner conflict that drives him away from the Assassins stems from a mission in which he inadvertently causes the great earthquake of Lisbon in 1755. Shay, feeling awful for doing the bidding of the smarmy and secretive Assassins becomes disillusioned and winds up as a Templar.

I will say, I find Shay to be a bit whiny but he is also more mature than Edward. Shay already has a moral compass. Shay already knows what he thinks is right and wrong, and through this conviction he becomes the most dangerous Templar to ever live. He is an Assassin killer, through and through.

To return to the setting, Rogue takes place mostly in North America and the river systems, bays and inlets of New England. Shay will also take his ship, the Morrigan, out into Canada and up around Greenland. I have never seen an environment like this before in a video game and it just works so well for me, a fan of American history and frontiersmanship.

Rogue is definitely more than a "re-skinned" Black Flag - but also, it doesn't have to be. Trade your unbuttoned blouses and headbands for a heavy winter coat and whaling cap as you and Shay meticulously slaughter the American Colonial Brotherhood of Assassins and set up the stories of Assassin's Creed 3 and Assassin's Creed Unity.

My review of Black Flag for more substance:

This Assassin's Creed title is often overlooked, but it deserves more recognition. Its standout feature is the compelling storyline centred around the ascent of a Templar and his moral dilemmas. This unique perspective introduces an exciting gameplay dynamic where Assassins attempt to eliminate the protagonist. Additionally, the minimal focus on present-day plot development is a positive aspect for me.

However, aside from these strengths, the gameplay follows the familiar formula, and the game world can be described as a typical Ubisoft-style map, filled with numerous collectables that may not hold significant meaning.

A less interesting Black Flag. If Shay wasn’t such a good character this game would’ve been a chore to get through.

This ones weird. Its basically the same game as 4 thats set between 4 and 3, and instead of being an Assassin you start as an assassin that turns to be a Templar because the Assassins are dumb assholes in this one. It was pretty interesting at first but once you fully turn I stopped caring. It fills in a backstory to 3 that I didnt really have questions about, and at the end it links to Unity, a game I did not like nor do I remember, and that kinda illuminates the issue with this game; its a quick basic reskin of an old game made so as to not alienate the last gen userbase as they moved onto XBone and PS4 which I get. When viewed in that context its fine but otherwise.

There was way less trailing missions in this, which was super great, but it was real short in terms of story content and they decided to make up for that by making the world bigger and throwing a bunch of collectables at you that i for some reason really went at for a couple days.

Overall I was real disappointed since I’ve read high praise for this game but in the end it was short and didnt offer a lot, even if some aspects like arctic naval combat were kinda neat.

And thus ends my hellscape of getting all the AC games off my hard drive comes to an end. What have we learned from this gruesome experience? Well, I sortof understand the modern day stuff now, to a point. so theres that. thats it I think.

Sigo con AC. En esta ocasión lo vemos desde la perspectiva de un templario y a gusto personal sube el nivel respecto a Black Flag. Su protagonista sí que me ha gustado.
El gameplay sigue siendo igual.

Entre pensando que era un reciclado del AC4 y sali contentísimo

o melhor da franquia, mostra o outro lado da historia e de que nem sempre os assassinos são os bonszinho da historia

Quite a goofy story, but honestly quite good overall given that it's just Black Flag but cold.

When I replayed this game recently for a marathon leading up to the release of Valhalla, I actually started liking it a bit more, that has changed.
I now see what everyone was talking about, the Assassins and Templars are basically just switched around now, to give Shay more of a reason to join the Templars, like they couldn't have made his change be about some disagreements or maybe he saw that the Brotherhood wasn't truly helping people and decided to leave them so that he could be more of a help to them?
Nope, the Assassins are assholes and the Templars are nice.
Not to mention, this game has a pointless tie-in with Unity that amounts to nothing in the end.
Another thing is that the game is basically Black Flag, but boring, how do you take a game like Black Flag and make it boring?!

I played this one right after a replay of Black Flag, and it basically felt like the same game, with a more AC3-esque atmosphere. Not a bad game, but not what I wanted having just spent a good amount of time playing Black Flag. I pretty much ignored all side content/collectibles.